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1、山东大学大学英语试卷 2014级专科英语4期末考试模拟试卷一 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)1. The lift is out of_so well have to walk.A. function B.order C.running D.work2. what do you_to do about the problem now that this solution has failed?A. attempt B.think C.pretend D.intend3. we have_for a new secretary but we

2、 havent had any replies yet.A. advertised B.advised C.snnounced D.noticed4. Ive_for the job and I hope Ill get it.A. appointed B.applied C.presented D.aucceeded5. I_an answer to my letter within a few days.A. hope B.wait C.look forward D.expect6. When he_he wants to be an architect.A. ages B.grows C

3、.grows up D.increases7. It is on the top shelf,out of_.A. distance B.reach C.touch D.arrive8. Theyre staying with us _ the time being until they find a place of their own.A.during B.in C.since D.for9. Would you _ holding this box for me while I open the door?A.like B.matter C.mind D.object10. He is

4、_ dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.A.carrying B.fitting C.bearing D.wearing11. They have put the bird in a cage to _ it from flying away.A.avoid B.prevent C.hinder D.resist12.He won the first _ in the competition.A.prize B.price C.reward D.premium13.Sixty per cent of television viewers

5、chose him as their _ actor.A.popular B.preferred C.favorite D.favored14.We have been _ with that firm for many years.A.treating B.making business C.dealing D.supplying15. I cant give you an answer yet.Id like _ more time to consider my decision.A.quite B.fairly C.hardly D.rather16. Where do you_ the

6、 writing paper?In this desk?A.keep B.hold C.maintain D.guard17.Its the _ in this country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring,A. use B.custom C.habit D.normal18.Youd better add it up.Im no good at _. A.counters B.characters C.summaries D.figures19. Id like to take _of this opportuni

7、ty to thank you all for your cooperation. A.profit B.benefit C.advantage D.occasion20. He wasnt _ to the club because he wasnt a member. A.permitted B.admitted C.allowed D.agreedPart II Reading Comprehension(30 points)Directions: There are several passages in this part. Each passage is followed by s

8、ome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

9、 During the nineteenth century, the mechanization of farming and the fencing of rangeland opened the agricultural heart of North America to intensive development. As the natural geographic center of this region, Chicago became the crossroads of a vast transportation network. The great waterway syste

10、ms of the Mississippi valley and the Great Lakes were linked in Chicago in 1847, when the Illinois-Michigan Canal was opened to traffic. Within the next year, rail lines began to operate trains to and from the city. The rise of agricultural activity demanded facilities for the storage and milling of

11、 grain, the slaughtering of cattle, and the processing and shipment of meat. The manufacture of farm machinery branched out into the basic metal-fabricating and wood working industries. This soon attracted banks and other financial institutions. Four years after the end of the Civil War, Chicago was

12、 already established as the focal point of the largest system of inland waterways in the world and the hub of a rail network that extended to the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts. The productive potential of the city was unparalleled, and the pace of its industrial expansion reached explosive (激增的

13、) proportions.21. What is the main topic of passage?A) The effects of the Civil War on the development of Chicago.B) The effects of intensive farming in North America.C) The evolution of Chicago as an industrial center.D) The impact of agriculture on industrial development.22. Why did Chicago initia

14、lly begin to grow?A) It was located in the middle of a productive area.B) Its industries attracted jobless people.C) It could provide food for a large local population.D) Its wealthy inhabitants invested their money there.23. When did Chicagos first railroad service begin?A) 1846.B) 1847.C) 1848.D)

15、1849.24. Chicago was primarily important to the cattle industry as a _.A) market for meatB) breeding centerC) center of metal-fabricating and woodworking industriesD) place to finance cattle purchases25. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a major factor in Chicagos growth?A) N

16、ew railroad lines.B) Innovative farm equipment.C) Increased water transportation networks.D) Rising demand for the manufacture of explosives.Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: Shanghai, literally the “City on the Sea”, has in the 1990s become the center of Chinas econo

17、mic development. Lying on the Yangzi River delta (三角洲), it marks the point where Asias longest and most important river completes its 5,500km journey to the Pacific. Until 1842, Shanghais location made it merely a small fishing village. After the First Opium War, the British named Shanghai a treaty

18、(缔约) port, forcing the citys opening to foreign involvement. The village was soon turned into a city and in its best time, it was known for the best culture and arts in Asia, the greatest architecture, the strongest business. Today Shanghai has once again become one of Chinas most open cities. It no

19、w hosts the nations stock market, accounts for one-sixth of the countrys GNP, and houses the most important industrial base in the nation. Shanghais open policy has also made the city the new hot attraction for foreign investors. As millions of dollars pour in, especially to Pudong, Shanghai has aga

20、in become home to tens of thousands of foreigners. Foreign influence has made todays Shanghai a Chinese consumers heaven. With higher salaries, more goods, and more and more means for entertainment, its not surprising, then, that the Shanghainese enjoy one of the highest living standards in China.26

21、. In the early nineteenth century, Shanghai was _.A) only a small villageB) a prosperous cityC) forced to open to foreign shipsD) an important port in China27. The first paragraph mainly tells us about _.A) what turned Shanghai into a cityB) the First Opium War meant disaster to ShanghaiC) Shanghais

22、 location is very poorD) Shanghai is near the Pacific28. Which description of todays Shanghai is NOT true?A) It is one of Chinas open cities.B) It is an ideal place for consumers.C) It boasts the nations stock market.D) It hosts most of the nations industrial bases.29. Foreign investors come to Shan

23、ghai for _.A) its unique locationB) its preferential policiesC) its vast areaD) its glorious history30. Which of the following sentences can be used as a best example to support the sentence “Foreign influence has made todays Shanghai a Chinese consumers heaven”?A) World-famous brands can be found h

24、ere and there.B) Many foreigners pour into Shanghai.C) Many Shanghaineses go to study abroad.D) Foreign films are on show in many theatres.Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:At present, there are many ways to travel, that is, we can choose different ways to got to som

25、e place.In China, more and more people have their own cars. Therefore, the roads are getting busier and busier sometimes there are many traffic jams, especially in the big cities. How can we solve this problem? On the earth the population is growing larger and larger and there will be less and less

26、space. So some scientists are trying to make a new kind of car-a flying car. A flying car is a car that not only runs on the road, but also flies in the sky whenever there is heavy traffic. It is just like a bat, as it has wings. When the car runs on the ground, the wings are folded. However, when i

27、t flies, the wings are unfolded. It can fly at the height of 1,500-3,000 metres, and it can fly at the speed of 600 kilometers per hour.There will be another kind of train in the future. Maybe it will be called the “flying train”- it looks like a plane, but it has no wings. It can run near the groun

28、d but it doesnt touch the ground. It will be much faster than any train currently available. A Japanese scientist says this kind of flying train can be made by the year 2020.So perhaps it is possible that cars and trains can fly in the sky in the future. Actually, the future plane may fly not only i

29、n the sky, but also under-ground. Yes, it will be called the “under-ground plane.” At present, it is still just an idea in scientists mind. According to the idea, an underground plane has two storeys . It can hold 400 people. The plane will be 50 meters long, four meters tall and over two meters wid

30、e. It will be a rectangle(长方形). Its wings are in the middle of the plane. At the bottom, there are two pairs of wheels. They are used when the plane lands. When the plane is flying, it is one meter above the ground. Some scientists think that this kind of plane is better than the airplanes we have n

31、ow.31. Why do scientists want to make “flying car” and flying train”?A) Because the roads are getting more and more crowded.B) Because the population on earth is increasing.C) Because we will have less and less space.D) Because people need new modes of transportation.32. A flying car .A) folds its w

32、ings when it runs on the groundB) flies in the sky as its name indicatesC) keeps its wings unfoldedD) is even faster than future planes33. Which of the following statements is true about the “flying train” ?A) It looks just like a plane with no wings.B) It can fly or run directly on the ground.C) A

33、Japanese is hopeful of making one such train.D) It may be available by 2020.34. What will the future plane be like?A) It flies underground as well as in the sky.B) It has two storeys in the shape of a square.C) It has two pairs of wheels in the middle.D) It flies one meter under the ground.35. It ca

34、n be seen from the passage that _.A) the modes of future transportation are unknownB) the Japanese are ahead in terms of technological know-howC) the potential of creativity is unlimitedD) people can do whatever they think ofPart III Cloze(10 points)Directions: There are a number of blanks in the fo

35、llowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. In everyday usage “hot” means “having a lot of heat.” Many people

36、think that “cold” is something completely separated 36 heat. But this is not true. “Cold” simply means “having very 37 heat.” Your life depends on heat. 38 , every 39 thing depends on it. Without heat, every living thing 40 to death. All living things get their heat from the sun, which 41 the condit

37、ions in which life is 42 . 43 before the dawn of history, man has been able to make his own heat. He has been able to 44 the suns heat that is trapped in things 45 wood, coal, and oil. And he has been able to use this heat. Heat has made 46 possible. With heat, man could melt metals. 47 man learned

38、to use metals and fuels, industries grew. 48 , engines were invented. These are machines that change heat energy into 49 energy. Engine can do the work of many men. 50 engines, industrial civilizations is impossible. 51 when the first engines were built in the 17th century, men were still 52 about t

39、he 53 of heat. “What is it?” they asked. 54 the early years of the 19th century did they find the right 55 .36.A) withB) toC) fromD) by37.A) fewB) a fewC) littleD) a little38.A) HoweverB) In factC) UsuallyD) Finally39.A) livingB) aliveC) lifeD) live40.A) is frozenB) would freezeC) would have been fr

40、ozenD) would be frozen41.A) reviewsB) dividesC) providesD) bears42.A) possibleB) probableC) feasibleD) practicable43.A) EvenB) UntilC) JustD) Since44.A) releaseB) reliveC) relieveD) revive45.A) as well asB) such asC) such likeD) as well46.A) cultureB) civilianC) civilizationD) cultural47.A) ThroughB

41、) ByC) SinceD) As48.A) In spite of thatB) NeverthelessC) HoweverD) As a result49.A) machineryB) mechanicalC) electricalD) mechanic50.A) WithB) WithoutC) ThroughoutD) Through51.A) YetB) ThereforeC) MoreoverD) Again52.A) wonderedB) wonderingC) wonderfulD) wondrous53.A) nativeB) nationC) natureD) naive

42、54.A) UntilB) InC) DuringD) Not until55.A) answerB) replyC) approachD) methodPart IV Translation ( 30 points ) Section A Translate the following sentences into chinese.56.Someone in the crowd called out his name but he couldnt see who._57.Too much stress is also claimed to be associated with a short

43、enedlife expectancey._58.We covered 400 kilometers in tree hours._59.She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do._60.He was an ardent defender of the Olympic ideasls._Section B Translate the following sentences into English.61.这两个品牌中,你比较喜欢哪一个?_62.他一直复习完今天所学的功课之后才睡觉。_63.环境污染对人体健康的影响这个问题正在日益受到关注。_64.与城市生活相比,在乡村时间似乎过得很慢。_65.这个城镇处处令人联想起那位艺术家的一生.66.终生学习是一种由好奇心和热情激发的生活哲学。_67.你不应该和你老师在论文题目上发生争执。_68.你一定是在旅途中丢失了火车票。_69.她起身走出房间,她丈夫也跟了出去。_70.许多人现在靠失业保险维持生计。Part V Writing ( 20 poi


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