现代汉字学名词解释(Interpretation of modern Chinese characters).doc

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1、现代汉字学名词解释(Interpretation of modern Chinese characters)The language used in the field of social communication is for the public and for others, including print, printed characters, video, screen characters, computer characters, and Street Chinese characters.5. four:Quantitative, setting, tuning, orde

2、ring four is Chinese characters, is the main content of modern Chinese characters standardization.1, characters - writing is the writing symbol system of recording language, and is the most important auxiliary communication tool of human beings.2 phonemic characters that record phonemes in the langu

3、age, such as English and russian.3, syllable writing - each letter of the text records a syllable in the language, such as japanese.4, morpheme writing - this kind of writing records the morpheme in the language, such as chinese.The smallest unit of writing 5 letters of alphabet or phonetic symbols.

4、6, culture - there are broad and narrow sense of two kinds of understanding:Broad sense culture refers to the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in social practice.The narrow sense of culture refers to the ideology of society, as well as its corresponding system and

5、organizational structure.7, since the source text is usually not on other words, independent text that is created from the source text.8, the source text is usually by reference or other text on text is created by the source text.9, the cultural circle of Chinese characters refers to the areas affec

6、ted by the Han nationality culture on the basis of Chinese characters, specifically,Refers to the Chinese as the main body, including South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asian countries, including the use of Chinese characters in the country.10, modern Chinese characters refer to the words used in modern

7、Chinese, that is, modern vernacular characters.11, the frequency is Chinese characters using frequency, refers to a certain historical period by the text data samplingThe ratio of the number of times each character is used and the total number of words in the sample.12, the utility decline rate of C

8、hinese characters is the imbalance law of the frequency of Chinese characters, and the higher the frequency of Chinese characters,The wider the coverage, the better the utility, and the lower the frequency of the use of Chinese characters, the narrower the coverage and the worse the utility. For exa

9、mple, 5 thousand Chinese characters, using frequency first, have the highest utility of Chinese characters, and each of the later Chinese characters will be handed down as the frequency of use decreasesReduction. Utility is proportional to the frequency of use.13, the reduction rate of stroke is a t

10、rend of the number of strokes Chinese characters is the use of frequency and Chinese characters are closely related to the use of Chinese characters.The higher the frequency, the fewer strokes of Chinese characters, the lower the frequency of Chinese characters, the more strokes constitute Chinese c

11、haracters, and the frequency of the word is inversely proportional to the number of strokes in the characters.14, the number of characters is based on the character, where the shape of different Chinese characters, regardless of whether the same pronunciation, even different words, such as country a

12、nd country even if two words, this word is the number of characters.15, the number of characters - not only look at the font, but also depends on the morpheme. Glyph is different, if it meansThe same morpheme, even if a word, so that the number of words is the number of words.16, the word - - the ch

13、aracter of a Chinese character is determined by the nature of the morpheme it recordsDraw two lines, one is the boundary between modern Chinese characters and ancient Chinese characters, and the other is the boundary between modern Chinese characters and modern Chinese dialects.17, the universal wor

14、d - is written in modern Chinese general use of the word, but also publishing, printing, lexicography, information processing and so on.18, commonly used words - that is often used words, that is, frequency and use of high words.19, the specific use of words - to a specific community of words used a

15、s object, is the specific use of words. For example, literacy,Characters used in primary school education and characters used in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.20, traceability analysis - the analysis of the word in the font of the object. (Xie Jun)21. analysis of the status quo: is the curr

16、ent script font specification as the object of analysis done. (P64)22., the external structure analysis is to study how a word is composed of the smallest configuration units by layer by layer, for the two-dimensional block Chinese characters, including the combination of components and combinations

17、. (P64)23.: the internal structure analysis is to study the relationship between the grapheme and pronunciation and meaning, so that the motivation of word structure, word structure that the types of modern Chinese characters. (P65)24. strokes: the lines that make up Chinese characters and the small

18、est units of Chinese characters. (P65)25., the word quantity: refers to a definite Chinese character collection, how many Chinese characters are there in each stroke. (P66)26. strokes: refers to the written order of Chinese characters writing, people correct writing experience Chinese characters. (P

19、72)The 27. part: also called etymons, characters, words, it is the word unit has matched Chinese characters function formed by strokes. (P74)28. basic components: means the smallest parts can not be re split. (P78)Twenty-nineGeneral word: a component that has a universal character that takes part in

20、 more than two different glyphs. (P79)30. individual characters: a word made up of a basic component. (P86)31. combining characters: two or more than two basic components of the word. (P86)32. characters: the basic unit of characters that is derived from the analysis of the internal structure of Chi

21、nese characters. (P92)33 meaning: it is a symbol in relation to the whole word in meaning. (P93)34 note: a symbol that is related to the whole word in pronunciation. (P93)35 mark: and the whole word in meaning and pronunciation are not linked to the symbol. (P93)36 new six: refers to three types of

22、modern Chinese characters in character collocation use, form modern Chinese characters of six kinds of structure. (P93)37 mark: a word consisting of marks.38. simplified characters: Simplified Chinese characters based on Simplified Chinese characters.39., traditional characters: simplified words cor

23、responding to the strokes of more words.40. variant characters: pronunciation of the same meaning and different characters font. (Xu Lei)41., variant word (P136): also called variant word. It means the same, synonymous and different forms of writing in modern Chinese written language.42. government

24、standards (P137): issued by the government departments, generally mandatory.43. expert standard (P137): it is put forward by language writers. It is not mandatory, but the normative opinions of authoritative experts have a great influence on society.44. new national tone (P144): Beijing pronunciatio

25、n as a national standard. The national tone thus decided was later called the new national tone.45. (P146): variant pronunciation of polyphonic characters, is a word of two or more than two said the same meaning and pronunciation.46. mulfiple readlngcharacters (P152): referred to as polyphones, its

26、characteristic is that a word has two or more than two different pronunciation and pronunciation, and associated with different significance.47. note (P153): a dictionary in which each pronunciation of polyphonic characters called a sound.The 48. stage (P153): a mulfiple readlngcharacters several so

27、und using different frequency, high and low, which can distinguish sound level, a total of three times: read, read, read.49. homonym (P160): refers to the meaning of different and the same pronunciation of a group of words.Method: 50. radicals (P172) comprises a vertical part and two part part. Of t

28、hat is to establish which department does not establish what department to the Department; refers to how to determine the radical of a word, in order to put the word into the appropriate department.51. radicals (P168): the dictionary is used to represent the same category called radical radical. Suc

29、h as: man, Bing.Method: 52. sequencer (P177) is in accordance with the pronunciation order words, to establish a method of word order.53. tone code input method (P206): in fact, Pinyin conversion method, that is, input Pinyin, automatically converted into Chinese characters by computer.54. speech re

30、cognition (P212): the sound transmission device is connected with the computer, the voice signal is transmitted to the computer. Using speech analysis technology, the internal code of Chinese characters is identified and recognized by computer. This process is called Chinese speech recognition.55. o

31、rthography (P219): on the establishment and implementation of the standard of shape called orthography.56., standardized Chinese characters (P219): mainly refers to the new China since the establishment of the government issued by the standard document of the Chinese characters.57., social use of wo

32、rds (P220): refers to the circulation of society, used in the field of social communication words.58. four (P225): the modern standard includes the word Chinese characters, font, pronunciation and word order in these four aspects, to achieve the standard Chinese characters in these four aspects, we

33、should do by quantitative, setting, tuning, sequencing.59. Shu Tongwen (P241): the Chinese characters on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are united as one.60. non Chinese characters (P267): in addition to Chinese characters, there are three kinds of non Chinese characters, Arabia numerals, Latin letters, punctuation marks. (Zhao Fuqi)


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