1AM4单元备课 Module 4 The natural world Schema of work.doc

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1、Module 4 The natural world Schema of workLessonCore contentsExtensionTeaching materialsGrammar and expressionsVocabulary1Its achick, duck, pig Peep, quack, oinkCassette player Media pictures2Whats this/that? Its acowmooMedia tables pictures scissors sticker3monkey,panda, bearThis is a/anThats a/anCa

2、ssette player Media pictures4Is this/that?Yes. /No.tigerMedia tables pictures5red, yellow,greenorangeI like (colour)(n.)Cassette player Media pictures crayon 6What colour is it? Its.Colour the(n.)(colour )bluecolour, brownCassette player Media picturesSB WB crayon stationeriesLesson 1 TOPIC: On the

3、farmAIMS: 1. Using nouns to identify common farm animals e.g., chick, duck, pig2. Using a pronoun to refer to something e.g., Its a chick.3. Using some words to imitate the sounds of different farm animals e.g., OinkOink4. Eliciting students affection for farm animals.AIDS: pictures, cassette player

4、, media PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSES. Pre-task Preparation1. Warming-upSong:Old Macdonald had a farm(media) Ps enjoy the song.通过歌曲让学生对今天的主题“在农场上”和一些农场动物有所感知,并以良好的情绪状态开始本课的学习。. While-task ProcedureContent1: 1.Elicitation(media )T: Look! This is Old Macdonalds farm. He has a friend. Its a farm an

5、imal. What is it? Listen!(tape)Its my friend. Its fat. T: What animal is it? P1: Pig.老师通过出示情景让学生直观感受农场动物,通过农场主Old Macdonald的介绍,引入第一个动物pig,同时这个介绍的过程为之后的学生对话作铺垫。2. Mechanical PracticeRhyme:Thin pig, fat pig, one and two. Thin pig, fat pig, I see you.a. T says. Ps follow. Bs and Gs say. Pn say.b. T: Ho

6、w many pigs? Ps: Two pigs. T: This is a P1: Thin pig. T: That is a P2: Fat pig.c. T says the rhyme. Ps follow. Ps say the rhyme together. 通过学生跟读,编儿歌等多种方式操练单词发音,熟悉单词与形容词fat和thin的搭配使用。Content2: Its a1.Elicitation(Media shows one pig.)T: Look!Whats this? P1: Pig.T: Right! And you can say “Its a pig.”P1

7、 follow.老师通过出示猪的图片让学生回答来引入句型Its a。2. Mechanical Practicea. T says and Pn follow. Several groups say.b. (The pig on the screen becomes bigger.)Now its a Ps: Fat pig. Then Ps say together. (The pig on the screen becomes bigger/smaller. ) Ps say: Its a fat/thin pig. 学生通过反复跟读来熟悉句型。通过猪的形态的有趣变化来让学生再次操练句型,

8、并为后面的两两操练作铺垫。3. Meaningful PracticePair work:Its a fat/thin pig.a. P1 acts a fat/thin pig. P2 says: Its a fat/thin pig.Ps do it in pairs.通过同桌一位学生扮演小猪,另一位学生根据它的形态变化来说出句子“Its a fat/thin pig.”再一次巩固句型。Content3: duck1.Elicitation(a picture of the farm)T: The fat pig also has a good friend. What is it? Li

9、sten.(tape) Its my friend. Its small. It can swim.T: What animal is it? P1: Its a duck. 通过小猪的介绍,让学生感知鸭子的形态特征与本领,通过猜谜引入单词duck2. Mechanical PracticeRhyme: Duck, duck. Its a duck. It can swim. Swim, swim.a. T says and Ps follow. Ps say the word two by two. b. T: Whats this? P1: Its a duck. T: What can

10、it do? P1: Swim.T says the rhyme. Ps follow. Then Bs and Gs perform the rhyme.通过学生跟读的方式,操练单词。通过师生问答引出儿歌,通过学儿歌、表演儿歌不仅让学生再次操练单词,并为之后的游戏活动铺垫。3. Meaningful PracticeCompetition:Its a duck. It can(Media)T: This is Donald Duck. Its a clever duck. Look! It can do many things. Who can introduce the duck. The

11、 class is divide into several teams. If the members in one team answer correctly, their team got one star. The team got most stars at last is the winner.通过引入聪明可爱的唐老鸦,让学生套用之前的句型来进行介绍。通过这样的游戏竞赛活动来激发学生的参与热情、表达能力与思维想象能力。Content4: chick1.Elicitation (a picture of the farm) T: The duck also has a good fri

12、end. Whats it? Listen.(tape) Its my friend. Its small. It cant swim. It goes “peep, peep”. T: What is it? P1: Its a chick.通过鸭子的介绍来引入它的朋友小鸡,导入单词chick2. Mechanical PracticeQuick ResponseRhyme: Its a chick. Peep, peep. Its a duck. Quack, quack.a. T says and Ps follow.Pn say one by one.b. (picture of a

13、chick and a duck)T points to the two animals and Ps say together.T: Peep, peep. Whats this? P1: Its a chick. T says, Ps follow. Bs and Gs say. T: Quack, quack. Whats this? P1: Its a duck. T says. Ps follow.c. T says the rhyme, Ps follow. Then Ps say the rhyme in groups.通过学生反复跟读的方式,操练单词。学生通过看图进行快速反应的

14、方式与听音快速反应的方式来操练单词,熟悉两种动物的叫声。通过儿歌的方式将刚才的学习内容加以巩固,并为最后的对话铺垫。. Post-task ActivityActivity 1Pair work:Listen and judgeT: Listen! What is this?(noise of chicks, ducks and pigs ) Pn answer.Then P1 acts a chick, a duck or a pig. P2 guesses : Its a Ps play the game in pairs.通过让学生听一听Kitty与Danny对他们的动物朋友的介绍导入今

15、天的对话内容,同时训练学生的听力。Activity 2Listen and sayKitty: Its a pig. Oink, oink. Its my friend. Its fat.Danny: Its a duck. Quack, quack. Its my friend. It can swim.a. Ps listen to the tape, then Pn choose out what animals are Kitty and Dannys friend.b. Ps say after the tape. c. Ps choose out their animal frie

16、nd and introduce to their friends.通过问答考察学生的听力情况。学生通过跟读与角色扮演熟悉对话内容。最后通过学生自己选择喜爱的动物进行两两对话,来训练学生的表达能力。ConsolidationListening: Listen to the tape on SB P38-41.Speaking: Make a dialogue.Lesson 2 TOPIC: On the farmAIMS: 1. Asking wh-questions to find out specific information about something e.g., Whats th

17、is?2. Recognize common farm animals and their corresponding sounds e.g., Its a cow. MooMoo 3. Eliciting students affection for farm animals.AIDS: pictures, cassette player, media, scissors, sticker PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSES. Pre-task PreparationWarming-upRhyme:Whats this? Its a chick. Whats

18、that? Its a duck. The chick and the duck. The duck and the chick. Peep, peep, peep. Quack, quack, quack. Ps enjoy and follow.通过儿歌让学生以愉快的情绪进入学习状态,并复习已学的单词与句型,感知今天的新授内容:Whats this? 和Whats that? RevisionDialoguePn perform their dialogue.通过学生展示自己编的对话,来激发他们表达的欲望,复习旧知。. While-task ProcedureContent1: 1.Eli

19、citationT: I also have a friend. What is it? Listen. Its my friend. Its big. It goes “Moomoo”P1: Its a cow.通过老师介绍自己的动物朋友来导入单词cow。2. Mechanical PracticeRhyme:Its a cow, a fat cow.Its a cow, a thin cow. Its a cow, a big cow.Its a cow, a small cow.They are cows. Moomooa. T says. Ps follow.b. T say the

20、rhyme. Ps follow then perform in groups.通过学生跟读单词,记忆单词读音。通过儿歌加强学生对单词的记忆。Content2: Whats this? Its a1.Elicitation(the picture of a farm)T: Whats this? P1: Its a 通过看图问答来导入句型2. Mechanical PracticePassing Game:Whats this?Its aa. T says “Whats this?” Ps follow.b. (pictures of farm animals)T: Whats this? G

21、roup leaders: Its aThen T gives group leaders the pictures of farm animals. Each group ask, answer and pass one by one.让学生跟读句子。通过传物接力的比赛刺激学生快速记忆句子。Content3: Whats that?Its a1.ElicitationT(points to the far away picture of a farm animal): Whats that? P1: Its a通过老师指远处的动物图片进行问答来让学生感知Whats that?的含义。2. M

22、echanical PracticeRhyme:Whats this? Its a chick. Whats that? Its a duck. The chick and the duck. The duck and the chick. Peep, peep, peep. Quack, quack, quack.a. T says. Ps follow.Bs and Gs say. Pn say.Ps perform the rhyme in their groups.通过学生跟读来操练句子发音。通过儿歌表演进一步加深对两个句型的记忆。3. Meaningful PracticeListe

23、ning, matching and speaking:Whats this? Its a chick. Whats that? Its a duck.Whats this? Its a pig.Whats that? Its a cow.a. T says, Ps listen and match the places and farm animals.b. Then Ps ask and answer in pairs.c. T checks the answer.通过听一听,连一连的活动锻炼学生的听力,体会Whats this?和Whats that?的区别。学生通过两两相互问答来检查彼

24、此的答案,操练句型。. Post-task ActivityActivity 1Game:Bingo:Its a Its big/small/ fat/ thin. Its my friend.(a table with different farm animals in different sizes)The whole class divides into two teams. The team first got three stars in a line is the winner.通过小组竞赛活动来巩固学生对几种动物的记忆,并能进行一定的描述。Activity 2Making a f

25、arm map: Draw, cut and stick.Pair workP1: Whats this? P2: P1: Whats that?P2: Its a Its my friend. Its fat/thin.a. Ps draw, cut and stick the farm animals on the pictures of farms.b. Ps ask and answer in pairs. 让学生自制一个农场地图,请好朋友扮演来访者,提出问题。制作者扮演农场主,进行回答和描述,来激发学生的参与热情,鼓励他们积极开口。ConsolidationListening: Li

26、sten to SB P38-41.Speaking: Survey your friends farm map and record the farm animals on his farm.Lesson 3 TOPIC: In the zooAIMS: 1. Using nouns to identify animals. e.g. monkey, panda, bear2. Using adjectives to describe animals. e.g. Its fat.3. Using the patterns to introduce things. e.g. This/That

27、 is a/an4. Eliciting the Ss affection for animals.AIDS: pictures, cassette player, media PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSES. Pre-task Preparation RevisionAsking and answering(scene on the farm)T: Whats this/that? How many s? Do you like farm animals?Pn answer.T: Where else can you see many animals, t

28、oo?通过关于农场动物的问答帮助学生复习旧知。Warming-upSong:In the zooTheres a tiger in the zoo.Theres a lion in the zoo.Theres a monkey in the zoo. La la la la la.Ps enjoy.T introduces the animals in the zoo. 通过儿歌让学生感知今天的主题,并以愉快的情绪进入学习状态。. While-task ProcedureContent1: monkey1.Elicitation(picture of a monkey)T: Do you l

29、ike the monkey? P1: Yes.通过看图引入单词monkey。2. Mechanical PracticeRhyme:Whats this? Whats this? Its a monkey. Monkey,monkey. Its small. Monkey,monkey. Funny, funny.a. T says. Ps follow. Pn say two by two. b. T: What does the monkey like to eat? Pn guess: The monkey likes(Another three monkeys appear on t

30、he screen.)T: Now how many monkeys? P1 answer.T: How is the monkey?T: I like the small monkey. Funny, funny. Which one do you like? Pn say.c. Ps say the rhyme together.通过学生跟读单词,师生问答操练单词,并学会观察,尝试用已学的形容词来描述动物。通过儿歌进一步操练单词。Content2: panda1.Elicitation(the picture of a monkey and a panda)T: Whats this? P

31、s: Its a monkey. T: Whats that? P1: Its a panda.通过看图问答来导入单词panda2. Mechanical Practicea. T says. Ps follow. Pn say one by one. Several groups say.b. T: How many pandas?Is the panda big or small?What can the panda do?Do you like the panda?Pn answer. 学生通过跟读,回答问题来操练单词。3. Meaningful PracticeMaking a new

32、 rhyme.Whats that?Whats that?Its a panda. Panda, panda, Its fat.Panda, panda, Funny, funny.According to the pattern of the former rhyme for monkey, Ps make a new rhyme in groups, then they perform it.通过模仿猴子的儿歌进行仿编,让学生操练单词,培养学生合作与创造意识。Content3: bear1.ElicitationT: This time we will visit an animal. I

33、t looks like a panda, but it is not a panda. What is it? P1: Its a bear. 通过老师给出介绍,让学生猜谜的方式启发思维,导入单词bear。2. Mechanical Practicea. T says. Ps follow.Bs and Gs say. Ps say it in different numbers.b.T introduces the mother bear and the baby bear. T: I like the mother bear. Its fat. And you? Pn say.通过学生跟

34、读来操练单词。通过老师示范,学生模仿进行介绍,来操练单词,并为之后的活动铺垫。3. Meaningful PracticePair work:This is a baby/mother bear. ItsPs say in pairs.T checks.学生通过介绍自己喜爱的熊,来操练单词句型。Content4: Thats a1.ElicitationT: Whats that? P1: Its a bear.T: Right. Thats a bear.老师通过问答,引入句型Thats a配以图片和老师举例,帮助学生理解句意。2. Mechanical PracticeQuick resp

35、onse:Thats a a. T says. Ps follow.b. T shows pictures of different animals. Ps say quickly.通过学生跟读和快速反应的活动帮助学生掌握句型。3. Meaningful PracticeGame:BingoThis/That is a/anIts The whole class is divided into boy team and girl team. The team that got three stars in a line is the winner.通过游戏活动激发学生主动参与,学会根据情景来介

36、绍已学过的动物。. Post-task ActivityActivity 1Pair work:This/That is aIts Its funny. (a picture of the animals in the circus)Ps look for their good friend and make a dialogue.将今天的单词与句型融入对话,通过两两的对话,帮助学生巩固今天的学习内容,并培养他们表达的能力。ConsolidationListening: Listen to SB P42-45.Drawing and Speaking: Draw the missing ani

37、mals on SB P53 and make a dialogue with classmates.Lesson 4 TOPIC: In the zooAIMS: 1. Using nouns to identify animals. e.g. tiger2. Asking yes/no questions to elicit simple responses e.g. Is this/ that a bear?3. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny e.g. Yes./No. Its a panda.4. Eliciting th

38、e Ss affection for animals.AIDS: pictures, cassette player, media PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSES. Pre-task Preparation RevisionPair work:This/That is a/anItsIts funny.(scene of the circus)Ps make a dialogue with friends.通过对话活动帮助学生复习上一节课的知识,为这节课的内容作铺垫。. While-task ProcedureContent1: tiger1.Elicita

39、tion(picture of a tiger)T: Whats this? P1: Its a tiger.通过看图引入单词tiger。2. Mechanical Practicea. T says. Ps follow. Pn say two by two. Several groups say. b. T: How many tigers?/ Is the tiger thin?/ Do you like tigers? Pn answer.通过学生跟读单词,师生问答操练单词。Content2: Is this a tiger?Yes. / No. Its a panda.1.Elici

40、tation(picture of a tiger and a panda)T: Is this a tiger?Ps: Yes. T: Is this a tiger? Ps: No.T: Whats this?Ps: Its a panda.T: No. Its a panda. Ps follow.T: Is this a tiger?通过看图问答来先导入一般疑问句的回答:Yes. / No. Its a .再学习问句:Is this a ?2. Mechanical PracticeGroup competition:T says. Ps follow. Pn say.(picture

41、s of different animals)Ps ask and answer one by one in each group. The quickest group is the winner. 学生通过跟读句子,小组问答接力比赛来操练句型。Content3: Is that a?Yes. / No. Its a1.Elicitation(picture of a rabbit)T: Is that a chick? Ps: No. Its a rabbit.T: Is that a rabbit?通过老师提问,让学生感受句意,再导入句型Is that a?。2. Mechanical

42、PracticeGuessing game:Is that a?a. T says. Ps follow.b. T: Is that, is that, is that a rabbit? Ps say it quickly or slowly.c. Pn say.d. (T holds the pictures of different animals.)T take out one of them and let Pn guess.通过学生跟读句子,用不同的节奏读句子来操练句型。通过猜谜活动让学生在语境中学会使用句子。3. Meaningful PracticePair work: Is

43、that a?Yes. / No. Its a(The animals are in the shadow.)Ps discuss in pairs.通过学生两两问答来学会用句型进行交流。. Post-task ActivityActivity 1Listening and matching:A:Is this a bear? B: Yes. A:Is that a bear? B:No. Its a panda. Its fat. Its funny,too. A:Is this a tiger? B: Yes. Its thin. Its funny.A: Is that a tiger?

44、B: No. Its a monkey. Its funny, too. a. Ps listen and match.(picture of the zoo)b. Ps make a dialogue like this.通过听力连线的活动培养学生的听力,感知对话的内容模式,再仿照对话自编对话,达到巩固与交流的目的。ConsolidationListening: Listen to SB P42-45.Writing: Workbook P42-45Speaking: Look at SB P53 and make a dialogue with your friends.Lesson 5 TOPIC: In the parkAIMS: 1. Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation e.g. red, yellow 2. Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences cor


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