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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!Unit 9 Sad but Beautiful 浙源中学 方微Teaching objectives:Knowledge objectives: 1.Know more about different Chinese traditional musical instruments. 2.Learn more about the story of Abing and his famous art pieces.Ability objectives: 1. The basic reading skills skimming, scanning

2、, and noting supporting details. 2. Express their preferences freely using the target language.Moral objectives: 1. Arouse students interest in traditional Chinese culture learning. 2. Never give up.Teaching key points :1.Have a general understanding of the whole text. 2.The basic reading skills sca

3、nning and skimming. Teaching difficult points: 1.Identify main ideas and supporting details. 2.Develop reading skills by noting specific details. 3.Express their preferences freely. Teaching aids: Multi-media, blackboard, the name card of Abing and so on.Teaching procedure: Step1: Warmming-up1. Watc

4、h a video about Chinese folk music and talk something about it freely.2. A brief introduction of some Chinese traditional instruments by showing the pictures.3. A guessing gameShow several famous pieces of music played on these instruments by listening to the music and guess. 【教学策略及意图】 :运用同学们所熟悉的演员及

5、民间艺术家赵本山演奏视频导入新课,让同学们谈论相关内容并参与竞猜游戏,激活同学们的学习背景,激发学习热情,为下一环节做好铺垫。Step2: Pre-reading Predict the content by looking at the picture in the passage and listening to Erquan Yingyue【教学策略及意图】: 通过观察课文主题图片并欣赏名曲二泉映月,预测文章大意,锻炼和培养同学们的读前预测能力,形成阅读期待。Step3: While-reading1. Skim each paragraph and fill in the chart.

6、ParagraphMain idea1I was _by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue.2Abing lived a very _ life.3Abings musical skills made him very _.【教学策略及意图】: 快速阅读文章第一段最后一段及每段第一句最后一句,概括每段大意和文章主旨,训练同学们跳读的能力。 2. Scan the passage and answer the questions in 2b.Which musician does the reading passage mainly talk about

7、?What is the name of his most famous piece of music?How does the writer feel about this piece of music? 【教学策略及意图】: 快速浏览第一遍跳读之后剩下的文章内容,回答相关问题,读前让同学们注意问题中的关键词,锻炼同学们的寻读技巧。3. Read Para.1 and underline the supporting details in it.4. Read para.2 together and choose T or F.a. His father died when he was v

8、ery young.( )b. Abing could play many musical instruments, such as the drums, dizi and erhu. ( )c. After Abing became blind, he was known for his musical ability. ( )d. When Abing got married , he had a home again, and stopped singing and playing on the streets. ( )5. Read para.3 carefully and fill

9、in the blanks with the words from the passage. Abing played music that could touch the hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can sense both the _ and the _ in it. It makes us think about the _ and _ that we have experienced in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician

10、who has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his music were recorded. And his Erquan Yingyue has become one of Chinas _.【教学策略及意图】: 该文章篇幅较长且生词较多,故而采取分段阅读的方式,并在每段阅读之后设计不同的任务,由易到难,由浅入深。让同学们在完成一个个任务的过程中加深对文章的理解,培养精读的能力。Step4: Post-readingFill in the name card of Abi

11、ng with the help of the blackboard design.And try to retell the story of Abing in groups .Name: Profession: Life: The most famous art piece: Popularity: Let several groups share their stories in class. Step5: Emotional education Talk about what we can learn from Abing freely after learning this pass

12、age.【教学策略及意图】: 通过学习和讨论,实现情感的升华,坚信有志者,事竟成,培养永不放弃的品质。 Step6: Homework Do you know more artists like Abing at home or abroad?Introduce his/her life and works. Blackboard Design Sad but Beautiful Unit9, Section B(2a-2e) Profession Abing Life A Chinese folk musician poor, lonely, sick Popularity 600, written by himself, Erquan Yingyue


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