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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!When i grow upCrayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream jobs. 彩色蜡笔在纸上飞舞,描绘着我们梦想的工作。Our drawings were hung in the hall way for our parents to see at Back to School Night. 我们的画被挂在走廊里,好让我们的父母在“返校之夜”可以看到。I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures

2、of ballet dancers dancing, firefighters putting out a big fire, and spacemen leaping across the moonjobs that were seen as typical dreams of five-year-olds.我记得放眼望去,有的画上是正在跳舞的芭蕾舞演员,有的是正在扑灭大火的消防员,有的是正在月球上跳跃行走的宇航员,这些工作都是五岁孩子梦想中的工作。My picture showed a stick figure with brown hair holding a bottle of ora

3、nge juice over something like a counter. 我画的是一个留着棕色头发的人物线条,她站在柜台后,手里拿着一瓶橙汁。Underneath was my hardly readable handwriting: When I grow up, I want to work at the Market Basket because it would be fun to swipe orange juice across the scanner at the checkout counter.画的下面是我那难以辨认的字:长大后,我想在杂货市场工作,因为在收银台旁边用

4、扫描仪扫橙汁的条形码会很有趣。o this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.至今,我的父母都不会让我忘记:在所有我可以希望拥有的工作当中,五岁的我只是想在当地的食品杂货市场工作。When we are young, questions of what we want to be when we grow up are common.

5、小时候,我们通常会被问到长大了想干什么的问题。When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often. 当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。As teenagers, we are expected to know exactly what we want to be and how we are going to achieve that goal.作为青少年,人们希望我们明确地知道自己长大了想干什么以及如何实现这一目标。When I think about the future, I

6、 definitely dont see myself working at the Market Basket, but in reality, if that was what would make me happy, I would do it. 想到未来,我一定不会想象自己在杂货市场工作,但在现实生活中,如果那样能让我快乐,我就会去做。So, the next time someone asks me what I want to be when I grow up, I will simply say “happy.”所以,下一次有人问我长大想成为什么样的人时,我会简单地说一句:“成

7、为幸福的人。”We may want to take different paths in life, but we all want to be happy wherever we end up.我们在一生中也许会走不同的路,但是无论我们最终到达哪里,我们都希望自己幸福。Football-the game of lifeSince I was five years old, I have been playing the game of football.从五岁起,我就一直在踢足球。As Ive grown into the real world, I have begun to see t

8、he ties between life and football.随着我渐渐适应现实世界,我开始意识到了生活和足球之间的联系。When things get hard, like what we experience in our workouts, there is no giving up.遇到困难时,就像训练中遇到困难一样,我们不会放弃。Whether it is holding the state championship or getting a promotion, hard work always reaps rewards.无论是卫冕州冠军还是想要晋升,努力工作都能使人受益。

9、ou will need to rely on co-workers to do their part while you do yours, coming together to get the job done.你需要依靠同事做他们份内之事,同时你做你自己的,以此来共同完成任务。Through all the blood, sweat, and tears you and your teammates have gone through, you now have a strong friendship that could last a lifetime.当你和队友共同经历流血、流汗和流泪后,你就会拥有伴随一生的深厚友谊。I see life lessons that are there for us to learn and prepare us for the real world. 我们可以从中得到生活的经验,让我们对现实世界有所准备。


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