2014年七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream homesPeriod 6教案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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1、Unit 1 Dream homesTopicUnit 1 Dream homesPeriod 6TitleStudy skillsType of lessonNew教学目标1 能了解英语单词中的重音。2 能根据所标注的重音准确朗读单词。重点难点重音在不同音节上的发音。教学过程备 注Step 1. Presentation 1. 想学生出示一张宫殿的图片, 鼓励他们完成填空练习, 如:Look at this picture. Theres a p in it. I dont know what c its in, but I think its very b . 让学生根据上下文填出所缺单词

2、:palace, country, beautiful。板书这些单词。2. 再为学生提供一段文字,指导他们用方框中的单词完成句子。 如: is . Our class will go to a lake two hill to a picnic. We should take some food there. I think the pies are great. They taste good and not . 方框中的单词是:tomorrow, Halloween, between, enjoy, potato, expensive。 板书方框中的单词。3. 在班级里找两名学生朗读单词,

3、教师再用错误的重音朗读一遍。教师说:Whose pronunciation is right? Why? What mistakes do I make?启发学生指出教师的重音发音错误。4. 向学生介绍单词的重音。教师说:When we pronounce words with more than one syllable, we stress one of the syllables. The stressed syllable sounds stronger. The stress can be on the first, middle or last syllable of a word

4、.对于学生不容易理解的地方,可以用汉语解释。Step 2 Practise为学生播放A 部分的录音, 并指导学生按重音的位置将黑板上的单词进行归类。教师说:Look at the words on the blackboard. Listen to the tape. Of which words do we stress the first/second /last syllable:1. 让学生打开课本, 对照A 部分内容核对归类是否正确。教师说:Now please repeat the words after the tape one by one. 2. 指导学生跟录音模仿A部分中的

5、单词。教师说:I want some of you to come to the blackboard and colour the stressed syllable of each word. Who would like to have a try? 3. 将B 部分中的单词写在黑板上,然后为学生播放录音。请几名学生用彩色粉笔将这些单词中的重读音节加以标注,其余学生在课本上完成B部分。教师说:4. 为学生播放录音,全班检查标注是否正确,并根据录音朗读单词。Step 3 . Activities 1发给几名学生一些写有不同重音位置单词的卡片,指导他们朗读这些单词,如:interesting

6、, balcony, machine, bathroom, museum, tomato, policeman , American, Chinese等。2 请所拿单词有着相同重音位置的学生站到一起并大声说:We stress the first/second/last syllable.教师要注意适时纠正和表扬。Sep 4 Homework 1. 朗读课本上列举的单词,注意重音。2. 完成教师布置的相关练习。3. 预习。板书设计Unit 1 Dream homes Study skillsStress in a word stress the first syllablestress the middle syllablestress the last syllable教学反思2


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