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1、2020年下半年大学英语六级听力考点句【篇一】2020年下半年大学英语六级听力考点句Rod must be in a bad mood today.点睛情态动词must此处表示肯定的推测“一定”,这类肯定的推断往往是听音的关键所在。in a bad mood意为“心情不好”。考点归纳口语中常见的与mood相关的搭配还有:be in a good mood意为“心情好”。如:You are in a good mood today! 你今天心情不错啊!be in a foul/filthy mood意为“心情非常不好,情绪很糟”。如:Dont talk to Lisa. Shes in a fo

2、ul mood! 别跟莉萨说话,她情绪糟透了!be in a mood意为“情绪不好”。如:Im in a real mood all day. 我这个整天情绪都不好。be in the/no mood for sth./to do sth. 意为“想/不想做某事”。如:He was in the mood for a romantic walk in the woods. 他想在树林里浪漫地走一走。I am in no mood to argue any more. 我不想再争论了。【篇二】2020年下半年大学英语六级听力考点句It is used in personal context,

3、on radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics.点睛context意为“背景;语境”。a number of意为“很多,若干”。publication意为“出版物”。as well as意为“也,还”。classics与modern works相对,意为“经典作品”。考点归纳口语中常见的与well相关的搭配还有:pretty well意为“相当好;差不多”。如:Liza gets along pretty well w

4、ith her friends. 莉莎和朋友相处得非常好。It is pretty well impossible for him to get that job. 对他来说,要想得到那份工作几乎是不可能的。may/might/could (just) as well do sth. 意为“不妨做某事”。如:We may as well get started. 我们不妨开始吧。may/might/could well do/be sth. 意为“可能发生,可能真实”。如:What he said may well be true. 他说的或许是真的。【篇三】2020年下半年大学英语六级听力考

5、点句Oh, it was Sally. You know, she always has the latest news in town and cant wait to talk it over with me.点睛本句中的cant wait to do sth. 是听音难点,意思是“等不及,迫不及待做某事”。the latest news指的是“最新的消息”,而不是“最晚的消息”。talk over意为“谈论”。考点归纳口语中表达“热切盼望做某事”的常用短语还有:look forward to doing意为“高兴地等待;盼望”。如:We are all looking forward to going to Lijiang for our vacation. 我们都盼望着假期能去丽江玩。be eager for意为“渴求,极想”。如:The little boy was eager for meeting his mother. 小男孩渴望见到他的妈妈。


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