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1、Unit2 This is my sister第一课时 period one Section A 1a-1c, 2a-2cTeaching aims: (教学目标)1. 学会表述家人的称谓,区分家人称谓。2. 学会介绍家人。Language points: (语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式:(1)-This is my (2)-These/those are my (3)-This is his /her(4)-These/those are his /her2. 掌握以下词汇:(1)名词:sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother

2、, grandfather, friend, grandparent (2)代词:this, that, these, thoseDifficulties(难点):区分和掌握家人的称谓,搞清楚家庭关系Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. Greeting. (T: Hello, everyone, how are you today?.)2. Revision. Ask one student to review: T: Hello, Whats your name? S: My name is T: Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, to

3、o!(最基本的的打招呼练习,复习前个单元的句型,对所学知识进行回顾。)Then point to three students, and ask the whole class what his/ her name is.T: Hello, Whats his name?Ss: His name isT: Whats her name?Ss: Her name isT:Is he ?Ss: Yes, he is./ No he isnt.(这两个句型也是检测学生上个单元介绍他人的学习情况。)3. Presentation.(1) Show one picture of family on th

4、e screen, lead out the topic.T: Class, look at here, whats this in English?Ss: (help Ss to speak out) This is a .T: (point to someone) Can you see her? This is mother. (ask Ss to read after, and write down the word on Bb), M-O-T-H-E-R., mother.Ss: mother.T:This is father, F-A-T-H-E-R, father.Ss: fat

5、her.(sister,brother等单词也是按照这样的方法呈现给学生,大声朗读并重复。介绍完后让学生跟着念,在给学生自己练习,并更正学生的发音错误。在呈现Parent时,适时让学生分清单复数的区别。)(2)Exercise:(单词及短语练习,如汉译英,英译汉,挖空填单词)1. m_th_ _ 2. 父母亲 _ 3. f_ th_ _ 4. 祖父母 _5.我的妈妈 6. 他的爸爸 7. 你的哥哥 8. 她的奶奶(3) Sentence patterns. Show some pictures of family members with sentence patterns, then poi

6、nt to some members, and introduce like this: “ This is my /That is my/ These are my/those are my” (在掌握单词的基础上呈现句型,并引导学生运用句型去介绍家庭成员。跟读之后,让学生自己练习,为接下来的Drill 做准备。) (4)Attention, explain the use of “this, that, these &those”. 单数 复数this /that these /thoseis are(5) Drill. Work on 1a in groups. Ask Ss use t

7、he picture in 1a to introduce family members. Then ask some to role play. (让学生扮演1a图中人物的角色,让他们用第一人称来介绍家庭成员。目的在于让学生能进一步熟悉单词与句型。)(6) Work on 1b. T: Ok, class, now, the task is easy for you. Listen to the record carefully, and circle the people the boy talks about in the picture.(着重于听力练习。)(7)Exercise. (课堂练习检测,根据本课语法点进行检测)(8)Homework. Practice the words and sentence patterns with your class mates. Next class, please introduce your family members.


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