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1、学术英语 社科,Academic English for Social Sciences,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Lead-in Text A Text B Listening Speaking Writing,Unit Contents,Lead-in Reading critically: questions for discussion,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Lead-in,Reading critically:

2、 questions for discussion,Reading critically:,Every text is written on a purpose, some are supposed to make you believe. It is important to learn to read critically to get the point. One way of training critical reading is to ask yourself the following questions:,Do you agree with the author?,Unit 1

3、 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,What is the author assuming I will agree with?,What is the author trying to prove?,Lead-in,Reading critically: questions for discussion,Does the author adequately defend their argument?,What kind of proof do they use?,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors

4、 in Economic Activities,Is there something they leave out that you would put in?,Does putting it in hurt their argument?,Lead-in,Reading critically: questions for discussion,Discuss the following questions:,How do you make the decision that you take this course?,What do you consider when you make th

5、is decision?,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Text A,Key terms Critical reading and thinking Difficult sentences English language for academic purpose,Specialized vocabulary Collocations Formal and informal English Signpost language,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic

6、 Activities,Text A,Key terms,rational people: 理性人 Those people who systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objectives, given the available opportunities.,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,marginal change: 边际变化 small incremental adjustments to a pla

7、n of action,marginal benefit: 边际效益 the additional benefit from an increase in an activity,Text A,Key terms,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,marginal cost: 边际成本 the additional cost from an increase in an activity,marginal decision-making: 边际决策 the additional cost from an increa

8、se in an activity,incentive: 激励 something that induces a person to act,How People Make Decisions,Economists explanation about decision making: There are rules behind peoples decision-making behaviors.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Ration

9、al people think at the margin.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Example 1: standby tickets What a rational airline can do? Situation: Flying a 200-seat plane across the U.S. costs the airline $100,000. Cost of each seat: $500 (Thats to say,

10、 never sell a ticket for less than $500.) Suppose: A plane is about to take off with 10 empty seats. A standby passenger will pay $300 for a seat. Question: should the airline sell the ticket?,Answer: Yes. Reason: If the plane has empty seat, the cost of adding one more passenger is tiny. Here the m

11、arginal cost is merely the cost of something to eat, like peanuts, coco, etc. Conclusion: As long as the standby passenger pays more than the marginal cost, selling the ticket is profitable.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Example 2: water

12、 vs. diamond Why is water so cheap, while diamonds are so expensive?,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Conclusion: Rational people think at the marg

13、in. (They make decisions by comparing costs and benefits.) Are you a rational person?,Example 1: the price of an apple How people respond to incentives? When the price rises: It provides an incentive for buyers to consume less; It provides an incentive for sellers to produce more.,Text A,Critical re

14、ading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Rational people respond to incentives.,Example 2: a tax on gasoline How people respond to incentives? Encourage people to drive small, more fuel-efficient cars; carpool take public transportation; live closer to where they wo

15、rk; drive hybrid cars; drive electric cars.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Example 3: a seat belt law American laws require seat belts as standard equipment on new cars. How a seat belt law alters a drivers cost-benefit calculation (Peltz

16、mans analysis): Seat belts reduce the likelihood of injury or death make accidents less costly drive faster and less carefully a large number of accidents,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Result: These laws produce both fewer deaths per acc

17、ident and more accidents. Conclusion 1: The net result is little change in the number of driver deaths and an increase in the number of pedestrian deaths. Conclusion 2: When analyzing any policy, consider both the direct effects and less obvious indirect effects. If the policy changes incentives, it

18、 will cause people to alter their behavior.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities, Rational people know that when they make a decision, it is often not a yes-or-no choice, but requires deliberate consideration of the pros and cons.,Text A,Diffic

19、ult sentences,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Rational people know that decisions in life are rarely black and white but usually involve shades of gray. (Para. 2), The most important theory in economic study concerns itself with incentives. Other theories are not as important

20、. “The rest is commentary” is a phrase used in American English to mean “the rest is trivial or less important”.,Text A,Difficult sentences,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,“People respond to incentives. The rest is commentary.” (Para. 6), At first, this discussion of incentiv

21、es and seat belts might seem like random talk not supported by evidence.,Text A,Difficult sentences,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,At first, this discussion of incentives and seat belts might seem like idle speculation. (Para. 12),Specialized vocabulary,rational people margi

22、nal decision-making marginal change marginal benefit marginal cost net result,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Collocations,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,achieve

23、 the high level of satisfaction maximize profits achieve objectives be black and white roll round blow off fly standby puzzling economic phenomena take an action allocate scarce resources end up with unintended consequences idle speculation,Formal and informal English,See Page 9, and do Task 3.,Text

24、 A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Signpost language,Show connections between sentences and paragraphs. See Page 9, and do Task 2,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Signpos

25、t language,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Signal important parts of academic writing, such as structure, writers position, arguments, conclusion,Reporting someones view: Some people/researcher(s) maintain(s) / argue(s) / assert(s)

26、 / claim(s) / point(s) out,Signpost language,Disagreeing with someones view: I disagree with that The view is open to doubt / not necessarily true / highly debatable One of the main argument against is that,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Act

27、ivities,Signpost language,Pointing out a gap in research: However little information These studies have emphasized, as opposed to Although considerable research has focused on, less attention has been given to,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic

28、Activities,Signpost language,Agreeing with someones view: I agree with when he writes that X is certainly correct in saying that Another point in favour of is A further argument supporting is NB: In the following units of study, more examples will be given.,Text A,English language for academic purpo

29、se,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Task 1 The tree diagram below illustrates the main points of the text. Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Decision-making behaviors in economic activitie

30、s,Thinking at the margin comparing marginal _ and marginal _,Responding to _,Example 1 standby tickets,Critical reading and thinking,Example 2 _ vs. _,Example 1 the price of an apple,Example 2 a tax on _,Example 3 _,cost,benefits,water,diamonds,incentives,gasoline,seat belts law,Task 2 Decide whethe

31、r the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Critical reading and thinking,F,_ 1 When rational people make decisions in life, they are very certain of the choice. _ 2 At the time of examination, students have t

32、o decide how to use all their time studying. _ 3 Marginal changes are small gradual changes of the present plan of action. _ 4 The example of the standby fly is told to show how cost can be ignored. _ 5 Diamonds are more expensive than water because people are more attracted to them.,F,F,F,T,Task 2

33、Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Critical reading and thinking,T,_ 6 The quotation of one economist “People respond to incentives. The rest is commentary.” is given to show the importan

34、ce of incentives. _ 7 The example of the apple shows how food prices vary according to market needs. _ 8 The gasoline tax has an effect on peoples choice of cars. _ 9 When the seat belt is made compulsory, people drive more carefully. _ 10 Policymakers need to take into consideration the less obviou

35、s indirect effects of a policy.,F,F,F,T,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Match the words in Column A with those in Column B and then translate the phrases you have got into Chinese.,Task 1 Specialized

36、vocabulary,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Match the words in Column A with those in Column B and then translate the phrases you have got into Chinese.,1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _,marginal change,边际变化,scarce resources,稀缺资源,maximize pr

37、ofits,最大化利润,net result,净结果,level of satisfaction,满意度,rational people,理性人,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Translate the following sentences into English, using some of the phrases above.,1 我们明年的目标是获得利润

38、最大化。 _ 2 时间是一种稀缺资源,因此如果工人失业,他们的时间就浪 费了。 _ _,We aim to maximize profits over the next year.,Time is a scarce resource, so if workers are unemployed their time is wasted.,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up

39、,Translate the following sentences into English, using some of the phrases above.,3 理性人有非理性的想法吗? _ 4 满意度调查结果表明游客对某些服务不满意。 _ _,Do rational people have irrational thoughts?,Research into satisfaction level has found that tourists are not satisfied with some of the services.,Task 2 Signpost language,Te

40、xt A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Match the signpost language from Text A with the purpose each of them serves.,1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _,e,b,d,c,a,e,Task 2 Signpost language,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in

41、Economic Activities,Language building-up,Complete the following sentences using the signpost language listed above.,1 He is not well-known for his respect for factual accuracy, _, he was lying. 2 Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, _, using recycled paper. 3 We dont like the

42、situation. But _, we have to deal with this problem.,in other words,for example,at the same time,Task 2 Signpost language,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Complete the following sentences using the signpost language listed above.,4

43、 Their economy has expanded enormously, while ours, _, has declined. 5 _, in this chapter there is no general formula for the solution to this question. 6 The whole team dont want to lose him. _, he needs to realize that company regulations must be obeyed.,by contrast,As we will see,In this case,Tas

44、k 3 Formal English,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the more formal ones from Text A.,1 As you study economics, you will come across firms that decide how many workers to

45、 hire and how much of their product to manufacture and sell to maximize profits. Key: _ 2 The reason is that a persons willingness to pay for any good is based on the marginal benefit that an extra unit of the good would produce. Key: _,encounter,yield,Task 3 Formal English,Text A,Suggested answers,

46、Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language building-up,Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the more formal ones from Text A.,3 An incentive is something that persuades a person to act, such as the prospect of a punishment or a reward. Key: _ 4 Many poli

47、cies change the costs or benefits that people face and, therefore, change their behavior. Key: _ 5 For example, consider public policy about auto safety. Key: _,induces,alter,regarding,Task 3 Formal English,Text A,Suggested answers,Unit 1 Decision-Making Behaviors in Economic Activities,Language buildi


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