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1、名校名 推荐江苏省无锡市洋尖中学 2017-2018 学年七年级英语下学期 3 月月考试题一、单词辨音10 分() 1. A. FranceB. flatC. lampD. Canada() 2. A. centreB. bedroomC. helpfulD. below() 3. A. fridgeB. mileC. fixD. skill() 4. A. nothingB. collegeC. officeD. job() 5. A. community B. underground C. menuD. popular() 6.A. forkB. visitorC. porkD. orde

2、r() 7.A. soundB. groupC. aroundD. count() 8.A. waiterB. personC. overD. worker() 9.A. artistB. supermarketC. forwardD. postcard() 10. A. theatreB. areaC. wheatD. idea二、单词填空10 分1.I often look for some _ (信息 ) on the Internet at the weekend.2. There are many _( 钥匙 ) on the table. Whose are they?3.Ther

3、e are a lot of _ (公司 ) in the town centre.4.My uncle always _(担心 )about being late for work.5. Thank you for _ (邀请 ) us to your birthday party, Lucy .6. Which _ (west) country do you like, Canada or England?7. September is the _ (nine) month of a year.8. The mobile phone must be one of the _.(postma

4、n)9.Lucys _(old)brother is a policeman, Im sure.10. Their classroom isnt the same as _ (we).三、选择题15 分() 1. -Whos _ speaking?-_Amy.A. this, ThatsB. she, ImC. that, This isD.you, I am() 2. John is good _drawing. He is going to be an _.A. for, artB. at, artistC. at, artD.1名校名 推荐for, artist() 3. Sam sit

5、s_ Kitty. Which is wrong?A. behindB. betweenC. next toD.infront of() 4. There are _ people_ in our city.A.millions,liveB. millionof,livingC. fourmillion,to liveD. millionsof, living() 5. The tower is about _ .A. an 800-foot-tallB. 800 feet tallC. an 800 feet tallD. 800-foot-tall() 6.The square of fo

6、urteen is _.A. one hundred and ninty-sixB. one nine sixC. one hundred and ninety-sixD. nineteen six() 7. Do you need help _ your Maths homework?A. toB. fromC. withD. for() 8. -Tomorrow is my _ birthday. Would you like to come?-Sure, I _ .A. twenty, would likeB. twentieth-first,would lovetoC. twentie

7、th , will goD. twenty-first, would love to() 9. We are happy_ you some ideas.A. giveB. give toC. givingD. to give() 10. Mill Li asks Jill _ look out _the birds outside.A. don t, ofB. to not, atC. not to, atD. not ,of() 11. If _ bicycle is broken, _ can use _.A. his; you; hisB. her; she; mineC. your;

8、 you; herD. mine;I; hers() 12. -Are you going to the cinema_ underground?-No. I am going there_ a bus.A. take; onB. by; takeC. by; onD.by,2名校名 推荐by() 13. -There_ a show next weekend. Would you like to watch it?-Of course, Id love to.A. is going to haveB. hasC. will beD. will have() 14. -_is it from

9、your home to the new supermarket?-About five minutes walk.A. How longB. How muchC. How manyD. How far() 15. Some boys are playing badminton, and_ are runningA. another boyB. the other boyC.othersboysD.others四、完形填空10 分A man comes home from work late. His 5-year-old son is1for him.“ Daddy, can you giv

10、e me $ 10?” his son asks.The father is very2and says,“If you want to buy a toy, you can go toyour 3 and go to bed.”After about an hour, the man 4,“ Maybe he really needs to buy something.He doesn t ask for money very5.” Then the man goes to the little boy sroom.“ I am too tired and not very happy. H

11、ere s $10, ” says the man.The little boy6up, smiling,“ Oh, thank you, Daddy!” he says.Then , from under his pillow(枕头 ) he takesout some 7 .Thenthe man startsto get angry again.“ Why do you want more money if you already have some?”he asks. “ 8Ididn thave enough, butnow I do, ” thelittleboy answers.

12、“Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I9an hour of your time? Please 10 earlytomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”() 1. A. waitingB. askingC. lookingD.working() 2. A. happyB. tiredC. angryD. sad() 3. A. roomB. schoolC. shopD. home() 4. A. saysB. asksC. thinksD. hopes() 5. A. lateB. earlyC. muchD. o

13、ften3名校名 推荐() 6.A. standsB. sitsC. looksD. puts() 7.A. toysB. booksC. foodD. money() 8.A. BecauseB. SoC. ButD. Or() 9.A. haveB. makeC. doD. buy() 10. A. go to workB. come home C. go to bedD. go shopping五、阅读理解20 分AParis is a very beautiful city but l will not call it the most romantic(最浪漫的) cityatall

14、!It isdifficulttofinda hotel!Thatisquitefunny Somepolicemenhelp us and then we find a hotel! The hotel is on the sixth floor and it is tiredto climb up the stairs(爬楼) !The room is very simple(普通的) but it has a bigbathroom Wego out fora walktovisitthe city.The LouvreMuseumisour favouriteone. There ar

15、e some wonderful works of art there. The Eiffel Tower looks so coolfroma farplace,but when we getclosetoit,itdoesntlookso good.Wealso dontfeelwellabouttheexpensivefood.Most ofthetime,we enjoyParis,butthe weatherisnot alwaysgood.It often rains.We feela littledifficultbecausenotmany peoplecan speak En

16、glish and we cant speak French. But Im still(仍然) glad that thisis the beginning of our travel.() 1. Who help the writer find a hotel?A. Some students. B. Some policemen.C. Some workers.D. Some farmers.() 2. There is a big_ in the room of the hotel.A. bedroomB. sitting roomC. bathroomD. kitchen() 3.

17、.How does the Eiffel Tower look from a far place?A. Cool.B. Short.C. Pretty.D. Bad.( ) 4. What can we know from the passage?A. The writer doesnt go to the Louvre Museum.B. The writer can speak English and French.4名校名 推荐C. It never rains when the writer stays in Paris.D. The writer thinks food is not

18、 cheap in Paris.( )5.The passage mainly(主要) tells us_.A.Parisisnot a good placeto travelB.thewriterislookingfora goodhotelC. the writer starts travelling from Paris D. it is important for people to speak FrenchBMost people, especially girls, like shopping.My name is Linda. Shopping is one of my past

19、imes. My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday.I like shopping, not because I want to buy something, but because I want to know what the new products there are in the market. Most of the time, I just do windowshopping.Some new department stores( 百货商店 )recently( 最近 ) open

20、ed in east Taipei. Itis a piece of good news for shoppers like me.() 6.Who likes shopping most according to the passage?A. Boys.B. Girls.C. Old people.D. Children.( ) 7.When do Linda and her classmates go shopping?A. On weekdays.B. Every afternoonC. On Sundays.D. After school.() 8.Where are these ne

21、wly opened department stores?A. In east Taipei.B. In south Taipei.B. C. In west Taipei.D. In north Taipei.() 9.Why does Linda like shopping?A. Because she can buy many beautiful things.B. Because she can play with her classmates.C. Because she can eat a lot of delicious food.D. Because she wants to

22、know the new products.( ) 10. What does the underlined word“ pastimes ” mean in Chinese?A. 逛街B. 消遣;娱乐C. 吃饭D. 作业5名校名 推荐六、动词填空10 分1. Why not _(row) a boat on the lake?2. Each of your ideas _ (sound) great and interesting.3. Who_(fix) your computer this afternoon? An engineer is.4. Keep quiet. A group

23、of students _(plan) a day out.5. I hope they _(not be) late for school again.6. We are looking forward to _ (stay ) here for our winter holiday.7. _(jog) every day is very important for the old.8. _ (not miss) the opera shows in the local theatre.9.My grandfathergoes to the park to hear the birds_(s

24、ing)inthe earlymorning.10. Daniel and Mark _(learn) to design clothes on the computer at the moment.七、完成句子10 分1. 你的冰箱没问题。Theres _ _ _ your fridge.2. 无锡以太湖而闻名。 Wuxi is _ _Tai Lake.3. 和他们分享我们的故事很有趣。 _ our _ _ _ is fun.4. 那位母亲还在担心她患病的孩子。The mother is still _ _ her_ child.5. 义务工作者遍及全世界。 Volunteers _ _ _

25、 the world.6. 开车大约 3 小时到上海。It _ about three _ _ _ _ Shanghai.八、阅读填空5 分The USA is the fourth largest country in the world in size after Russia, Canadaand China. The population (人口 )of the USA is the third largest in the world.The Mississippi River is the longest river in America. It s more than 6,000

26、kilometres long. The Mississippi River is called the“ Father of Waters” or“OldMan River ”. The most important lakes in the United states are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and lake Ontario. All ofthem are between Canada and the United States except(除了 )

27、 Lake Michigan.Let us talk about American schools. There are two kinds of schools in the USA:public schools and private schools(公立学校和私立学校).Most children go to publicschools. Their parents do not have to pay for their schooling. If a child goes toa privateschool,hisparentsgave to pay fortheirschoolin

28、g.Childrenstartschoolwhen they are five years old. Most students are eighteen years old when they leave secondary( 中级的 ) schools.United States of America6名校名 推荐Its _(1) is the fourthlargest in the world.Of all the Great lakes, lake Michigan _(3)between Canada and the USA.Its population is thethirdTh

29、e longestriverinlargest in the world.America is _(2) 6,000km long.The kids in America don tChildrenstartschoolat_(4) to pay for theirthe _(5) of five.schooling1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _九、书面表达10 分介绍你朋友王峰的家乡:1. 无锡是他的家乡,这儿的空气清新,人们互相帮助解决难题。2. 住在一个现代化的城镇的公寓里,镇上有个当地剧场,人们可以在那里欣赏锡剧。3. 公园是他最喜欢的地方,那里鸟语花香;4. 居住在像这样的好地方很幸运,我希望很快去游玩。Wang Feng is a friend of mine.7


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