城市轨道交通专业英语 课程教案(第7周1—2节)[基础教育].doc

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1、 城市轨道交通专业英语 课程教案(第7周12节)授课题目Unit 2 Knowledge of TrafficLesson 6 Introduction to the Transportation Planning process (上) 授课类型讲授型教学目标Master the knowledge of Transportation Planning 重 点Transportation Planning难 点 transportation survey, in which an attempt is made to take an inventory of the trip making

2、pattern as it exists at the present time, together with details of the travel facilities available and the land-use activities and socio-economic factors that can be considered to influence travel.句子中的 transportation survey是先行词;后面 in which 为定语从句,用法与where相同 。which 指代transportation survey; 在 in which

3、定语从句中,an attempt 为主语, be made为被动时态 , to take an inventory of the trip 是宾语,making pattern as it exists at the present time 修饰 the trip; together with作为插入语,用法与 with相同, together作为副词修饰 with; together with 后面接的成分可理解为details of the travel facilities,details of the land-use activities, details of socio-eco

4、nomic factors, 其中that 为定语从句中的关系词,修饰travel facilities, the land-use activities, socio-economic factors三个先行词; 在that引导的定语从中, be considered to influence travel为被动时态。+ friJLif life situation. of the real life situation, Recently trips a proportion of has been assigned to alternative links; between and li

5、nk fig % * k ; in an attempt to to produce *J3JiJ6Et, a realistic simulation of the real life situation.教学过程 结合同学们对城市交通规划的认知程度,根据教材详细讲述交通规划等相关知识以及文中生词、短语、及语法结构作 业1.New Words and Expressions2. Notes on the text主要教学内容 Introduction to the Transportation Planning process交通规划程序概述1. Transportation Plannin

6、g交通规划In the past, large urban areas have frequently suffered from transportation congestion. 昔日的大城市常常遭受交通拥挤之苦。It has been recorded that in the first century vehicular traffic, except for chariots and official vehicles, was prohibited from entering Rome during the hours Of daylight. 据记载, 在 1 世纪除了高级的四

7、轮马车和官宦乘坐的车辆外、 其他一切车辆在白天不准许进人罗马城。While congestion has existed in urban areas, the predominantly pedestrian mode of transport prevented the problem from becoming too serious . 这在当时以步行方式为主的市区内 ,虽然会发生拥塞现象 , 但还不至于出现太严重的交通问题。until the new forms of individual transport of the twentieth century began to dem

8、and greater highway capacity. 到了20世纪, 出现了新型的个人交通形式以后,就开始要求道路具备更大的通行能力。Changes in transport mode frequently produce changes in land-use patterns; 交通运输方式的改变使城市用地布局也发生了变化 ,for example, the introduction of frequent and rapid rail services in the outer suburbs Of London resulted in considerable residenti

9、al development in the areas adjacent to local stations. 例如 : 在英国伦敦 , 因为在远郊区采用了班次既多速度又快的铁路服务,结果使车站附近地区建设了大量的住宅。Recently, the availability of private transport which cannot be served economically by public transport has led to the growth of housing development.最近 , 由于私人汽车的大量使用 , 使原本不能经济地提供公共交通服务的住宅开发得

10、以增长。The renewal of many urban areas is much slower than the changes of the transportation modes and the greatest difficulty is that it is hard to accommodate the increasing private car. 很多城市旧城区的改建进程,已经落后于当前交通运输方式的改变,其中最大问题是不能容纳日益增长的私家车。Before the early 1950s it was generally believed that the soluti

11、on to the transportation problem lay in determining highway traffic volumes and then applying a growth factor to ascertain the future traffic demands. 20世纪50年代以前,一般认为解决交通问题的方法在于确定道路的交通量,再采用一个增长系数来确定将来交通需要量。Many of the early transportation studies carried out in the United Stated during this period s

12、aw the problem as being basically one of providing sufficient highway capacity and were concerned almost exclusively with highway transport.美国在这个时期所进行的一些早期的交通研究工作,基本上把这项工作单纯地看做是一个提供足够的道路通行能力的问题,并且只关心道路交通运输本身。During the early 1950s, it was realized that there was a fundamental connection between traf

13、fic needs and land-use activity. 20世纪50年代初,人们意识到交通需求和土地利用活动之间存在着基本联系,It led to the study of the transportation requirements of differing land uses as the cause of the problem rather than the study of the existing traffic flow.它导致在交通规划中对不同土地使用引起的交通需求问题的研究大大超过了对当前交通量的研究。 The late 1950s and early 1960s

14、 saw the commencement of many land use transportation surveys in the United Kingdom and the era of transportation planning methodology could have been said to have commenced.20 世纪50年代末和60年代初,英国开始进行若干土地使用和交通运输的调查工作,可以说这是交通规划方法学的萌芽时代。Because the planning of transportation facilities is only one aspect

15、 of the overall planning process which affects the quality of life in a developed society, the provision of transport facilities is dependent on the overall economic resources available.在现代社会中,交通规划是与人们生活水平有关的总体规划程序中的一个重要组成部分,故此交通设施的供应情况依靠于整个社会上可用的经济资源。 It is dependent on the value that is placed on

16、such factors as environmental conditions, for some transport facilities are considered to detract from the quality of the environment and others can be considered to improve the environment land use and transport planning are also closely connected because the demand for travel facilities has often

17、stimulated land-use activity.它还取决于诸如环境条件等因素有一些交通设施被认为有损于环境的质量 , 有的则被认为对环境有所改善。 交通设施的需求常常刺激土地的开发利用 , 所以土地利用和交通规划两者之间是紧密相联的。Because we are living in a society that is changing rapidly, and in which the rate of change appears to be increasing, it is important for some attempt to be made to develop econ

18、omic ,environmental , land use, population and transport planning policies. 人类生活在一个日新月异的社会里 ,而社会变化速率与日俱增, 因此尝试制定经济发展、 环境保护、 上地利用、 人口和交通规划等各种政策显得颇为重要。The fact that planning attempts in all these fields have not met with conspicuous success in the past decade should be taken as an attempt to improve t

19、he methodology rather than an indication that short term plans based on expediency or intuition should be employed. 过去 1 0 年中 , 在这些领域中的规划工作, 迄今还未获得显著的成就。 这一事实说明宁可在规划方法学上有所发展 , 也不能以权宜之计或直观的想法为根据 仅以短期规划作为指标。Transportation studies may be carried out to determine the necessity or suitability of a variet

20、y of transport systems such as inter-city air-links, a new motorway or a combination of private and public transport modes such as is found in a large urbanized conurbation.交通研究可以应用于各种交通系统, 借以确定它们的需要程度或适应性。 诸如城市间的航空联络线 ; 又如具有卫星城镇的大城市,一条新的高速公路或 一条小汽车和公共交通混合使用的路线等 , The methodology of these surveys wi

21、ll vary in detail but most transportation surveys that are based on land-use activity tend to be divisible into three major sub-divisions. 上述的这些调查方法 , 虽然细节方面有所区别 , 但大多数还是以上地利用话动为依据的。交通研究可分为三个要部分:( I ) Transportation survey, in which an attempt is made to take an inventory of the trip making pattern

22、as it exists at the present time, together with details of the travel facilities available and the land-use activities and socio-economic factors that can be considered to influence travel.交通调查,调查是为了整理出一份当前出行方式清单以及可利用的交通设施详细资料,影响文通的土地使用情况和社会济因素等情况。(2) The production of mathematical models, which att

23、empt to explain the relationship between the observed travel pattern and the travel facilities, land-use activities and socio-economic factors obtained by the transportation survey.各种数学模型的编制 , 用以阐明在交通调查中观测到的出行类型和交通设施、 上地利用活动和社会济因素之间的相互关系。(3 ) The use of these mathematical models to predict future transportation needs and to evaluate alternative transportation plans.使用编制的数学模型预测未来的交通需求量,并对不同的交通进行评价。教学小结同学们对交通规划程序方面的知识并不熟悉,而本文又是篇英文文章,除了内容难懂外,还出现了大量的生词和短语,对学生而言,有很大的难度,因此要详细讲解。12辅导工具a


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