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1、四川省2012届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:补全对话(1)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余选项。(一)Do you mind if I sit here? Its the only empty seat hereNo, not at all. Why, isnt it Thomas?Betty? Is this you? 61 Thats right. Its a long time. I didnt know you were here in town 62 About five months ago. After graduating from un

2、iversity in Hong Kong, I continued my studies in Britain for two years, in London actually. 63 The studies, yes, but the food and weather, no. 64 What have you been doing?Ive been busy with social work since graduation. 65 Im not surprised. You were always keen on that kind of work, if I remember ri

3、ghtly.Yes. Its most satisfying. It gives one a sense of achievement.AWhen did you get back?BI didnt recognize youCI havent seen you since universityDWhat about you?EDid you like it there?FIts hard to find a suitable jobGI work at a service center for disabled people61-65 CAEDG(二)A: Ive heard that yo

4、uve got hurt. Can you tell me how it happened.B: Certainly. I was climbing a mountain on a Sunday last month. 61 We got lost and trapped on the mountain for four days. The temperature fell quickly and we didnt have any equipment and food.A: So what happened? 62 B: Yes, but we were very sick. I could

5、nt move my legs because of cold. I spent two weeks in hospital. 63 A: Its a pity to hear that. But you try your best to act actively.B: In fact, Ive decided to have an artificial leg. 64 We can use modern technology to help us.A: Can you go climbing again with the new leg? B: I think I can. 65 A: Ho

6、w I hope for your speedy recovery!B: Thank you. I believe in myself.A. I realize being physically disabled holds no terror for me.B. The weather changed, and a heavy snow came.C. Some villagers came and gave us some food.D. Unfortunately, I got my leg removed.E. But I was really feeling upset someti

7、mes.F. I guessed you were rescued, right?G. But Ill have to practice a lot before doing that.【对话话题】登山受伤面临安装假肢。【答案与解析】61. B。陈述句类题型。根据后文“迷路”、“被困山上4天”;“气温骤降”“没有装备和食物”可知这些都是“天气变化;下大雪”的结果,故选B。【答案与解析】62. F。一般疑问句类题型。下句回答Yes,故可知答案为F:你们得救了,对吧?而C项为干扰项,应以排除。【答案与解析】63. D。陈述句类题型。根据下句Its a pity to hear that可知上句是谈到一件让人感到难过的事情,故选D:我得截肢。【答案与解析】64. A。陈述句类题型。上句提到“我决定装假肢”,下句提到“可以用现代科技来帮助我们”可知答案为A:我意识到身体残疾对我来说没什么可怕的。而E答案为此题的干扰项,应以排除。【答案与解析】65. G。陈述句类题型。上文说到“可以用新装的假肢爬山”,下句又提到“希望你快速康复”,因此此空应该说:但是在能爬山之前我还得做大量的锻炼。


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