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1、关于大学英语语法句子成分【篇一】关于大学英语语法句子成分关系代词I met someone who said he knew you.我遇到一个人,他说他理解你。关系代词 who 代表 someone,又引导从句修饰它,同时又在从句中担任主语。关系代词 who, whom, whose, that和 which能够用来引导定语从句,这类代词都起着三重作用,一是代表前面的名词,二是把从句和它所修饰的词连接起来,三是在从句里也担任一个成分。who 和 whom 都代表人,who 在从句中作主语,whom在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。whose在从句中能够作定语。that能够代表人或物,which 只能

2、代表物在从句中可充当主语、宾语或介词宾语等。(1) The noise that she made woke everybody up.她弄出的声音把大家都吵醒了。语法分析:that 代表 noise,又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任 made 的宾语。(2) She saw something in the paper which might interest you.她在报纸上看到的一些消息,或许会使你感兴趣。语法分析:which 代表 something, 又引导从句修饰它,在从句中担任主语。(3) The girl with whom I was travlling didnt spea

3、k English.和我一起旅行的那个女孩不会讲英语。语法分析:whom 代表人,在从句中作宾语或介词宾语。(4) I saw a film whose name I have forgotten.我看了一部电影, 名字却忘了。语法分析:whose 有时指无生命的东西。(5) Whos the man (that) you were talking to?刚才和你讲话的人是谁?语法分析:在从句作宾语时,that常能够省略。(6) The situation in which she found herself was very difficult.她的处境非常困难。语法分析:在紧跟介词时,只能

4、用which,不能用that,而且不能省略。1. The man _ robbed her has been arrested.2. The man _ I saw told me to come back tomorrow.3. I know a girl _ mother is an acrobat.4. He _ would eat the fruit must climb the tree.5. The dog _ was lost has been found.6. She invited us to dinner, _ was very kind of her.7. My dog,

5、 _ temper is very uncertain, often bites judges at dog show.8. The man from _ I brought it told me to read me instructions.1. who 2. whom 3. whose 4. that 5. which 6. which 7. whose 8. whom【篇二】关于大学英语语法句子成分不定代词I have no idea about it.对此我一无所知。不定代词no在句子中作定语,此外,every也可作定语。除了这两个词外,其他的不定代词既可用作名词也可用作形容词,绝大

6、部分在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语和定语等。(1) Someone (somebody) has turned off the light.有人把灯关了。语法分析:合成不定代词 someone 和 somebody 意思相同,都表示“某人”,但只用于肯定句,在否定句及疑问句中通常用 anybody 或 anyone。(2) Everybody (everyone) laughed, me included.大家都笑了,我也笑了。语法分析:everybody 和 everyone 意思相同,表示“人人”、“大家”。(3) Did any of your photos come out w

7、ell?你的照片洗出来都不错吗?语法分析:any 可代表可数名词或不可数名词名词,在句子中作主语或宾语等,可用于否定句及疑问句,肯定句用 some。(4) She is in no mood (not in a mood) for jokes.她没有心情说笑话。语法分析:no 可构成否定句,等于 not a。(5) I never saw so many swans on the lake .我从未见过湖面上有这么多天鹅。语法分析:many 修饰可数名词,可用在疑问句,否定句及肯定句中,还可与too, so 等词连用,much, few 及 little 也可表示数量,与many 一样,都可用

8、作定语。(6) None of us would have said such a thing.我们谁也不会说出这种话来。语法分析:none 和 no 一样,都是否定词,none可用作主语、宾语或介词宾语及同位语。1. I will tell you _ of my own experience.2. If you want _ , you can call me.3. Ill take _ that you dont want.4. As _ as ten people were found living in a single room.5. Youve given me too _ fo

9、od.6. _ went his way.7. _ of my parents live in Japan.8. One of the boys is named Tom, the _ named Bill.9. Show me some _.10. I dont like this room. Lets ask for _.1. something 2. anything 3. any 4. many 5. much 6. Each 7. Both 8. other 9. others 10. another【篇三】关于大学英语语法句子成分some的用法Shes living at some

10、 place in Canada.她住在加拿大的某个地方。不定代词some的意思是表示“一些”,能够用来指人或其他可数的东西,也能够用来表示不可数名词的东西,它在肯定句中用作主语、宾语、定语等。在这个句子中,some和单数可数名词连用,其意义是表示“某个”,这与certain的意义相同。(1) Some of them can speak English.他们中的有些人会讲英语。语法分析:简单用法。(2) Can I take some of these apples?这些苹果我拿些能够吗?语法分析:一般在疑问句里要用any,但有时候却要用到本应用在肯定句中的some这个词,这种用法所表达的含

11、义是希望得到肯定的答复。这个例句的所隐含的意思是我很想拿一些苹果,希望对方给予肯定性的回答。(3) She enjoys some music.她喜欢某些音乐。语法分析:some修饰不可数名词。(4) Arent there some eggs on the table?桌子上不是有些鸡蛋吗?语法分析:some用于反问句或请求句中。1. Did _ of you catch the train.2. _ children learn languages easily.3. _ work is very difficult.4. Would you like _ tea?5. Ask _ secretary to come here.1. some 2. Some 3. Some 4. some 5. some


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