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1、新世纪视听说B3U5-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After eac

2、h question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1. A) the cinemaB) the classroomC) the libraryD) the bank Script: A: Lets go to the library. Good place for study.B: I just came back. All the seats are oc

3、cupied.正确答案:C学生答案:C 得分:2分 2. A) He doesnt like that university very much.B) He doesnt have scholarship.C) He has three reasons to go to that university.D) He hasnt applied to that university. Script: A: Congratulations. Youve been admitted by the University of Maryland.B: Its not the top three on my

4、 list, anyway.正确答案:A学生答案:B 得分:0分 Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: A: Cathy, Mrs. Lee has just called.B: For me? But which Mrs. Lee?A: Mrs. Lee from the school health center. She left a message. She said that you havent got a flu shot yet.B: Flu shot? Do I ha

5、ve to take that?A: Yeah. Its spring and the flu season is coming. Youd better get well protected. Students get flu shots every year. I got it last week.B: Every year? Oh . its my first year here. No wonder I havent heard about that. Eh . how much do you have to pay for that? A: Its free. You dont ha

6、ve to pay anything.B: Great. Then when did Mrs. Lee say I can go to get the flu shot?A: Well . in fact, you have to fill out a form and make a reservation before you go there.B: What form? How can I get it?A: You can download it from the webpage of the school health center. If theres anything you do

7、nt understand, just ask me.B: Thank you. Youre very helpful. But right now, I think Id better call Mrs. Lee. Whats her number?A: All right. Wait a minute.3. Mrs. Lee called because _.A) Cathy didnt register thereB) she wanted to interview the studentsC) she thought she made a mistakeD) Cathy hadnt g

8、ot a flu shot 正确答案:D学生答案:D 得分:2分 4. How much does a student have to pay for getting a flu shot?A) 10 dollars.B) 4 dollars.C) 3 dollars.D) Nothing. 正确答案:D学生答案:C 得分:0分 5. Cathy has to _ before she goes to the school health center.A) make several telephone callsB) fill out a formC) register herselfD) d

9、ownload a software from the webpage 正确答案:B学生答案:D 得分:0分 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the be

10、st answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage OneQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: The start of college life provides a student with new and challenging experiences. Our university allows students to explore many opportunities for intellectual

11、and personal growth, both in the classroom and out. With nearly 1,000 student organizations, dozens of club and sports, and students from more than 100 countries, the university offers something that you are interested in. We expect students to take an active role in their education. So students mus

12、t assume responsibility for their own affairs. Students are treated as adults who will continue to develop the knowledge, maturity, judgment, and self-discipline necessary for their future lives. Students should familiarize themselves with the school policies that are important for living on campus.

13、 We also hope the parents of our students will encourage them to seek a balance between academics and extra-curricular activities. Participation in student activities outside of class helps many students to manage their time better, and leads to a rewarding and successful college experience. Student

14、s here can choose to live on-campus or off-campus. But no matter which type of housing the students are choosing, the University Housing office is available to help them with various problems. University Housing has information for students and their parents about residence hall life, including info

15、rmation about what to bring to campus, dining options, and how to get involved in residence hall activities. The University Housing website even has a section to address the specific interests of parents. University Housing also provides rich information about off-campus housing. Although not owned

16、by the University, off-campus apartments and houses can be found through the Universitys official website. We hope you will enjoy your stay here, in our university.6. How many student organizations can be found in this university?A) Dozens.B) Nearly 100.C) Nearly 200.D) Nearly 1,000. Script: How man

17、y student organizations can be found in this university?正确答案:D学生答案:D 得分:2分 7. Students here are treated as _ who will develop what is necessary for their future lives.A) adultsB) participantsC) friendsD) developers Script: Students here are treated as _ who will develop what is necessary for their f

18、uture lives.正确答案:A学生答案:A 得分:2分 8. Parents should encourage their children to seek a balance between _.A) time and moneyB) work and studyC) study and extra-curricular activitiesD) book knowledge and social skills Script: Parents should encourage their children to seek a balance between _.正确答案:C学生答案:C

19、 得分:2分 9. What happens if a student chooses to live off-campus?A) He cannot get help from the University Housing office.B) He will pay higher living costs.C) He can find such information through the school website.D) He will find it hard to go to class on time. Script: What happens if a student choo

20、ses to live off-campus?正确答案:C学生答案:C 得分:2分 10. _ is included in the information about residence hall life.A) Office contactB) Dining optionsC) Medical helpD) Club category Script: _ is included in the information about residence hall life.正确答案:B学生答案:A 得分:0分 Passage TwoQuestions 11 to 15 are based on

21、the passage you have just heard.Script: There is no shortcut to good research, although some students hope to be provided with step-by-step instructions or guidelines on how to find or solve problems. However, here are a few rules worth considering. The first rule of research is to think, think and

22、think again. Never hesitate to throw your mind at anything. That should be the first thing you try. Before looking up a book or paper, before asking anyone, think. For example, suppose you are reading a paper and something needs to be proved. Should you go on to read the proof? No. First, try to pro

23、ve it yourself. If you dont succeed after a reasonable time, find out how it is proved by others. But if you solve it yourself, you will have understood it better. What you solve by thinking is your baby from then on. The second rule is to learn by examples. Papers and discussions with your advisor

24、or classmate are a source of materiel. Many good examples can be found in them. You will learn how to write a paper by looking at other papers. When you see a new problem, ask yourself what kinds of questions were asked about similar problems. Then you can ask valuable questions about the new one. T

25、he third rule is to know the difference between understanding and knowledge. It is more important to understand well what you know than to know a lot. Successful research comes from having a good understanding, especially of the basics. When you read a paper, ask yourself questions. Like can I do it

26、 in a different way? Understanding means the ability to go beyond the immediate. It means knowing not just what is the item in question, but how it fits into a larger context or applied to a more general situation.11. There is no shortcut to _.A) academic successB) good researchC) excellent personal

27、ityD) moral behavior Script: There is no shortcut to _.正确答案:B学生答案:B 得分:2分 12. You should _ if you find something to be proved in a paper.A) ask the professorB) discuss with your classmatesC) search the NetD) try to prove it by yourself Script: You should _ if you find something to be proved in a pap

28、er.正确答案:D学生答案:D 得分:2分 13. _ is a way to find good examples that can be used in your paper.A) Discussing with a classmateB) Reading more booksC) Taking a good courseD) Taking a rest Script: _ is a way to find good examples that can be used in your paper.正确答案:A学生答案:A 得分:2分 14. Whats the difference bet

29、ween understanding and knowledge?A) Understanding is more important than knowledge.B) Knowledge is more important than understanding.C) Understanding is more difficult than knowledge.D) Knowledge is more difficult than understanding. Script: Whats the difference between understanding and knowledge?正

30、确答案:A学生答案:A 得分:2分 15. How many rules have been discussed in this passage?A) Three.B) Four.C) Five.D) Six. Script: How many rules have been discussed in this passage?正确答案:A学生答案:C 得分:0分 Part II Oral Tasks ( 3 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the

31、end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Listen carefully and then answer the question.16. Which college will the woman probably attend?思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345 17. Why will the woman probably not go to Harvard University?思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345 18.

32、Did the person they are talking about study hard?思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345 19. What is he going to do if he doesnt get into graduate school?思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345 Section B Directions: There is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). You are required to read

33、 the text aloud. Your voice will be recorded into the system. Youll have 1 minute for preparation and then you are required to begin reading when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop it when hearing the ending signal sound. Your reading should be limited in 1.5 minutes. Now you have 1 minute

34、to prepare.20. Many students love sports. More than that, joining a college sports team is worth the time and effort. Why? Herere two important reasons. First, you may be getting used to seeing similar people in the courses for your major, in your residence hall, or at the events you go to on campus

35、. But a sports team can be a great way to meet students that you may not otherwise even run into. Second, every team needs a captain, right? If youre looking to build your resume or test out your leadership skills, a sports team can be a great place to start. With some luck, youll get more than what

36、 you expected.思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345678910 Section C Directions: Look at the picture below, which is about student life. What are they doing? Why are they doing that? You are required to answer those questions by describing what you see. Information about time and place should also be inc

37、luded. Youll have 1 minute to prepare and another 2 minutes to complete your presentation. Now you have 1 minute to prepare.21. 思考/准备 学生答案:得分:0分。 您可以修改得分: 012345678910 Part III Video Tasks ( 6 minutes ) Section A Directions: True or False. Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statem

38、ents are True (T) or False (F).22. Claudia forgot to bring her resume.A. TB. F正确答案:B学生答案:B 得分:2分 23. The company is looking for someone to sell software products.A. TB. F正确答案:A学生答案:A 得分:2分 24. Claudia is taking graduate courses in software engineering.A. TB. F正确答案:B学生答案:A 得分:0分 25. Ms. Li thinks Cla

39、udia doesnt have enough experience.A. TB. F正确答案:B学生答案:B 得分:2分 26. Claudia and Tara are going out for dinner.A. TB. F正确答案:B学生答案:A 得分:0分 Section B Directions: Fill in the blanks. Watch the video clip a and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.Ms. Li: The job (27)_ flexibility, independence, and

40、(28)_ , a pleasant manner (29)_ .Claudia: I agree . thats important. Ive worked (30)_ for years and have always tried to (31)_ listen to my customers to find out what they need. I think Im really (32)_ that.Ms. Li: Hmm . interesting, and your (33)_ ?.Claudia: Ive been with my (34)_ for three years a

41、nd in my present position (35)_ . In that time, Ive been named (36)_ of the month three times .27. _ 正确答案:requires学生答案:really 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0028. _ 正确答案:most importantly学生答案:importantce 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0029. _ 正确答案:with customers学生答案: 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0030. _ 正确答案:in sales学生答案: 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0031. _ 正确答案:really学生答案:patiently 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0032. _ 正确答案:good at学生答案:suit 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0033. _ 正确答案:sales experience学生答案:experience 得分:0分 您可以修改得分: 02.0034. _ 正确答案:present company学生答案:f


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