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1、湖南省蓝山县祠市中心小学英语教研组英语学科课时教案 课型: 新授课 备课人: 欧阳岚,黄娟 总课时: TopicUnit 1 How are you?(&Part C & Part D)Teaching aimsFor students to use, develop, practice1. Revise the new words and sentences.2. Help them understand, read and say “turn”3. Help them use “Are you ?” “Yes,I am./ No, Im not.” to talk with others.

2、4. Help them learn Part D in groups.Moral Education1. Inspire their interest in learning English and cooperating with other members.Teaching emphasis1. Be able to use “Are you ?” to talk with others.Teaching difficulties1. Differ girl and woman,boy and man.Teaching methodsSituational Teaching Method

3、, Group work.TeachingtoolsProjector , computer.TeachingProceduresTeachingProceduresStep one:Warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk.T: How are you? S: Im fine. / Im not well. T: Are you ? S: Yes,I am./ No, Im not. 3. Revision. 3.1 Ask some students to read Part A one by one.3.2 Little teacher.3.3 Read t

4、ogether.4. Read Part B together.Step 2: Lets Act1. Give 5 minutes to read Part C by themselves.2. Teach word “turn”.3.Read loudly in groups.4.Act out Part C.Step 3: Lets Read1. Teacher act as Dino.T: Guess,who am I? S: Are you Anne? T: No,Im not.S: Are you Dino?T: Yes,I am.2. Listen to the tape.3. W

5、atch the story.4. Group work.4.1 Listen to the tape again.4.2 Give them five minutes to read in groups.4.3 Ask some students to read, others read after him or her.4.4 Read together.Step 4: Homework1. Recite Part A , Part B and Part D.2. Write down the new words.3. Tell the story to family.Layouts Teaching Postscript要做人民的先生,先做人民的学生。


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