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1、 句容市华阳中学七年级上英语学案 第( 5-2 )份课题:7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate Reading 课型: 新授 主备: 赵丽萍 审核: 王春叶 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 1.学习有关万圣节的知识。 2.初步了解信件的写作方式。3.培养学生的阅读能力。 4.熟练掌握本课生词,短语,句型。【重点难点】重点:培养学生的阅读能力。难点:熟练掌握本课生词,短语,句型。【课堂探究】1. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 译:_解析 thank you for = thanks for - 因

2、为感谢你 提醒 for-因为(介词),后跟名词,代词或动名词作宾语练习 a. 谢谢你的来信。_ _ _ your letter. b. 谢谢你的帮助。_ _ your _. c. 谢谢你帮我。_ _ for _ me. d. 谢谢你给我讲故事。Thanks for _ _the story.2. We have some festivals in the USA, and I like Halloween best. 译: _解析 like best - 最喜欢 链接 likevery much -_练习 a. 他最喜欢那双的运动鞋。He _that _ _ _shoes _.b. 他最喜欢在

3、操场上踢足球。He _ _ football _ the _.c. What colour do you like best? 译:_d. Which sports star do you like best? 译: _链接 favourite-最喜欢的(形容词),用于物主代词之后, 与likebest互换 练习 a. 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。_ _ animal is _.= I _ pandas _. b. 她最喜欢的颜色是红色。_ _ colour _ red.= _ _ red _. c. Jack是他们最喜爱的功夫明星。Jack is _ _ Kungfu _. 3. Usually

4、they give us some candy as a treat. 译:_解析1 candy - 糖果(不可数名词), a piece of candy - 一块糖果 a box of candy -一盒糖果 如果出现candy 的复数形式 - candies则表示各种各样的糖果练习 a. 很多糖果 -_ candy / _ _ _ candy / _ _ candy b. 一些糖果 -_ candy c. 两块糖果 - two _-_ _ candy d. all kinds of candies -_ eg:. 不同种类的糖果- different _of _解析2 give sb.

5、sth. as - 把某物作为给某人 练习 a.爸爸给了他一个篮球作为生日礼物。Daddy_ _ basketball _ a birthday present(礼物). b. 妈妈把这个面具作为万圣节礼物送给了我。Mum _ _ the _ _ _ _. 拓展 give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 练习 a. give us some candy = give _ _ _ _ b. give me a book = give _ _ _提醒 如果give后面的人和物同为人称代词,只能使用give sth. to sb. 结构! 体会 你能把它给她吗?Can you

6、 give it to her? (对) Can you give her it? (错)4. When the evening comes, we visit houses and play a game with the people inside. 译:_解析 when - 当的时候(连词) 链接 when - 什么时候(疑问词) visit houses - 拜访各家各户 play a game with sb. - 和某人做个游戏 the people inside - 里面的人体会 a. When do you usually have a New Year Party? 译:_

7、b. When we have a New Year Party, they often sing a “Happy New Year” song first.译:_ c. 他喜欢和我们做游戏。 He likes _ _ with _.5. We knock on their doors and shout “trick or treat”. 译: _解析 knock on - 敲打 链接 看_ 听_ 等候_ 体会 Listen! Someone is knocking on the window. 译:_6. If they do not give us a treat, we play a

8、 trick on them. 译:_解析 if - 如果(连词) play a trick on sb. - 开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人 体会 a. If its sunny tomorrow, we would like to go on a picnic. 译:_ b. Children like playing tricks on their friends on 1 April. 译:_ c. If the lights are red, the cars must stop. 译:_7. We always have a party on the evening of October

9、31 and enjoy nice food and drinks.译: _解析1 on the evening of October 31 - 在10月31日晚上 (注意:日期在月份后面应读序数词)练习a. on the afternoon of October 21 - _ b. 在周六早上_ c. on the morning of Christmas - _ d. 在感恩节夜晚_解析2 drink - 饮料,饮品(可数名词) 链接 drink - 喝,饮(动词)8. People make lanterns out of oranges. 译: _解析 make sth. out of

10、 sth. - 用制作练习我们用彩色的纸制作卡片。We _ _ _ _ colourful paper.【课堂检测】一用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Would you like _(drink) some orange juice? 2. We dont have much time _(do) our homework today. 3. The masks on the desk _(be) Millies. 4. Thanks for _(give) me these beautiful flowers. 5. Dont _(be) late for school again, Lu

11、cy. 6. We _(not celebrate) Halloween in China. 7. Children often knock on _(people) doors at Halloween. 8. They usually give _(we) some _(candy) as a treat. 二. 选择题。( )1._Halloween ,we have special parties _8:00 _the evening.A. On, at ,on B.At, at ,on C.In, at,in D. At at,in( ) 2. Its polite to _ the

12、 door before you go into other peoples room. A. shout at B. look at C. knock on D. listen to( ) 3.If they dont give us a treat, we can play a trick _ them. A. on B. with C. to D. for( )4.The young mother often _ her little baby and today the baby _ a shirt. A. dresses, dresses B. wears, wears C. dre

13、sses, wears D. wears, dresses( )5.Do you know who _?A. he is B. is he C. he does D. does he【课后巩固】一根据句子意思或中文提示,用合适的单词填空。1. We _ (给涂色) our faces and dress up at Halloween.2. _ (十月) is my favourite month because my birthday is in this month3. At the party, we use _ (面具) to cover our faces.4. You should

14、nt _ (喊叫) in the library. Thats not polite.5. He eats too many _(candy )at the party.6. Thank you for _ (cook) the nice food, Mum . I enjoy the food very much.7.He often _ (dress) up at Halloween.8. Please _(敲门) on the door before you come in.9.That is really a _(特别的)day.10.When the evening comes, c

15、hildren play a game with the people_(里面) .【能力提升】一阅读理解Today is Sunday,Mrs Green takes her children Trudy and Sam to go shoppingTheygo to the supermarket in the new shopping center“Why do you buy things here?”Trudy asks“Because the things are cheaper here than at the corner store。”his mother answers T

16、he Greens are not very rich and Mrs Green is very careful with her moneyShe lookscarefully at the pricesShe buys a kilo of potatoes and some milk in the supermarketWhen they get home,the children say,“We dont think you can save money by going to the supermarket” “Of course I can,”Mrs Green says“Ever

17、ything is cheaper there” “We know,”Trudy and Sam say“But we came home by taxi because we have got too much things to carryThe cost of the taxi is more than the money that you saved!” Mrs Green thinks for a whileThen she says to the children,“You are right,boysWe11 go to a nearer supermarket next tim

18、e”( )1Whats the main idea of the article?A Mrs Green and her children go shopping at a corner storeBMrs Green doesnt save money by shopping at the supermarketCMrs Green and her children save money at the supermarketDMrs Green will go to the supermarket again next time( )2Where is the supermarket?ANe

19、ar the corner store BNear Mrs Greens homeCIn the center of town DIn the new shopping center( )3Why does Mrs Green go shopping at the supermarket?AIt is close to her home BThings are cheaper thereCIt is in a new shopping centerDIt is in a corner store( )4Why is Mrs Green so careful with her money?ABe

20、cause she wants to buy a lot of thingsBBecause shebuys some milkCBecause she is not very richDBecause she is very rich( )5Why doesnt Mrs Green save money by shopping at the supermarket? AThings are not cheaper there BThings cost much there CThey go back home by taxi DShe buys too many things二根据短文填空。

21、When Christmas comes, people sing songs to celebrate the festival. They c_1_ these songs “carols(颂歌)”. Maybe you know some carols like “Jingle Bells” and “Silent Night”. They make all people h _2_ at Christmas. A Christmas carol is about Christmas, or winter. People begin to sing carols days b _3_ C

22、hristmas. Some carols are about 8 hundred years old. Today more and more people enjoy s_4_ carols.Carols have a strong tune(音调) and have a chorus(合唱). The music s _5_ beautiful and they make people think about holidays, good food and presents. In places l_6_ England, singers go from door to door, si

23、nging carols. People often give them presents like money, nice food or a glass of good d_7_. The singers often give the money they get to poor people. In Australia, Christmas is usually hot, and people also like to sing carols. People sing and c_8_ Christmas outside in the night. They sing carols with candles in their hands.【课后反思】_ 评价家长签字时间3 Pride hurts, modesty benefits, 满招损,谦受益。 http:/


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