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1、有关天气的英语口语对话【篇一】相关天气的英语口语对话Todd: Hey, James!嗨,詹姆斯!James: Yeah!嗨!Todd: Lets talk about seasons.我们来聊一聊季节。James: OK.好的。Todd: James, what is your favorite season?詹姆斯,你最喜欢的季节是什么?James: My favorite season is spring.我最喜欢的是春天。Todd: Yeah, why is that?为什么是春天?James: Because its not so cold but its not so hot th

2、at Im sweating on the train. I can go to the beach. I can relax with my friends outside. Its very nice.因为春天的天气不是很冷也不是很热,参加训练正合适。我还能去海边玩儿,和我的朋友一起出去。天气非常好。Todd: OK. What is your least favorite season?好的,你最不喜欢的季节是什么?James: My least favorite season in Japan is the rainy season .because I dont like rain

3、at all.我最不喜欢的是日本的雨季因为我一点儿都不喜欢雨。Todd: OK. What season are we in right now?好的。我们现在正处于什么季节?James: Right now it is the very end of winter. It is just starting to become spring.现在正是冬天的末尾,我们即将迎来春天。Todd: Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样呢?James: Today, its very sunny. Its a little cool. A little breezy

4、. Its very nice. I enjoy it.今天天气很晴朗,威风,有一点冷。今天天气很好,我很喜欢。【篇二】相关天气的英语口语对话A. Its hot inside, isnt it?有没有觉得屋里很热?B. Sure, the thermometer is on the wall by your side. Whats the temperature?当然,温度计在你那边墙上,看看几度?A. Around thirty.三十度左右。B. How is the weather outside?室外现在多少度?A. Its sunny and warm. Its a good day

5、 for a picnic.外贸阳光灿烂,非常温暖,适合去野餐啊。B. But the weather forecast says it will rain this afternoon.但是天气预报说今天下午会下雨。【篇三】相关天气的英语口语对话A Snow Day. 下雪天:外面下大雪了,詹姆斯让Teresa起床去堆雪人,请看下面的英语口语对话。(James is knocking at the door of Teresas room.)(詹姆斯敲在Teresa的房间的门。)A. Teresa, wake up. It is snowing heavily outside.Teresa,

6、快起床,外面下大雪了。B. Stop bugging me, James. I told you I did my homework till midnight.詹姆斯,别烦我了。跟你说了,我昨晚做功课到半夜。A. I know, but the snow is so thick that we can go make a snow man.我知道,但是雪很厚,我们能够堆雪人。B. Thats no surprise. The weather man said last night that a blizzard is hitting us these days.没啥新鲜了,天气预报昨晚就说了

7、这些天有暴风雪。A. See, Ive got a carrot, two black buttons, a broom and a scoop, all is ready.看,我有一个胡萝卜,两个很受的牛可,一个扫帚和铲子,都准备好啦。B. Ok, lets go. I need to relax for a while anyway.好吧,反正我需要放松。A. Atchoo! It is nice in cold today.哟呵,冷点也不错。B. Wait, James. The temperature has dropped to twelve degrees below zero today. Mum told me not let you play out on such a cold day. Lets go back or Ill tell mama.等等,詹姆斯,今天气温会下降到零下12读,妈妈跟我说,别让你在这样的冷天出去,我们回去吧,不然我就告诉妈妈。


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