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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip?SECTION AGoalsTo talk about events in the past.To practice the simple past of verbs.To practice were there?/did you?ProceduresStep1 Revision1. Make a survey: What did you do last Sunday?Revise the simple past of verbs.play help visit watch study do go buy see eat hav

2、e/has babysit take hang 2. Answer the questions:Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did / No, I didnt.Were there any animals? Yes, there were / No, there werent Did you have a school trip? Lead to the next step.Step2 Presentation1. Learn the new words: aquarium2. 1a. Give an example: Last Sunday, Sam was

3、on school trip. He went to the aquarium. What did he do ? Can you guess? Give out some phrases, see them for 30 seconds, then ask and answer.went to the aquariumsaw some seals and sharks hung out(闲逛)with his friendstook some photosate a hamburgerbought a souvenirStep3 1b. Listening practiceNow here

4、is an another student, She had a school trip too. Where did she go? And what did she do? Listen and circle the expressions in the box.Play the tape twice. The answer should be:went to the aquarium. saw some seals. took photos. hung out with her friends. Step4 1c. Doing pairworkA: Did Tina go to the

5、zoo?B: No, she didnt. She went to the A: Were there any sharks?B: No, there werent. There were someA: Where did Tina go on her last school trip? B: She went to the.A: What did she see there ?B: She saw some . A: What else did She do?B: She Ask 3 or 4 groups to act out.Step5 Play a game Change the se

6、ntences into interrogative sentences(一般疑问句) and negative sentences(否定句) Tina went to the aquarium.There were some seals.Her friend had a hamburger.Laura ate some ice cream.She hung out with her friends.She saw some seals.Grace bought a souvenir.Sum up this lessonHomework for today:1 Recite the new w

7、ords and phrases in Section A2 Write a composition about your last tripUnit 11 How was your school trip Section B 教案 教学内容1 会用was, were 这两个动词2 会用动词的过去式(规则与不规则变化)3 会用一般过去式的肯定句否定句,一般疑问句及回答4 记住下列单词短语: go for a drive, sleep late, take a class, help mom and dad, watch TV with friends, on ones day off, yar

8、d sale, read(past),5 掌握句型: What did you do on your last day off? Did you ? Were there ? Where ? How was ? That sounds 教学目标培养学生口语交际能力,与他人交流,用一般过去时陈述假期里的情况,提高用英语描述事件的能力教学重难点熟练掌握一般过去时,用于描述过去发生的事情教学策略采用Reflecting & Practicing 的学习策略,利用教学图片来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动,谈论假日里活动,掌握一些有关活动的词组,同时进行听力训练教学互动流程 第一教学环节

9、:情景导入(约7分钟)教师引导学生活动1提问,引导学生复习前一部分所学内容2 引导学生读1a 部分的要求,选出不喜欢做的事,完成1b中的对话1回答问题,复习一般过去时2 看图片,说出词组,完成1a的排序3 Pair work练习1b对话并表演第二教学环节:师生互动(约25分钟) 教师引导 学生活动1 播放录音,引导学生完成2a 中的学习要求2 再播放录音,然后填写表格,完成2b中的学习要求3 引导学生进行Pair work 活动,根据2a 和2b的内容自编对话4 让学生看图片,然后向全班提问5 引导学生阅读短文,并根据短文内容回答问题,完成3a中的take notes任务6 引导学生对3b的短

10、文内容进行填空 1 听录音,看Tony和Tina在上个假期里干了什么,选择表格内容,全班校对2 再听录音,完成选择填空,全班校对3 进行Pair work活动,自编对话,谈谈自己去了哪个地方,那个地方听起来如何?4 看图片回答问题,然后阅读短文,回答有关文章内容的提问5 朗读短文6 把 Nick的假日干的事情用过去式写出来,并评价这一天怎样7 根据3b短文内容填空,向全班念出第三教学环节:协作学习(约8分钟) 教师引导 学生活动1 要求学生按3c要求写一封信2 利用图片引导学生进行Pair work1 写一封信,用一般过去时谈谈上次的假期活动(家庭作业)2 了解朋友在假期中干了什么,讲讲自己的

11、假期干了什么?板书设计 Unit 11a day off: a day when you dont have school 1.visited his cousinstwo days off 2.watched videoswatched TV with friends 3.played computer gamesslept late 4.readwent for a drive 5.had a yard saletook a class in my opinion, it was an interesting day off.helped mom and dad 本课总结该部分内容主要涉及如何度过上一个假期的,用过去时介绍。加强听力训练,培养听力。同时强化语言表达能力。


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