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1、 精诚所至,金石为开。今天,你给自己加油了吗?虚拟语气详解思考1:什么叫虚拟?在英语当中体现为什么?虚拟即不真实。其表述的事件或事件发生的条件不可能存在,或者可能性很小。在英语当中,虚拟在句子中通过时态的变化来体现。一般遵循的是时态往前推一个的原则。虚拟归根到底,是谓语动词的变化。思考2:虚拟有哪些类型?我们已经见过哪些?1. I could have seen off Jack if I had arrived earlier.2. My uncle suggested that we (should) go there by train.3. Its high time that we s

2、hould go./ were go.4. The chopstick looks as if it were broken in the water.虚拟语气的分类:if型 should+V. 原形型 似if 型思考:各种类型的虚拟语气,都长什么样?1. if 型所述情况从句主句与现在相反If+主语+动词过去式(be动词用were)主语 + would / could/might/should+ 动词原形与过去相反If+主语+动词过去完成时主语 + would / could/might/should+ have done与将来相反 if+主语+动词过去式 if+主语+were to + 动

3、词原形 if+主语+should+动词原形主语 + would / could/might/should+ 动词原形2. If型我们需要注意什么?从句和主句有时候所表述的事件发生的时间段并不一致,这个时候需要我们注意要“各自为准”If they had started the early morning yesterday, they would be here now.If I were not to make a preparation for my experiment this afternoon, I would have gone to see the film with you

4、last night.If we shouldnt have an exam this afternoon, I would go shopping now.If you had followed my advice, you would be able to finish the work now.If I were you, I would have gone to her birthday party last night.当从句中出现had/should/ were 时可以省略if,并将这三个词当中的一个放到if的位置上去,所以要熟悉常见的省略过后if 条件句If I were.= W

5、ere I. I f I were to.= Were I to.If I should.= Should I . If I had.= Had I.3. should+V. 原形型should 可以省略动词名词一个坚持insist (坚决要求)insistence两个命令order commandorder command三个建议advice suggest proposeadvice suggestion proposal四个要求demand require ask requestdemand requirement request改错1.The workers requested tha

6、t he sang a song.2.The workers requested was that he (should) sing a song.3.The hotel receptionist requires that we paid in cash.4.The hotel receptionists requirement is that we (should) pay in cash.should 不可以省略Its(high/ about) time. 句型4. 似if型wish+从句 (表达愿望或者祝福) as if / (though)+从句所述情况从句现在主语+动词一般过去时(

7、过去式)过去主语+动词过去完成时(had done)将来主语+would/could/might +V.原形我希望年轻30岁。I wish I were 30 years younger.祝你找到一份好工作。I wish (that) you would get a good job.他希望没做过这件事。He wished he hadnt done it.他对待这个小女孩就像她是自己的女儿一样。 He treats the little girl as if she were his own daughter.would rather 宁愿. if only. 要是.就好了所述情况谓语动词过

8、去had + 过去分词; 现在/将来过去时(be 用were ) 我倒想你昨天看过了这场电影。Id rather you had seen the film yesterday.我倒想你现在在这儿。Id rather you were here now.我么倒想你明天去那儿。Wed rather you went there tomorrow. 如果我能看到他就好了。If only I could see him. 如果我是一只鸟该多好呀! If only I were a bird. . 一些短语相当于虚拟条件从句(if), 其后的句子与虚拟条件主句用法一致but for +n(要不是),

9、without +n, otherwise(否则),in that case,所述情况其后的句子过去主语+would/could/should/might+have done现在/将来主语+would/could/should/might +V.原形我本该来看你了,然而我太忙了。I would have come to see you, but I was too busy. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。But for his help, we would be working now. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。Without your instruction, I w

10、ould not have made such great progress. 多亏了这个勇敢的年轻人,否则的话这个男孩就死掉了。Thanks to the brave young man, otherwise, the boy would have died.Ex.1.Alan _ the party if he had gone to London. A. would have missed B. had missed C. would miss D. missed2.It was the drug,not the disease,that killed the boy. He would

11、 be still alive today if he _ that drug. A.not take B. hadnt taken C. didnt take D. shouldnt have taken3.If only I _ to my parents! (But I didnt.) A. listened B. had listened C. should listen D. would listen4. Tom suggested that Ann _ the house. A. sell B. sold C. shall sell D. would sell5. I wish t

12、his bus _ to the university. A. go B. went C. has gone D. had gone6. Have you ever been to Beijing? - No, but I wish I _. A. have B. will C. do D. had7. I dont think it is the right time that you _. A. will go B. went C. go D. must go8. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it

13、. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken试试看吧C 1.If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lieA 2. If only I _my car A. hadnt lost B. wouldnt lose C. didnt lose D. havent lostA 3.If only I _ my watch!A. hadnt

14、 lost B. havent lost C. didnt lost D. dont loseB 4.How I wish every family _a large house with a beautiful garden nowadays.A. has B. had C. will have D. had hadB5. How I wish I _ to repair the watch! I only made it worseA. had tried B. hadnt tried C. have tried D. didnt tryC 6. I wish that you _ suc

15、h a bad headache because I am sure that you would have enjoyed the concertA. had not B. did not have had C. hadnt had D. hadnt haveB 7. I wish I _here thenA. was B. had been C. were D. would beD 8. If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, _more deathsA. it would have been B. it would be C.

16、 there would be D. there would have beenD 9. You did not let me drive. If we _in turn, you _ so tiredA. drove; didnt get B. drove; wouldnt getC. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven ; wouldnt have gotB 10. _it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu BridgeA. Were B. Should

17、 C. Would D. WillC 11. As you know, I am a disabled man, but I would be happy if I _of service to youA. am B. have been C. should be D. would beD 12. _the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easilyA. Had it not been for B. If it were not C. If it had not been for D. Were it not forA 13. I

18、f my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from goingA. had been, would have prevented B. had been, would preventC. were, prevent D. were, would have preventedB 14. _hard, he would have passed the examA. If he were to work B. Had he worked C. Should he work D. Were he to workA 14. _today, he would get t

19、here by FridayA. Were he to leave B. If he had left C. Did he to leave D. Had he leftC 15. Had you listened to the doctor, you _all right nowA. are B. were C. would be D. would have beenD 16. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brotherA. has come B. did come C.

20、come D. had comeC 17. If it _for the snow, we_ the mountain yesterdayA. were not, could have climb B. were not, could climb C. had not been, could have climbed D. hadnt been, could climbC 18. I insisted _to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ wrong with himA. on him to go; should be B. he went;

21、be C. he go; was D. he should to; isA 19. He insisted that we _early the next morningA. start B. started C. would start D. had startedD 20.Mikes father, as well as his mother, insisted he _homeA. stayed B. could stay C. has stayed D. stayC 21. She insisted that a doctor _ immediatelyA. had sent for

22、B. send C. be sent for D. was sentC 22. The chairman insisted that we _the question againA. will discuss B. to discuss C. should discuss D. will be discussedB 23. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody _the rulesA. obeys B. obey C. will obey D. would obeyC 24. It was requested that the play _

23、againA. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put onA 25. He requested that the students _them get in cropsA. help B. to help C. helped D. helpingB 26. Mother suggested that I _my homework first before watching TVA. did B. do C. shall do D. have doneA 27. My suggestion is that the meeting _o

24、ff till nest SundayA. be put B. put C. should put D. had been putC 28.The teacher demanded that the exam _ before elevenA. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finishedB 29. What the customers_ from the company is that the goods _ right to their homes.A. requested, deliver B. d

25、emand, be delivered C. request, should deliver D. demand, deliveredB 30. What do you think his proposal that we _ a play at the English meetingA. had put on B. should put on C. have put on D. will put onD 31.The thief closed his eyes _ he _dyingA. even if , was B. though, would be C. even, had been

26、D. as if, wereA 32. He is talking so much about America as if he _ thereA. had been B. has been C. was D. BeenB 33. The kind-hearted couple treat the orphan(孤儿) very well as though he _ their own son.A. is B. were/ was C. had been D. should beD 34. We took a taxi to the airport. Otherwise we _lateA.

27、 would be B. were C. will be D. would have beenA 35 I was ill that day, otherwise I _ the sports meetA. would have taken part in B. took part in C. had taken part in D. would take part inB 36. -Your aunt invites you to the movies today-I would rather she _ me tomorrow than todayA. tells B. told C. w

28、ould tell D. had toldB 37. I would rather you _anything about it for the time being( 暂时)A. do B. didnt do C. dont D. didntB 38. He _busy yesterday, or he _you with your experiment.A. was, had helped B. was, would have helped C. had been, would have helped D. were, would have helpedD39. Without elect

29、ricity, human life _quite difficult todayA. is B. will be C. would have been D. would beB 40. But for water, it _impossible to live in the earthA. is B. would be C. were D. wouldnt beB 41. It is high time that we _ a meeting to discuss this problemA. hold B. held C. have held D. had heldC 42. I did

30、not attend the lecture by Pro. Jackson. I _ but I _ all this morningA. would, have washed B. could, have been washing C. would have, have been washing D. could have, had washingD 43 We _last night, but we went to the cinema insteadA. must have studied B. might study C. would study D. would have studied6语法辅导系列 编制:蒋娜 合肥世界外国语学校


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