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1、Module 6 selfassessment第一课时(一)学习任务:1.I dont play well. 2.You can jump really high. 3.You were very good basketball. 4.You can catch the ball well. 5.Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper. (二)功能:表扬评价,肯定与鼓励人(三)运用任务:1、评论说明足球或篮球比赛;2、小组调查:小组各种能手(Xiaolong can play the flute well. Fangfang can wash clothes we

2、ll.(四) 教学程序:一、热身复习1.Look and say:(幻灯片出示一些学过的词组,让学生操练词组)如:.play football /play basketball/ play table tennis / play the violin/make dumplings. 2. Games: T :Who can.?(会的学生马上抢答。并加分奖励) 2、 任务呈现与课文导入教师播放一段有关姚明打篮球运动的画面。问学生是否喜欢看,让学生谈论姚明跟篮球,师问:Do you know Yao Ming? Can he play basketball well?引出课文单词教学。二、教学过程

3、1.Lead outT:We know YaoMing is a fantastic basketball player, He is good at basketball.Do you want to join in the basketball team? (学习词组bastetball team, football team)2.T: Now, I want to know who is good at basketball? And who is good at football?(询问一些学生,然后对于喜欢足球的同学进一步询问)T: Can you tell me more abou

4、t football? How many players are there in a football team? What you should do if you want to be a fantastic football player?引出词组巩固运用:catch the ball, control the ball, jump high, run fast.3. 句型操练:T:Can you run fast?/ jump high/ catch the ball/ control the ball well? Ss: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.4. 拓展训

5、练:两名学生相互用所学过的词组进行能力方面问答。Ss1:Can you.?Ss2: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.5.课文学习。 播放磁带,学生听然后回答问题:、Can Lingling run fast ? ( No, she cant .) 、Can Lingling control the ball ? ( No, she cant .) 、Can Lingling jump hight ? ( Yes, she can.) 、Can Lingling catch the ball well ? (Yes, she can.) 6. 把全班同学分成三部分,分角色表演课文

6、,7.自我介绍个人能力(先让学生填空,然后向大家介绍自己的特长)My name is_. I like sports. I am good at_. I can_well. 7、任务完成(1)节选精彩的一段体育节目,如日本动画片灌篮高手。学生评价球队表现,并说一说他们喜欢哪个人物,为什么。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。 示例: Theyre good at basketball.Theyre fantastic.I like Liu Chuanfeng.Hes thin and tall. He can jump very high. He can catch the ball well. He

7、can control the ball well,too.And hes very cool. (2)学生三人一组谈论个人喜欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及他们擅长什么项目。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。示例:I like Tian Liang. He can dive very well. I like basketball very much. I like Michael Jordan. He can jump very high and run very fast. 5、课后作业自己用英语制定一张调查表,调查身边同学所擅长或不擅长的项目。下节课进行交流。 板书设计:1.I can.2.Can

8、you.run fast ? control the ball well catch the ball jump high 3. .is good at.教学反思: 在本节课的教学设计中,一开始我采用“热身”环节,既让学生集中精神,又能让学生先大概感知本节课与谈论个人能力有关。接着引入姚明打篮球画面,让学生知道“be good at, basketball team, football team,”等新单词的意思,通过这种生活场景让学生更好的了解新单词,并初步了解如何谈论一个人的能力。接着我设计了一个通过填空并读出自己所写的内容,进行自我能力的介绍。是英语教学要培养学生用英语思维的能力。每种语言都有自己固定的表达习惯,要想让自己的英语能够说得出,学的知识用得上,就要按照目标语的表达结构和习惯去思考,去表达。从一开始简单的语言结构、功能项目开始培养,并且要高度重视语言知识的积累。多创造更为真实的语言环境,让学生进行有意义的练习。所以我的课堂教学环节都进来让学生做到“听,说,读,写”相结合。


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