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1、高中历史史料教学策略研究历史教育硕士论文(优秀6篇)之第四篇摘 要随着新课改的不断深入,史料教学逐渐成为最重要的历史教学方法。新课改强调改变学生的学习方式,重视探究教学、发现教学,而史料教学顺应了新课改的趋势,有助于学生教学方式的改变。在历史教学实践中,要想将史料的作用落实到实处,就必须对史料教学的策略深入探讨,握住史料教学的命脉。因此,本文就高中历史史料教学的策略进行深入研究。本文力图从课前准备、课堂实施、课后提升三个方面制定整体的史料教学策略,同时结合丰富翔实的教学案例展示史料教学策略的具体操作,做到理论与实践相结合。除绪论和结语两部分,本文由以下五章构成:第一章阐述与史料教学相关的两个重


3、历史史料教学策略实施过程中需要注意的问题展开论述,主要包括从教师提高自身素质为基础以及实施过程中需要注意的具体问题。关键词:历史,教学,高中,历史教学,史料,策略AbstractWith the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the teaching of historicalmaterials has gradually become the most important teaching method of history Thenew curriculum reform emphasizes the change of students

4、learning style, theemphasis on inquiry teaching and discovery teaching, while the teaching of historicalmaterials conforms to the trend of the new curriculum reform and helps students tochange their teaching methods In the practice of history teaching, if we want to putthe function of historical mat

5、erials into practice, we must deeply discuss the strategiesof teaching historical materials and grasp the lifeblood of teaching historical materialsTherefore, this paper makes an in-depth study on the strategy of teaching historicalmaterials in senior high schoolThis paper tries to formulate the ove

6、rall teaching strategy of historical materialsfrom three aspects: pre-class preparation, classroom implementation and post-classpromotion At the same time, it combines rich and detailed teaching cases to show thespecific operation of the teaching strategy of historical materials, so as to achieve th

7、ecombination of theory and practice In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this paper consists of the following five chapters:The first chapter elaborates two important concepts related to the teaching ofhistorical materials, historical materials and teaching of historical materialsThe secon

8、d chapter discusses the role of historical data teaching in high schoolhistory teaching, mainly from four aspects: helping students grasp the method ofhistorical knowledge, stimulating students interest in learning, cultivating studentshistorical thinking ability, and fostering students inquiry spir

9、itThe third chapter defines the implementation objectives of the teaching ofhistorical materials, which are discussed from five aspects: recognizing theclassification and function of historical materials, mastering the principles ofcollecting and using historical materials, learning the methods of r

10、eading and usinghistorical materials, evaluating different historical explanations, and using historicalmaterials to explain historical and realistic problemsThe fourth chapter discusses the strategies and methods of teaching historicalmaterials, starting from three aspects: pre-class preparation, c

11、lassroomimplementation and after-class promotion Pre-class preparation mainly starts with thecollection and selection of historical materials Classroom implementation focuses oncreating problems, demonstration methods and application methods under theguidance of teachers After-class promotion focuse

12、s on consolidation strategies andevaluation strategiesThe fifth chapter focuses on the problems that should be paid attention to in theimplementation of the teaching strategy of historical materials in senior high schools,mainly including the specific problems that need to be paid attention to in th

13、eimplementation process and on the basis of improving teachers own qualityKey words: High school; History teaching; historical material;Strategy目 录第一章 相关概念阐释一、史料1.史料的概念关于史料的概念,学界有着不同的定义。梁启超认为:过去人类行事所留之痕迹,有证据传流至今日者。;他认为史料是人类以往行事所存于世的证据。葛懋春认为:所谓史料,就是以往人类所留下而为我们进行研究各种社会发展规律提供的痕迹简单地说,史料就是研究和编纂历史所使用的资料,或



16、很难拿到课堂上让学生观摩,而且复制历史实物需要花费大量经费,所以实物史料在历史教学中应用相对较少。口述史料是当事人或亲历者所诉说的历史,有着重要的研究价值。但口述史料的辨伪关系着史料的价值,所以运用时需要教师鉴别史料真假。音像史料和数字化史料是近代以来随着摄影录像技术新兴起来的,历史教学中应用非常广。二、史料教学第二章 史料教学在高中历史教学中的作用一、史料教学有助于学生掌握历史认识方法二、史料教学有助于激发学生的学习兴趣三、史料教学有助于培养学生的历史思维能力四、史料教学有助于养成学生的探究精神第三章 高中历史史料教学目标一、理解史料的分类及其作用二、掌握搜集和运用史料的原则三、学会史料研读和运用的方法四、评析不同的历史解释五、运用史料解释历史和现实问题第四章 高中历史史料教学的策略一、课前准备1.史料搜集2.史料择取二、课堂实施1.设问表述清晰易懂,问题难度逐步提升2.示范史料解析方法,破解史料解析密码3.运用多元教学史料,培养学生思维能力三、课后提升1.课后巩固2.课后评价第五章 高中历史史料教学策略实施过程中需注意的问题一、历史教师需提高史料教学素养1.坚定的唯物史观2.深厚的历史学科知识3.精深的历史教学理论研究二、史料运用过程中要掌握度;1.运用史料解决教学难点2.运用史料讲清历史概念3.运用史料拓展教科书简略之处结 语参考文献专着类期刊论文类学位论文类致 谢


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