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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!2011届中考英语专题复习一:名词考点讲解和训练一、名词的数 1单数和复数 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。复数形式通常是在单数形式后加词尾“-s”构成,其主要变法如下:(1)一般情况在词尾加-s,例如:bookbooks,girlgirls,boyboys,penpens,doctordoctors, boyboys。(2) 以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的词加-es,例如:busbuses,classclasses,boxboxes,watchwatches,brushbrushes。 (3)以ce, se, ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s,

2、例如:orangeoranges。(4)以辅音母加y结尾的词变“y”为“i”再加-es,例如:citycities, factoryfactories, countrycountries, familyfamilies。但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:boyboys, daydays。(5)以o结尾的词多数都加-es。例如:heroheroes,potatopotatoes,tomatotomatoes,但词末为两个元音字母的词只加-s。例如:zoozoos,radioradios,还有某些外来词也只加-s,例如:photophotos,pianopianos。 (6

3、) 以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f为v再加-es,例如:knifeknives,leafleaves, halfhalves。复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法如下表所示。复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法情况 读法 例词 在ptkf等清辅音后 s cups, hats, cakes 在sztF等音后 iz glasses, pages, oranges, buses, watches,faces 在bdv等浊辅音后 z beds, dogs, cities, knives (7)少数名词有不规则的复数形式,例如:manmen,womanwomen,toothteeth,footfeet,childch

4、ildren,mousemice。【注意】与man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men和-women。例如:an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans;man, woman等作定语时,它的单复数以其所修饰的名词的单复数而定,如:menworkers, women teachers。有个别名词单复数一样,例如:Chinese,Japanese,sheep,deer,fish等。但当fish表示不同种类的鱼时,可以加复数词尾。(8)单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:people, police等。(9)数词+名词作定语时

5、,这个名词一般保留单数形式,中间加连字符。例如:ten-minutes walk, an 8-year-old girl, a ten-mile walk。(10)还有些名词仅有复数形式,如:trousers,clothes,chopsticks,glasses,goods,ashes,scissors,compasses。(11)只用作单数的复数形式的名词有:科学名词:physics, mathematics/maths游戏名称:bowls专有名词:the United States, Niagara Falls其他名词:news, falls2不可数名词“量”的表示方法在英语中,不可数名词

6、如果要表示“量”的概念,可以用以下两种方法:(1)用much, a little, a lot of/lots of, some, any等表示多少,例如:The rich man has a lot of moneyThere is some milk in the bottleIs there any water in the glass?I dont like winter because theres too much snow and ice(2)用a piece of 这类定语,例如:a piece of paper a piece of wood a piece of bread

7、 a bottle of orange a glass of water(milk) a cup of tea a cup of tea a bag of rice three bags of rice如果要表示“两杯茶”、“四张纸”这类概念时,在容器后加复数,例如:two cups of teafour pieces of paperthree glasses of water不可数名词也可用a lot of, lots of, some, any, much等来修饰。二、名词的所有格 名词所有格,用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系。1. 表示有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加 s,其复数形

8、式是s,例如:a students room, students rooms, fathers shoes。2. 如其结尾不是s的复数形式仍加 s,如:Childrens Day。3. 在表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 s,例如:a twenty minutes walk,ten miles journey,a boats length,two pounds weight, ten dollars worth。4. 无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构,例如:a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of ou

9、r country, the color of the flowers。5. 双重所有格,例如:a friend of my fathers。【注意】如果两个名词并列,并且分别有 s,则表示“分别有”,例如:Johns and Marys rooms(约翰和玛丽各有一间,共两间);Toms and Marys bikes(两人各自的自行车)。两个名词并列,只有一个s,则表示“共有”,例如:John and Marys room(约翰和玛丽共有一间);Tom and Marys mother(即Tom与Mary是兄妹)。一、名词介绍1.名词分类 专有名词:表示人、地方、事物、机构和组织名称。 L

10、ucy, China, the Great Wall 普通名词: A.可数:个体 dictionary,pencil,chair,window,table,book,bike,ball 集体名词 family,police,class,group,team B.不可数:物质,物质名词表示构成各种物体的物质或材料,rice,glass,porridge, paper,air,wood,wheat,steel 抽象,表示状态、品质、行为和感情等抽象概念 Knowledge, danger,health, life, homework2.名词变复数情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加 -s清辅音后读/s/

11、map-maps浊辅音和元音后读 /z/bag-bags /car-cars以s, sh, ch, x等结尾加 -es读 /iz/bus-buses/ watch-watches以ce, se, ze,等结尾加 -s读 /iz/license-licenses以辅音字母+y结尾y i再加es读 /z/baby-babies一般:加-s, cakes, days,students,beds以-s,-x,-sh,-ch结尾名词,加-es, buses, boxes, watches以辅音字母加-y结尾,变y为i,加-es, baby-babies, city-cities, country-cou

12、ntries以元音字母加y结尾,加-s, toy-toys,monkey-monkeys以f(fe)结尾,变f(fe)为ves, leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, life-lives以ce,se,ze,(d)ge结尾, 加-s, face-faces, orange-oranges不规则变化:改变单数名词中的元音字母,man-men woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth单复数形式相同,fish-fish, sheep-sheep,deer-deer, Chinese-Chinese其他其他形式,mouse-mice国别:国籍总称(谓语用复数

13、)单数复数中国人the Chinesea Chinese two Chinese瑞士人the Swissa Swisstwo Swiss澳大利亚人the Australians an Australiantwo Australians俄国人the Russiansa Russiantwo Russians意大利人the Italiansan Italiantwo Italians希腊人the Greeka Greektwo Greeks法国人the Frencha Frenchmantwo Frenchmen日本人the Japanesea Japanesetwo Japanese美国人the

14、 Americansan Americantwo Americans印度人the Indiansan Indiantwo Indians加拿大人the Canadiansa Canadiantwo Canadians德国人the Germansa Germanstwo Germans英国人the Englishan Englishmantwo Englishmen瑞典人the Swedisha Swedetwo Swedes以o结尾名词,加es, negro, hero, tomato,potato名词作定语变复数:1) 用复数作定语。例如:sports meeting 运动会 student

15、s reading-room 学生阅览室 talks table 谈判桌 the foreign languages department 外语系2) man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。例如: men workerswomen teachersgentlemen officials3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。例如: goods train (货车) arms produce武器生产 customs papers 海关文件 clothes brush 衣刷4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。例如:two-d

16、ozen eggs两打鸡蛋 a ten-mile walk 十英里路two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan.一个五年计划3.不可数名词的数:数词或冠词+量词+of+不可数名词,量词可单复数,但of 后的名词只用原形,如a piece of paper, a drop of water, two cups of tea4.名词所有格:s和of 形式。s 形式表示有生命的东西,of所有格用来表示无生命的东西 my brothers book the windows of the room两个并列单数名词表示两者共有时,在最后一个名词后加s This is M

17、ary and her sisters bedroom. Lily and Lucys mother is a nurse.如果表示两者分别有,那么两个词都要加s These are Toms and Marys bags.如果以s结尾名词,其后加,其他形式加sTeachers Day Childrens Day店铺、医院名称加s, at the doctorssomeone,everybody,no one和else, 在else后加s, 如 somebody elses pencil表示时间,距离,国家,城市等无生命的东西的名词,可以在词尾加s 或来构成所有格。A. 用于时间An hour

18、s rideB. 用于度量Thirteen tons weightC.用于价值A hundred yuans orderD. 用于天体The earths satelliteE. 用于国家Belgiums capitalF. 用于城市The Urals industry5. 双重所有格:of+名词所有格,of+名词性物主代词表示部分概念,of短语修饰的名词前通常有表示数量的限定词,如:a,an,one,two,some,several,a few,many,any,no等。This is a picture of mine.这是我的一张照片。双重所有格与of所有格的不同。如:He is a f

19、riend of your fathers.他是你父亲的一个朋友。(强调你父亲的朋友不止一个)He is a friend of your father.他是你父亲的朋友。(强调他对你父亲的友好)6.名词转化 某些名词后加y变形容词,表示“充满的”,cloud-cloudy, sun-sunny 某些名词后加ful变形容词,表示“性质的”,use-useful, care-careful 部分表示人的名词后加ly变形容词,具有赞美意味。Friend-friendly, lovely 某些名词后加less表示没有,careless, useless二、名词用法作主语,English is use

20、ful.做定语,paper tigers, work places做宾语,She learns Chinese hard every day.做表语,Tom is my good friend.做宾语补足语, They chose the boy monitor.三、既是可数又是不可数名词的意义不同:Work工作-a work著作,glass玻璃-a glass玻璃杯,paper纸-a paper报纸,文件,试卷Tea茶-a tea一种茶,wood木头-a wood小树林,room空间-a room空间非复数:physics, maths, politics, news表示由两部分构成的东西,

21、如:glasses (眼镜)trousers,clothes等,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,可数。例如:This factory produces steel.(不可数)We need various steels.(可数)当物质名词表示份数时,可数。例如:Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶。 The girl was washing greens.

22、Our returns are not as good as before. Please hand in your papers at once. Mary lost her good looks when she was old.四、名词动词化1. Dont brother me.2. Dont sir me!3. The dog nosed the door open.4. He mouthed down a piece of cake【实例解析】 1.These _ have saved many childrens lives. A. woman doctors B. women d

23、octor C. women doctors D. woman doctor 答案:C。该题考查的是名词作定语时的变化。woman 作定语时要和被修饰的名词保持数的一致。2.This is _ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Annes and Janes C. Annes and Jane D. Anne and Janes 答案:D。该题考查的是并列名词的所有格。两人共有一个房间时,只在后面的名词后加s。 3.-Are there any _ on the farm? -Yes, there

24、are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep 答案:D。该题考查的是特殊名词的复数形式。从谓语动词来判断,主语应该是复数名词。只有sheep可用作复数名词。 4.-What would you like to drink, _ or orange? -Orange, please. A. hamburger B. chip C. tea 答案:C。该题考查的是名词的类别。三种东西中只有tea能喝。【中考演练】一. 单项填空1- Where have you been, Tim? - Ive been to _.A. the Henry house

25、 B. the Henry family C. The Henrys home D. Henrys2In England, if _ is in the middle of the day, the evening meal is called supper.A. food B. lunch C. breakfast D. dinner3You looked for it twice, but you havent found it. Why not try _ .A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once4- They a

26、re thirsty. Will you please give them _ ? - Certainly.A. some bottles of waters B. some bottles of waterC. some bottle of water D. some bottle of waters5Mike hurt one of his _ in the accident yesterday.A. tooth B. feet C. hand D. ear6There is some _ on the plate.A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears7I

27、n England, the last name is the _ .A. family name B. middle C. given name D. full name8The are going to fly _ to Beijing.A. Germen B. Germany C. Germanys D. Germans9The_ has two _ .A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch10The little baby has two _ already.A. tooth B. tooths C.

28、teeth D. teeths11Whats your _ for being late again?A. idea B. key C. excuse D. news12- Its dangerous here. Wed better go out quickly.- But I think we should let _ go out first.A. woman and children B. women and childC. woman and child D. women and children13- You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign

29、 “_ ”on the door of his shop.- Thanks.A.ENTRANCE B.BUSINESS HOURS C.THIS SIDE UP D.NO SMOKING14Are they going to have a picnic on _ ?A. Childrens Day B. Childrenss Day C. Childrens Day D. Children Day15Where are the students? Are they in _ ?A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406 Room二. 根

30、据下列句子的情景及所给汉语注释,写出所缺单词。1. Weve got a lot of new _(杂志) in our school library.2. Please turn to another _(频道), I dont like this show.3. Yesterday the _(航班) to London was put off because of the bad weather.4. Autumn is my favourite (季节) 5. -How many _(小刀) do you have? -Three.6. _ are widely used in the

31、 modern world. 7. June 1st is _(儿童) Day.8. Mary, would you please tell me your new _(地址) so that I can write to you.9. -Does this piece of _(音乐) sound nice? -Yes. Its wonderful!10. May 12th is the International _(护士) Day. Lets say “ Thanks” to them for their work.三. 根据句意和所给首字母写出所缺的单词。1. “Whats your

32、n_?” “Li Lei.”2. How many d_ does your uncle have?3. Please close the w_. Its cold outside.4. If you want study English well, you must pay attention to your p_.5. A computer is one of the greatest i_ in the world.6. Zhang Hui is very excited. He will go to Japan with his p_ during the Spring Festiva

33、l. 7. At the a_ of seven, the lonely girl had to work to make living.8. Its only about an h_ flight from Qingdao to Beijing by air.9. Health is more important to me than m_.10. Be careful! Its d_ to run across the street now.【练习答案】一1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 二1.magazines 2.Channel 3. flight 4.season 5. knives 6. Computers 7. Childrens 8. address 9. music 10. Nurses三1.name 2.daughters 3. window 4. pronunciation 5. inventions 6.parents 7. age 8. hours 9. money 10. dangerous


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