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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!朗文英语4B复习提要Chapter 4:A visit to Hong Kong(visit在此处是一个名词)I. 经过第4章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。Arrivals Hall到达厅bauhinia紫荆花eat seafood吃海鲜floating restaurant水上餐厅Stanley Market赤柱市场have dinner吃晚

2、餐ride on the tram乘坐电车、缆车peak tram山顶缆车look at the view 欣赏风景watch the light and sound show观看声光表演注意:1. Peak特指香港太平山顶 peak山顶Golden Bauhinia特指香港金紫荆广场的金紫荆golden bauhinia金色的紫荆花2. 在p26,我们看到have dinner;在page 30, 我们看到have a sushi dinner.那么到底dinner是可数还是不可数呢?当dinner前面没有任何限定词的时候,属于不可数名词,只能用have dinner,但是如果前面有限定词,

3、比如sushi, seafood, good等等,那么就属于可数名词,前面要加a,比如:I want to have dinner with you.She wants to have dinner at 5 oclock.I have a good dinner tonight.I will have a sushi dinner there.Will you have a seafood dinner with me?II.句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读( read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用( use them in dif

4、ferent contexts), 会写( write them correctly)。本章我们学习的关键句型和语法主要是:1. will表示将来时,后面加动词原型:will+do2. 问句答句时态保持一致。问句用将来时,答句也用将来时。3. 问句答句人称保持一致。3. at后面一般跟小地点,比如at school, at hospital, at home, at the restaurant等等。4. in后面一般跟大地点,比如国家和城市:in China, in Jiangsu, in Nanjing。5. I will= Ill-What will we do in Hong Kong

5、 on Monday?周一我们将在香港做什么? -Well see the Golden auhBinia in Wan Chai on Monday.周一我们将在湾仔看金紫荆。-Well go shopping at Stanley Market on Monday.周一我们将在赤柱市场购物。-Well eat seafood at the floating restaurant in Aberdeen.我们将在湾仔的水上餐厅吃海鲜。-Well have dinner in Wan Chai.我们将在湾仔吃晚餐。-What will we do on Tuesday?周二我们将会做什么?-W

6、ell ride on the Peak Tram on Tuesday.周二我们将乘坐太平山顶电车。-Well have lunch at the Peak.我们将在太平山顶吃午餐。-Well look at the view from the Peak.我们将从太平山顶欣赏风景。-Well watch the light and sound show in Tsim Sha Tsui.我们将在尖沙咀观看声光表演。-Well have dinner in Tsui Sha Tsui.我们将在尖沙咀吃晚餐。III. C部分学完后,你们要达到以下的要求哦。1) 可以准确而流利地背诵出C部分。2)

7、 对于需要抄写的单词、短语和句子,要求会读、知道意思、知道在何种语境下运用、会拼写。1. Cousin Anna(C大写是因为Cousin是名字的一部分,比如Teacher Monica, Doctor Wang)2. at boarding school在寄宿学校 3. look after= take care of照顾 4. New Territories新界 5. territory地盘、领域 6. hold a party举办派对 7. house-warming party乔迁派对 8. pickup接9. invite邀请 10. make friends交朋友 13. lion

8、 dance舞狮 14. at the house在家里15. family member家庭成员 16. cook a meal 做饭 17. serve供应 18. wooden basin木盆 19. chopsticks筷子(通常以复数形式出现,同样的单词还有socks, shoes, crayons)20. use chopsticks to eat 用筷子吃20. Thats all for now. 就到这吧。21. Take care. 保重。 22. Hope to see you soon.希望很快能见到你。 3)对于下面的一些词组和句型,我们要准确而流利地读出来、能够英汉

9、互译、会拼写、还要会运用和拓展。1. There will be a lion dance at the house.在那个房子里将会有一场舞狮表演。There will be +n. 名词:将会有(这是there be 句型的将来时,由于will后面加动词原型,所有不管后面的名词是可数的单数、复数还是不可数,都用be)There will be lots of students in the playground in the afternoon. There will be no homework tonight. There will be a birthday cake on the

10、table tomorrow. 2. Then all the family members will help to cook a big meal. 然后所有的家庭成员将会忙帮做大餐。help to do= help to帮忙做(在help所使用的两种结构中,带to的结构在英式英语中更常见,而不带to的结构在美式英语中更常见,但是两个都对)I always help my mum clean the floor. Do you usually help to do homework for her?She sometimes helps to turn on the lights for

11、the teacher. 3. Everyone will use chopsticks to eat from the same basin.每个人用筷子从同一个盆里吃饭。to do跟在动词后面表示目的。I went to the playground to play basketball there. 我去操场打篮球。I will go to England to meet my friend.我将去英国见我的朋友。She goes to the supermarket to buy some food for tomorrows party. 她去超市买明天派对的食物。IV. Part

12、E要求:1. 对于书上出现的句子,要知道中文意思、会读、会拼写、会运用。2. 能够用FirstNextThenAfter thatFinally(At last)来写话。3. 能够熟练掌握将来时。4. 能够准确、流利地说出英语时间。5. 能够熟练掌握将来时态的一般疑问句Will you? 以及肯定和否定回答Yes, I wll. No, I wont . (wont = will not )6. 能够根据表格内容提出相关问题,包括特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。新词:1) take a bus坐巴士=by bus2) watch a dolphin show=watch dolphin shows观看

13、海豚表演3) take the MTR坐地铁4) the Hong Kong Museum of History香港历史博物馆5) history历史6) the Avenue of Starts星光大道7) have a dinner 吃晚餐8) sushi寿司新句型:将来时的一般疑问句Will +sb+ do?Will you eat fast food?-Yes, I will.-No, I wont.新的语言点:时间a quarter=1/4= 15 minutes past:超过 to:少关于时间的表达方式一共有四种情况:(1) 整点。1点:one oclock; 2点: two o

14、clock; 3点: three oclock ( 2 ) 从整点到30分之间。7:10:ten past seven; 7:18: eighteen past seven(3 )整半点。7:30:half past seven; 8:30: half past eight (4) 从半到整点。7:40: twenty to eight; 7:55: five to eight(5) 15分和45分用(a)quarter,这里的a可有可无。7:15:quarter past seven. 7:45: quarter to eight(6) 所有的时间表达都可以直接表述。比如7:40: seve

15、n forty; 8: 25: eight twenty-five(7) 表示几点的时间词前面用介词at.(8) 提问具体时间可以用when ,也可以用what time。V. Part F. 要求:知道中文意思,会读,能英汉互译taste味道a tooth牙齿(单数)teeth牙齿(复数)fashion时髦, 时尚(名词)earrings耳环(通常以复数形式出现)necklace项链(可数)on sale打折for sale售卖, not for sale非卖品20% off:8折10% off: 9折dress up乔装打扮costume服装、剧装Part GVIPart G. 要求: 1. 掌握将来时的特殊疑问句:Where will?What will?How will?Who will?Whosewil?Why will?2. 出现的新词还要能会读,知道意思,能英汉互译。in the end= at last、finally最后play badminton打羽毛球meet a film star遇到一位电影明星see a crocodile看见一条鳄鱼at a temple在一座庙里


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