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1、班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 线 乐清市外国语学校2014-2015学年第一学期期末模拟卷小学一年级英语 要求:书写端正,卷面整洁。 Part 1 Listening (40%)1、 Listen and tick (听录音,勾出相应的图片)12%1 a b 2 a b ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3 a b 4 a b ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5 a b 6 a b ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、Listen and tick (听录音,勾出相应的数字) 6% 1 a b 2 a b 3 a b ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、Listen and choose

2、 (听录音,选出你所听到的单词) 10%1. A.ruler B.rubber 2. A. ear B. eye 3. A. dance B. draw 4. A.four B. five 5. A. pizza B. pie6. A.chick B.duck 7. A. two B. three 8. A. thin B. tall 9. A.mother B. grandmother 10. A. morning B. afternoon四、Listen and number(听音,根据顺序用数字给五官编号)5% 五、Listen and judge (听录音判断下面的图,相符的打,不符的

3、打 ) 7% 1 2 3 4 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5 6 7( ) ( ) ( ) Part 2 Writing(58%)一、Read and circle (读一读, 圈出相应的字母) 8%1 book a b o o k c d e2 mother a b m o t h e r3 dance p p d a n c e e4 pizza o s t p i z z a2、 Read and tick (读一读,勾出相应的图片)15% 1. Its a hamburger. a ( ) b ( ) 2. Its a monkey. a ( ) b ( ) 3.He is tall

4、. a ( ) b ( ) 4. Its a duck. a ( ) b ( ) 5. This is my father. a( ) b ( )三、Read and judge (读一读,数一数,判断下面的图,勾出数量正确的图片 ) 15%1. Two rubbers. a ( ) b ( )2. One mouth. a ( ) b ( )3. Three pears. a ( ) b ( )4. Two pies. a( ) b ( )5. Four rulers. a ( ) b ( )四、Read and match (读一读,连出相应的图片)10% 1. Give me a pen

5、cil, please. a 2. Its an orange. b 3. He can draw. c 4. Its a panda. d 5. This is a nose. e 5、 Read and draw (读一读,画出相应数量的图片)10% 1.two books 2. four apples 乐清市外国语学校2013-2014学年第一学期期末学力检测 Part1 Listening (37%)一、 Listen and tick (听录音,勾出相应的图片) 12%1) . A rubber. 2). An ear. 3). I can read. 4) . He is fat.

6、 5). An apple. 6). A cow.1-6 bbaaab (每小题两分)二、Listen and tick (听录音,勾出相应的数字) 6% 1) One. 2) Five. 3) Two. 1-3 aab (每小题两分)三、Listen and number(听音,根据顺序用数字给五官编号)10% 1). This is my eye. 2).This is my nose.3). This is my ear. 4).This is my mouth.5). This is my face. (每小题两分)四、Listen and judge (听录音,判断下面的图,相符的打

7、,不符的打 ) 9%1) Its a pizza. 2) Its a tiger. 3) Its an orange. 1-3 密 封 线 (每小题三分) Part 2 Writing(58%) 一、Read and circle (读一读, 圈出相应的字母) 8%1 book 2 mother 3 dance 4 pizza (每小题两分)2、 Read and tick (读一读,勾出相应的图片)15%1-5 abaab (每小题三分)三、Read and judge (读一读,数一数,判断下面的图,勾出数量正确的图片 ) 15%1-5 babab (每小题三分)四、Read and match (读一读,连出相应的图片)10%1-c 2-b 3-a 4-e 5-d (每小题两分)五、Read and draw (读一读,画出相应数量的图片)10%(每小题五分)第 6 页 共 6 页


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