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1、Module4 My ClassUnit8 I like English best.Lets talk 教学设计学校:广州市海珠区南武实验小学 班级:四年级 教师:吴婷教材:义务教育教科书英语 课时:第一课时 课型:新授课一、 教材分析:本课时内容是Unit 8 I like the English best.的第一课时Lets talk部分。本模块的话题是My class.主要围绕学校活动和讨论最喜欢的学习科目的话题展开,内容贴近学生的学习生活实际,便于学生理解和学习。而在Module3学生们已经掌握了PE; music; art等单词,也在Unit7已经学习了Chinese; Englis

2、h; maths等单词,所以这堂课主要是让学生能利用学过的知识来讨论自己最喜欢的科目以及能说一说喜欢这一科目的理由。对此课堂可以有针对性地设计相关的游戏以及相关的活动,让学生们在活动过程中不断地对新句型:-What is your favourite subject? -My favourite subject is -Why? -I like to 进行操练、交流。二、 教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:掌握四会词汇:science ; subject ; favourite; write; story ; sing; song; sport; understand; world2. 语言技能目

3、标:1) 能正确运用所学的单词;2) 能用句型:-What is your favourite subject? -My favourite subject is -Why? -I like to 与同学交流;3) 能运用所学的知识去和别人交谈自己最喜欢的学科。3. 态度与情感目标:通过学习表示喜好的句子,学会表达自己的情感,培养学生热爱学习的好习惯。三、 教学重难点:1. 教学重点:掌握单词与重点句型2. 教学难点:能用词条造句型,造对话,能与同伴用句型交流谈论自己喜欢的学科。四、教学过程:Lets talk:StepsTeachers ActivitiesPupils Activities

4、PurposeWarming up1 Greeting.3. First, lets review some words of subject. Now please look at some pictures. Can you guess? What lesson is it? (Chinese; English; maths; PE; music; art)1. Greeting.2. Play guessing game.(Look carefully.) Follow the teacher and answer the teachers questions.创设轻松愉快的课堂气氛,让

5、学生迅速投入课堂。Presentation1. Sit a situation: do an interview with some Ps.1). - What is your favourite subject, Jiamin? - My favourite subject is English. - Why? - I like to read English books.2). - What is your favourite subject, Xiaoling? - My favourite subject is Chinese. - Why? - I like to write sto

6、ries.3). - What is your favourite subject, Ben? - My favourite subject is PE. - Why? - I like to play sports.4). - What is your favourite subject, Janet? - My favourite subject is music. - Why? - I like to sing songs.5). - What is your favourite subject, Ann? - My favourite subject is maths. - Why?

7、- I like to use numbers.6). - What is your favourite subject, Mike? - My favourite subject is art. - Why? - I like to draw pictures.7). - What is your favourite subject, Aki? - My favourite subject is science. - Why? - I like to understand the worlds. 1. Listen and do (finish the wooksheet of questi

8、on 1)2. Learn the new words and phrases.3. Understand the pattern.1、创设自然、简单的情景,让学生在较真实的情景中体验语言。2、重复巩固新旧单词. 3、帮助学生意会句型的运用,符合meaning go first理念。Practice1. Learn the pattern.2. Practise the pattern.3Make a survey (Ask your classmates about their favourite subject in your group.)1. Learn the pattern.2.

9、Practise the pattern.3Make a survey(finish the wooksheet of question 2)通过听说读写等环节加强学生对新知识的掌握与应用。DevelopmentShow your form.show the form. Summary 1.What have we learned today?2.Which team is the best?Sum up by themselves.小结本节课的学习内容。Homework For todays homework is1. Make up the dialogues use the phrase

10、s of page45, and do a dictation the new words of Unit8.(A本造对话加家听)2. Read Card (read the dialogues).(读书卡)Blackboard Design:Unit8 I like English best(A) (B) (C) subjects Jiamin Chinese use numbersXiaoling maths play sportsBen English read English books Janet PE write storiesAnn art sing songsMike music understand the worldAki science draw pictures1. - What is your favorite subject?- My favourite subject is English.-Why?- I like to read English books.


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