Unit 4 section B 3a.doc

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《Unit 4 section B 3a.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 section B 3a.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 section B 3a -Self check (1课时)【学习目标】1.掌握3a重点短语和句型:2.通过阅读3a提升写作水平。3.通过学习Self check对单元内容实行归纳总结。【重点、难点】 掌握3a重点短语和句型。【导学指导】温故知新小组合作,相互谈论老师对自己的评价。自主互助学习 知识剖析:1. I finished my end of year exams last week. 我上周结束了期末考试。 finish sth. (doing sth.) e.g. Did he finish doing his homework before he went to b

2、ed? 2. I had a really hard time with science this semester. 这学期我的科学学科学得的确不好。 have a hard time with sth. 在某事上处境困难 doing sth. 做某事处境困难3. Its not right to copy others homework. 抄袭别人的作业是不对的。 请记住这个句型:Its right for sb. to do 4. I said I didnt think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework. 我说我认为对她来说抄

3、我的作业不是个好办法。 注意1:此句中的三个动词都是过去时,即时态的一致性 注意 2:中英文语序(否定词的位置)的不同 5. She said it was much better if she din her own work. 她说如果她自己做作业就会好多了。 much +比较级,意思是“得多” e.g. He runs much faster than I. 6. forget to do 与forget doing 前者是“忘记做”(to do 表示将来的动作) e.g. Dont forget to call me.别忘了打电话给我。 后者是“忘记曾做”(通常与will, shall

4、, never连用) e.g. Ill never forget seeing the musical in New York.我永远忘不了在纽约看过的那出歌舞喜剧。单元知识小结1.first of all_ 2.被期望或被要求_3.传递_ 4.身体健康_5.do well in_ 6.be good at_7.克服_ 8.open up_9.照顾_一、新词学习1.大声朗读生词和短语。2.快速写出这些内容。紧张的_信封_ 学期_真实的_使人失望的_幸运的_ 问好_身体健康_年终考试_ 感到紧张_ 写信给某人_干得好_抄袭_ 自己的_ 克服_ 大吵一架_开始养成一个(做某事的)习惯_have a

5、 hard time with/(in) doing sth._ be surprise to_二、阅读能力提高1.个人阅读回答下列问题:Which is Alans report card? What did Alans science teacher say?What did Alans history teacher say? What did Alans Spanish teacher say?When did Alan finish his end-of-year exams and get his report card?2.再读课文翻译课文内容。三、写作训练能仿照3a给亲戚写一封

6、信,说自己的成绩单。四、小组合作完成3c /4, Self check .【课堂练习】一、 用适当的介词填空。 1. My cousin is good _ listening and speaking in English.2. I got my report card _ school this morning.3. I hope you are _ good health.4. Bill and his brother do well _ math.5. I have a hard time _ my English. Dont worry. Ill help you.【要点归纳】 掌握

7、3a重点短语和句型。【拓展练习】一、单项选择 ( )1.I had a really hard time _ science this term. A. to B. with C. in ( )2.Im sorry _ that your father is in hospital.A. hearing B. to hear C. hear of( )3.Mr. Li does exercises every day and he _.A. is in good health B. is in poor health C. enjoys good health( )4. Sorry, I forgot _ the book to school.A. bringing B. to bring C. to take( )5. Youre supposed _ for wild animals. A. care B. cared C. to care【总结反思】


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