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1、初中英语阅读教学设计姓名:王丽君 所在工作坊:天津海阔天空工作坊性别: 女 教龄:26年年级:七年级 学科:英语单位:天津市滨湖中学 职务:教师作业要求:完成一个阅读片段的教学设计,包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学流程、板书设计,请填写初中英语阅读教学设计。Title of the Unit:外研版 七年级下REVISION A READING AND WRITINGLesson Objectives:1. 通过阅读短文,在一定的语境下回顾、复习前面所学过的短语和固定搭2. 通过本文进一步熟悉阅读理解的技巧:问题-文本-短词-关键词-关键句。Key points:训练学生通过寻找细节来辨别对错的

2、阅读策略Anticipated difficulties对London这座城市的背景了解较少,要给予充分的说明Teaching aids:PPTStagesAims of stagesContentInteractionTimeLead in激发学生了解家乡热爱家乡的情感。同时由此及彼,导入今天的阅读语段-国际都市伦敦,探寻学生关于此话题的元认知,为细节阅读做铺垫。同时为后面的写作打下伏笔-描写一个地方首先要抓住其特点。Ask the students to introduce the most prominent about our city Tianjin. And then someth

3、ing about London.T: You have lived in Tianjin for more than 10 years . Its our hometown. We are proud of it . What is the most prominent about our city? You can just express it with words or phrases.S: haihe , large buildings , large population , goubuli , shopping mall , Tv tower , night scene and

4、so on.T: We know more about our city. And what do you know about London. Its also an international fashion city in the world.Probe into the passage ( work in group )阅读的最大障碍是词汇和引领句,也就是文章的主题是什么。首先画出自己熟悉的词汇,能帮助学生克服心理上对阅读的畏难情绪。找到主题句可以让学生对文章的主要内容产生预判,更容易贴近阅读材料,同时最重要的要传递给学生一种阅读的方法。1. Give the students 3 m

5、inutes to go through the passage and at the same time they should underline the phrases they have learned . That can help them to know the passage well. (do it alone )另外通过小组合作的形式,让每一位学生都有展示的平台,都参与课堂教学。Work in groups. The students discuss the passage first in group and then make a map about the title

6、, details of the passage.展示既是对知识的一个反馈,给学生一个正确的范本。更重要的对学生合作学习成果的一种肯定和鼓励让学生,让学生有成就感。2. Show each maps in class by one of your group numbers . 3. Give out the answers in Activity 13 in groups. Blackboard Plan Be famous for kinds of shopsYou can buyBrife sentenceShopping in LondonShops lie inWhat do you expect your blackboard to look like by the end of the lesson? How will you organise it?


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