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1、译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit 5 Signs教学设计The first period一、 教学内容:六上 Unit 5 Signs (Story time)二、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 能初步感知并理解故事,能够体会故事中主要人物的不同情感,用不同的语气朗读并表演故事。(2) 能够简单地听、说、读单词及词组:sign, smell, at a shopping centre, be careful, mean, floor, around, takeinto, in a restaurant(3) 能听懂、会说、会读:What does it mean? It means ./ No

2、 eating or drinking./ No littering./ No parking./ No smoking./ Danger!/ Wet floor.(4) 能听懂、会说、会读“Public signs”。2. 技能目标(1) 能借助提示,完整的复述本课对话(2) 通过本课时的学习,让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标识,并能用英语进行询问极其描述。 3. 情感目标(1) 根据标志的意思,能够介绍、询问、给人以忠告和建议。(2) 通过学习公共标志常识,加强社会公德教育,提高学生自身的文明素养。三、 教学重点通过本课时的学习,让学生能够看懂一些常见的公共标示,并能用英语进行询问及其描述。

3、四、 教学难点能借助提示,完整的复述本课对话。五、 教学准备PPT六、 教学过程Step 1. Warming up1. T: Welcome back to school.2. Free talk.(互相问候,由老师所创设的情景引导学生回忆假期生活)Step 2. Presentation1. T: Do you go to the shopping centre?Ss: Yes.T: Look, where are they going?(课件上显示Mike、Helen和Tim去购物中心的图片)S: They are going to the shopping centre.(教授shop

4、ping centre)T: What can you see in the shopping centre?S: T: They can see some public signs.(教授public signs)2. Watch and answer.T: How many signs can they see in the text? Lets watch the cartoon and then you can answer. (Ss watch and answer) T: How many signs can they see?S: Four.3. Choose and talk.

5、T: What are they?(课件上逐张显示No eating or drinking, No littering, No parking, No smoking,Danger, Wet floor的图片,让学生选择)4. 课文中No parking和Danger!没有出现,教师先在此教授。T: They cant see these signs. What do they mean? What does this sign mean?(板书举行)S:学生用中文描述T:Yes, it means No parking.(同法教授Danger!)5. Discuss in groupT:

6、These signs mean No parking and Danger. How about these one? (将学生分成四大组,每组讨论一副图片,分别讨论一个公共标志)6. 结合书本P50 Look and write,与学生一同讨论文中的四个公共标志。(1) T: What does it mean?S: It means Wet floor.T: What does that mean?S: It means the floor is wet.(讨论这一副图片的学生做小老师领读)(2)(3)(4)同法教学第二、三、四幅图。7完成书本P50 Read and choose.St

7、ep 3. Practise1. Read the dialogue together.2. Read in group.3. Act the dialogue.Step 4. Consolidation.教师根据板书的关键词关键句,引导学生复述课文。七、 作业布置1. 熟读Story time, 尝试背诵。2. 预习Grammar time and Fun time。八、 板书设计 Unit 5 Signs What does this sign mean? It means No smoking or drinking. No littering. No parking. No smoking. Danger! Wet floor.3


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