【课时训练】Unit 3 period 1.doc

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1、课时训练一. 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1.The accident is d_ to your careless driving. 2.My children have become hopelessly a_ to television. 3.She found it necessary to a_ her child to getting up early. 4.He was a_ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise. 5.With exams only a week away, I am

2、 under a lot of s_. 6.M_ health is as important as physical health. 7.Now that I am p_, I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.8.So I did the wrong thing! Well, nobody is _(完美的)9.My father has q_ smoking.10.The door opened _(自动地) as we approached.11.Some _ (年青人)have got into the

3、 habit of taking drugs.12.In spite of the heavy rain, she m_ to get there on time.二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。-addicted to due to ashamed of decide on be accustomed to manage toat risk remind benefit from leave out get close to a great deal deal with-1.His father has become _ drugs.2.Im sorry for_ the im

4、portant point in your speech3.His grandfather has _ life in the mountains from his childhood.4.I benefited from my teachers advice5.How do you_ to carry such a heavy box?6.These pictures _ me of my school days.7.I have _ buying a bike for my brothers birthday.8.You will be _ , if you go on board in

5、such bad weather.9.His success is entirely _ his hard work.三. 句子翻译。1.她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。Her worldwide fame is _his support.2.她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。She found it necessary to_ her child _getting up early.3.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。in spite ofShe cant see very well_ her glasses.4.今天好热啊, 我想去游泳。Its so hot today. I_ going

6、 swimming.5.那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。The girl has_ the habit of playing with her hair while reading.6.她一怀孕就戒了烟。She _smoking when she got pregnant.keys:Unit 3一单词拼写1.due 2.addicted 3.accustom 4.ashamed 5.stress 6. Mental 7.pregrant 8.perfect 9.quit 10.automatically 11.adolescents 12.managed二.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。1.addicted to 2.leaving out 3.been accustomed to 4.a great deal 5.manage to 6.remind 7.decided on 8.at risk 9.due to三. 句子翻译。1. due to 2.accustom to 3. in spite of 4.feel like 5.got into 6.quitted


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