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1、高一英语阅读理解试题(历史类)(1) Napoleon agreed to plans for a tunnel(隧道) under the English Channel in 1802. The British began digging one in 1880. Neither tunnel was completed. Europe has had to wait until the end of the 20th century for the Channel Tunnel. After nearly two centuries of dreaming, the island of

2、Great Britain is connected to Continental Europe for the first time since the Ice Age, when the two land masses moved apart. On May 6, 1994, Britains Queen Elizabeth and Frances President Mitterrand carried out the official opening. The Queen was accompanied(陪同) on her train journey through the hist

3、oric tunnel by one of her Rolls-Royce cars which was placed on the train. The following day saw celebrati* taking place in Folkestone and Calais. Regular public services did not start until the latter part of 1994.1. The island of Great Britain is _.A. connected to France all the timeB. separated fr

4、om France with a tunnelC. separated from France all the timeD. joined to France with the tunnel2. Queen Elizabeth _ at the opening.A. took her car Rolls-Royce through the tunnelB. took her car which was placed on her train through the tunnelC. took her train through the tunnelD. took Mitterrands tra

5、in through the tunnel3. Before 1994, one could go to Britain from France _.A. only by ship B. by ship or planeC. by car or train D. by ship, car or train4. Which of the following is right?A. Napoleon made plans for the tunnel.B. The public could pass through the tunnel by train after May 6, 1994.C.

6、The tunnel was built for two centuries.D. The tunnel will do great good to Britain and France. (2) After the American Revolution won in 1787, the new government in the U.S.A. had to choose a capital city. The thirteen states quarreled about this. So the government decided to build a completely new c

7、apital. The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia (D.C). The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river. It was named after George Washington, the president of the U.S.A. Washington D. C., a government city, is an important cultural(文化) center as well as a big t

8、ourist(游览) center. Most capital cities have simply grown from small cities. Washington, however was planned as the capital of a great nation. It was designed by a French artist who first made a study of many capital cities of Europe. In general, his plan followed the plan of the beautiful French cit

9、y of Versailles.1. When the new capital was built America was made up of _ states.A. thirty B. thirteen C. fifty D. fifteen2. Washington D.C. is the name of _.A. an American president B. Americas capitalC. a famous river D. a beautiful garden city3. According to the passage we can conclude that Amer

10、icas capital_.A. lies in the center on the country B. lies on the River Potomac C. was built by French workers D. came from a small city4. According to the passage we can infer that Washington D.C. is the center of Americas _.A. politics, culture and traveling B. culture, traveling and sportsC. econ

11、omy(经济), sports and culture D. politics, culture and economy (3) Cost of American Warswar name cost of the war cost as a percent of annual GDPRevolutionary War US $ 2.2 billion(in 2002 dollars) 63%War of 1812 US$ 1.1 billion 13%Mexican War US$1.6 billion 3%Civil War US $ 62 billion 104%Spanish Ameri

12、can War US$ 9.6 billion 3%World War I US$ 190. 6 billion 24%World War II US$ 2.9 trillion 103%Korean War US$ 335.9 billion 15%Vietnam War US$ 494.3 billion 12%First Gulf War US$76.1 billion 1%1. Which wars cost more than a years worth of the GDP?A. First Gulf War and World War I B. The Civil War and

13、 World War IIC. World War II and Revolutionary War D. Mexican War and Civil War 2. The American annual gross domestic product in 1951 was _.A. 2.239 trillion B.2.9 trillion C. 3, 25 trillion D. 76.1 billion3. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mexican War cost more than War of 1812.B. First Gulf War cost the least in term of the percentage of the annual of GDP.C. World War II cost more than Korean War.D. Mexican War cost as much money as Spanish American War.2


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