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1、2010年国家公务员考试行测模拟试题及答案First, the test is divided into five parts, a total of 140 items, the total time of 120 minutes, each part is not alone but timing, given the reference time, a reasonable allocation of time for the answer.Two, please fill in your name in accordance with the requirements on the a

2、nswer sheet, write good ticket number, no folding answer card.Three, you must answer in the answer card; in the title of the answer, are invalid.Four, the invigilator announced that the examination began to answer questions, announced the end of the examination, should immediately stop answering que

3、stions. The questions, questions cards and drafts should be kept on the desk until the examiner confirms the correct amount and allows them to leave the examination room before leaving.If you break any of these requirements, it will affect your grades.Five, in the poll, there may be some difficult q

4、uestions, so you dont think a problem in time too long, encounter will not answer questions, can jump in the past, if you have time to think, otherwise, you may not have time to complete the following topic.Six, do not answer questions pour points.The first part is commonsense judgment(25 questions,

5、 reference time 10 minutes)According to the topic, choose the most appropriate answer between the four.1. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao at a meeting in 2008 eleven National Peoples Congress made the government work report pointed out that, to prevent excessive increases in the overall price level, is a

6、major task for macro-control in 2009, () and () must be from two aspects to take effective measures.A. increase effective supply and curb unreasonable demandB. control the market price and standardize the purchasing channelsC. crack down on unscrupulous businessmen and mobilize effective demandD. ex

7、panding internal demand and inhibiting import2. in order to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy, the Navy held a number of multinational naval activities in Qingdao, Shandong and its adjacent waters from April 20, 2009 to 23. The theme of this event is harmonious marine, which

8、aims to strengthen maritime security cooperation and create a harmonious marine environment.A.40B.30C.50D.603. the limits of the ability of the ecosystem to automatically regulate are called ().A. ecological limit B. ecological thresholdC. eco valve limits D. limit ecological value4. the following s

9、tatement about Antarctica is incorrect ().A. is the worlds highest elevation on averageMost of the B. belong to tundra climate, cold climate, warm season from November to second MarchC. is rich in freshwater resources, rich in whales, krill and so onD. land is basically in the Antarctic Circle5., th

10、e Inner Mongolia plateau and the eastern coast of China are rich in wind energy resources, and the best seasons for wind energy utilization are respectively.A. autumn, spring, B., winter and summerC. winter, spring, D., summer and Autumn6., the central government of Tang Dynasty had a relatively hig

11、h administrative efficiency, mainly due to ().A. additional institutions, independent governance, B.The division of labor is clear and coordinatedA C. officer, D. each other to streamline the organization and overall7. from the beginning of the autumn of 1952, Chinas large-scale adjustment of higher

12、 education, the new Beijing Geological Institute, Beijing iron and Steel Institute, Chengdu Institute of technology, Kunming Institute of college, the number of institutions has fallen from 201 to 181. This shows that the main purpose of the adjustment at that time was ().A. completely changes the o

13、riginal layout of the irrational areaThe B. is planning to overhaul and reform its old educationC. realize education and serve the workers and peasantsD. trains special personnel for large-scale economic construction8. the fourth environment of human beings is ().A. ocean, B. outer space, C. atmosph

14、ere, D. land9. when a persons skin is exposed to sunlight, it is produced in the body.A. vitamin AB., vitamin BC. vitamin CD., vitamin D10. as regards the devaluation or appreciation of a countrys currency, the following is wrong.A. domestic currency devaluation in favor of domestic foreign exchange

15、 revenueB. devaluation of the countrys currency is conducive to expanding exportsC. appreciation of the domestic currency is conducive to the import of foreign technology equipmentD. the appreciation of a countrys currency is beneficial to the countries that hold the currency debt of the country11.

16、on the election of deputies to the peoples Congress, the report of the Seventeenth Congress of the party is proposed to be implemented gradually.The A. class elected deputies to the NPC at the same population ratioB. administrative divisions shall elect deputies to the peoples congresses at the same

17、 population ratioC. election of deputies to the peoples Congress at the same population ratioD. urban and rural areas shall elect deputies to the peoples congresses at the same population ratio12., in order to curb the excessive growth rate of the macroeconomy, in 2007, our country has raised the de

18、posit reserve rate many times, and this means of control belongs to ().A. fiscal policy means B. monetary policy measuresC. income policy means D. administrative adjustment means13., rural household contract responsibility system.A. has overcome the equalitarianism in distribution, and B. has become

19、 the only form of agricultural production responsibility systemC. realized the privatization of rural land, and D. replaced the form of political organization of the peoples Commune14. 1992 is another spring, and an old man published a poem in the South China sea. The song the story of spring refers

20、 to the poem, which is the historical document of Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of Chinas reform and opening policy? ()A. emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and uniting to look forwardB. talking points in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai and other placesC. one country, two system

21、sD. reform of the party and state leadership system15., unlike the common programme of the Chinese peoples Political Consultative Conference, the constitution of the Peoples Republic of China (1954).A. established the Political Consultative System B.Marked the successful completion of socialist tran

22、sformationC. proposed national regional autonomy, and D. provided a legal guarantee for socialist construction16. what is the correct statement about the application and filing of the following relevant laws and regulations? ()A. where the local regulations and departmental regulations do not agree

23、with the provisions of the same item and cannot determine how to apply, the final decision shall be made by the State CouncilB. the special provisions of different administrative regulations are inconsistent with the general provisions and can not be determined by the State Council when it is applic

24、ableWhere the contents of the regulations of the local government of the C. are inappropriate, the State Council shall change or annul itD. where the laws prescribed by the authorized authority are contrary to the purposes of the authorization, the authorization and the regulations enacted shall be

25、revoked together17. a, B and C each invested 50 thousand yuan to set up a partnership restaurant, during the operation, C withdraws proposed a and B agree, the three parties agreed to give up all rights C partnership will not bear the debts of the partnership. Which of the following is true? ()After

26、 the withdrawal of the original A. C does not assume responsibility for the debts of the partnershipThe original partnership debt to B. C withdrawal shall continue to assume joint liabilityAfter the withdrawal of the original C. C the debts of the partnership shall bear supplementary liabilityAfter

27、withdrawal of D. propylene should still limited amount of its contribution to bear the liability for the partnership debt18. which of the following options comply with the product quality act? ()A. is based on product defects, replacement, return and other obligations belonging to the contract, the

28、product liability for damages caused by product defects belong to tort liabilityThe subject of B. product liability should have contractual relationship with the victimC. liability for product defects shall be governed by the principle of liability for wrongsD. product quality defects liability appl

29、ies to the burden of proof inversion19. armour wants to kill tall second, plan to use sleeping pills to make a second coma first, then Le neck of neck, suffocate suffocate to cause its death. The sleeping pills put a more death, swallow pills, B. Which of the following is true in this regard? ()The

30、first act of a A. led to the death of B, and only intentional homicide preparations were establishedAlthough a B. has already begun to commit homicide, the planned act of execution (Le Bs neck) has not been completed, so it can only be considered as an abortive attemptC. a has begun to commit homici

31、de, should be identified as intentional homicide accomplishedA D. behavior is intentional homicide and for negligence causing death of imaginative joinder of offenses should be punished as a felony20., in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the state compensation law, what kind of

32、 imputation principle should be adopted for state compensation in China? ()A. fault principle B. no fault principleC. violation principle, D. violation principle, fault principle supplemented21., the right to regulate the implementation of administrative licensing fees for the provision of normative

33、 documents is ().A. laws and regulations, B. laws and regulationsC. administrative regulations and regulations, D. laws and administrative regulationsTwenty-twoA trading company leasing B large shopping malls, counter sales, acrylic plant, brand bedspread. In order to increase sales, a company has a

34、dopted a variety of promotional measures. Which of the following measures is against the law? ()A. marked factory direct selling on the stand boardB. placed prominently in the shopping mall with various medals for the productC. to carry out the low profit sales, the implementation of buy one get one

35、 or 100 yuan to buy 50 yuan couponsD. returns the customer within one week. No reason, please.23., Lee worked in a special area when the machine was broken arm, on the issue of compensation, dispute with the enterprise, the prosecution to the court. According to the local regulations of the special

36、zone according to the National Peoples Congress authorized formulation, Lee can only get 20 months salary compensation, according to local laws and regulations of the SAR in the province, he can get 25 months of compensation. How should the court deal with the case? ()A. directly hearing the case in

37、 accordance with provincial local regulationsB. directly judge the case in accordance with the local regulations of the Special Administrative RegionC. appeal to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress for adjudication and decide on the caseD. submitted to the State Council for adjud

38、ication and decided to hear the case24. which of the following statements about the trial system is wrong? ()A. the trial system of our country is established under the system framework of combining discussion with actionB. in accordance with the provisions of Chinas current law, the independent exe

39、rcise of jurisdiction is the main courtC. in many countries in the world, the trial activities are carried out by judicial centralism, and the procedure of investigation and prosecution is called pretrial procedureD. states that the three powers are divided, their courts and governments are subordin

40、ate to the parliament, and the parliament restricts their powers25., law and interests are intrinsically related. Which of the following statements about the relationship between law and interest is wrong? ()The control and adjustment of the society by A. law is realized mainly through the regulatio

41、n and control of the interestsB. law is an important means of distribution of interests, the process of expressing interest in law, and also the process of choosing interestsC. the principle of good faith in civil law plays an active role in maintaining the balance between the interests of the parties and the social interests in civil activitiesWhen D. left the law, there was no benefit and no existence


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