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1、动名词讲解及训练动名词的时态和语态动名词的时态分一般式和完成式两种,语态分主动形式和被动形式。以do为例,其动名词的时态和语态变化是:主动:一般式的主动语态:doing完成式主动语态:having done被动:一般式的被动语态:being done完成式的被动语态:having been done动名词的时态动名词一般式动名词的一般式所表示的动作可以与谓语动作同时,也可在谓语动作之前或之后,有时可能没有明确的先后关系。例如:1. 没有明确的先后关系Being careless is not a good habit. 粗心不是一个好习惯。2. 与谓语动作同时发生。例如:He kept smi

2、ling. 他不停地笑。3. 发生在谓语动作之前。He was praised for having made such a contribution to the country他因对国家做了这样大的贡献而受到表扬。4. 发生在谓语动作之后。例如:He suggested bringing out a new type of bike. 他建议生产一种新型的自行车。动名词完成式动名词的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,这时通常用动名词的完成时态。She denied having stolen anything她否认偷过任何东西。I have no idea of their having

3、 done such a thing. 我不知道他们做过那样的事。I dont remember having met him before. 我记不得以前见过他。Thank you for having taken so much trouble to help. 谢谢你费力帮忙。I am very pleased at your having been honored with a medal. 我很高兴你能获得奖牌。Tony was very unhappy for not having been invited to the party.托尼不高兴是因为没有被邀请参加聚会。He did

4、 not admit having done anything wrong.他不承认做过错事。动名词的被动式动名词的被动语态也有一般式和完成式两种。动名词一般式的被动语态1.No one enjoys being made fun of in public.没人愿意当众被取笑。2.He hated being treated like a child.他讨厌象对待小孩那样对待他。3.We plant trees to prevent soil being washed away easily.我们栽树以防止土壤被轻易地冲走。4.There is no need of the bike bein

5、g stolen.自行车没有被偷的危险。5.The fact of being supported by so many people is a great comfort.有这么多人支持,这是极大的安慰。6.Friendship is the most important in his life. He cant imagine being left alone in a strange place.动名词完成式的被动语态1.Do you remember having been sent such an e-mail?你记得曾经给你寄过这样一封电子邮件吗?2.The house showe

6、d no sign of having been damaged.这栋房子没有已经受损的迹象。3.He prided himself on having never been beaten in chess.他为下棋从未被击败而自豪。动名词的否定式:其否定形式是在doing前加上not1.I am sorry for not being able to come earlier.对不起,没能早些来。2.He didnt mind not having been invited.没邀请他,他并不介意。3.What surprised us was the boys not being allow

7、ed to see his mother.使我们意外的是不允许这孩子见他母亲。4.It happened in spite of my not wanting it to happen.这事还是发生了,尽管我不希望它发生。5.I was displeased at his not going away.他不走我不高兴。6.What worried him most was their not going there.最使他担心的是,他们没有上那儿去。7.His not coming back made us much disappointed.动名词训练题1.我从来没梦想不久有机会送到国外。

8、I never dream of _to be sent abroad very soon.(be)2.我从没想象安嫁给这样的年轻人。 I never imagine _.(marry)3.医生不介意我偶尔吃点肉The doctor does not mind _occasionally(eat)4. 我坚持要他们两人准时来I insist on both of them_.(come)5.约翰的到来将会使我们脱离困境_here will get us out of trouble(come).6. 我不记得他给过我那本书。 I dont remember _.(give)7. 约翰看见了她,

9、这并没有使她不安。_did not make her worried.(see).8. 他从未向我讲起他到过巴黎。He never talked to me about_.(be)9.我不在乎被人看到和他一同出去I dont mind _with him.(find)10. 他没说再见就开了车走了He drove away _(say)11. 对不起,没有信守诺言。Im sorry for _.(keep)12.那个小男孩儿仍然否定在商店后面,放火了。 That young boy still denies _the fire behind the store.(start)13. 迈克常常试

10、图逃脱罚款,无论什麽时候违背交通规则。Mike often attempts to escape _whenever he breaks traffic regulations.(fine)14. 我非常感激昨天你提出帮我,不过我相信自己可以应对I really appreciate _ to help me yesterday, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.(offer)15.小偷拿走了那个妇女的钱包,没有被看到。The thief took away the womans wallet without _.(see)16. 那个嫌疑犯

11、最后承认偷了这些名画,但否认卖了它们。The suspect at last admitted _ these famous pictures but denied _ them.(steal, sell)17. 由于多数成员反对在没有标准场地的情况下举行比赛,该比赛被取消。The match was canceled because most of the members _ a match without a standard court.(object)18. 她父母坚持要她学医。Her parents insisted on_(study)19. 我妹妹在竞赛中获胜的事你听说了吗?Ha

12、ve you heard of_?(win)20 我必须道歉,没提前让你知道。I must apologize for_ ahead of time.(let)21. 我不愿意我们住在这里I dont like the idea of_.(live)22. 我一点也不知道窗户敞开着I knew nothing about the window_(be)23. 尼克松访问中国标志着中美外交关系进入一个新的时代.Nixon”s_marked a new ear between U.S. and China diplomatic relations.。(visit)24我没听说你病了。 I had

13、not heard of_ (be)25我听说他被选为球队的教练。I heard of _to be the coach of the team(choose)26我们队有希望获胜吗?Is there any hope of our team_?(win)27 老师不喜欢任何人迟到The teacher dislikes anyone _(be)28. 他不赞成对汤姆说的那件事He disapproved of that _about John.(say)29.这个人沦落到在街上乞讨。The man _in the street.(reduce)30 没去那儿,对不起Im sorry for_ there(be)31他没准时到车站,这使得每个人都担心。_on time make everyone worried.(get)32.他因为已把自己一生贡献给这个国家而受到表彰。He is praised for _to the country.(devote)33.你后悔没听大夫的忠告。You regret _,(take)34.受到他表扬是件值得表扬的事。_is something to be proud of.(praise)35.这只松鼠很幸运,它恰恰逃出去了。The squirrel was lucky that it just missed_.(catch)


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