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1、PEP小学英语综合练习卷(词句)一、Which doesnt belong? Please read and circle. taller cooler thinner farmer sad snowy happy tired fever cold matter toothache 4. milk CD juice tea5. bread sweater pizza cake 6.cards books plans pictures7.jeans photos shoes slippers 8.aunt mother grandfather classmateteacher doctor sa

2、lesperson people hospital flower library cinema diving singing dancing exciting rain snow wind fall water sport roots seeds Sunday yesterday Saturday Monday hop supermarket museum leaf subway straight train ship drink today tomorrow tonight river turn sea lake newspaper cinema magazine dictionary ea

3、st north light west21.January August November birthday 22.usually because sometimes often23.spring October winter summer 24. season second twelfth ninth25.butterfly breakfast lunch dinner 26.tomatoes cabbage watermelon eggplant二. Look , read and change the words. 1.tall taller_ short _ nice _ funny

4、_ fat _ cold _ thin _ happy _small _ old _ young _ wet _2. watch watched wash _ play _ clean _ dance _ visit _ go _ do _ read _ fly _ study _ is _ are_ get_ swim_ sing_3. come comes wear _ dig _ hurt _ go _ do _ have _ climb _catch _ watch _ wash _ eat _4. collect collecting swim _ sing _ buy _ get

5、_ take _ run _ fly _ drink _ write _ talk _ drive _三Write the words and Chinese meaning.1. p_nc_l ( ) 2. r_l_ r ( ) 3. sch_ _l ( ) 4. w_nd_w ( ) 5. b_ _f ( ) 6. f_th_ _ ( )7.c_mp_ter( ) 8. p_ct_r_( ) 9. s_v_n ( )10. f_v_ ( ) 11. m_sic ( ) 12. Ch_n_s_ ( )13. y_l_ _w( ) 14. sk_ _t ( ) 15. w_ _m ( )16.

6、 l_ng ( ) 17. _ran_e( ) 18. r_bb_t ( )20. k_nd ( ) 21. str_ct ( ) 22. Th_ _sd_y( )23. p_t_to( ) 24. gr_pe( ) 25. b_thr_ _m( )26. f_r_st ( ) 27. h_ _se( ) 28. b_h_nd ( )29._su_lly( ) 30. s_mm_ _( ) 31. J_n_ ( )32. f_ght ( ) 33. h_n_y ( ) 34. l_br_ry ( )35. tr_ff_c( ) 36. h_bb_( ) 37. _cc_ _nt_nt ( )3

7、8. r_ _n ( ) 39. str_ _m ( ) 40. _xc_t_d ( )41. sm_ll_r( ) 42. w_ _kend( ) 43. d_nc_ ( )四、Translate 翻译1.teachers office_ 2.weather report _ 3.math book_ 4.long hair puter game _ 6.baseball player 7.university student_ 8.do housework 9.nature park_ 10.in front of 11.read a magazine_12.wake up 13.做饭_

8、14.打扫卧室_15.使用计算机_16.数昆虫_17.照相_18.画画 19.下棋_20.听音乐_21.堆雪人_22.弹钢琴_23.去远足_24.今天上午 25.下周_26.去看电影_27.做风筝_28.集邮_29.头疼_30.发烧 _ 31.那是你的电脑。_32.这是讲台吗?是的._ 33.今天很暖和_34.那儿有多少匹马?_ 35.我会浇花. _ 36.你们星期四有什么课? 37.你的英语老师是谁?_38.她在写报告吗?_ 39.你在干什么? 40.你为什么喜欢冬天?_ 41.雨是怎样形成的?_42.你妈妈是干什么的?_ 43.今天下午你打算到哪儿去?_44.我经常步行上学。_45.上个周

9、末你干了什么?_ 46.你怎么啦?_47.你有多重?_ 48.我比你瘦而且矮。 49.我昨天踢了足球。_50.我的喉咙痛。_/_五、Read and choose( )1.What colour is the new post office?A.Its super. B.Its green.( )2.Is it far?A.Its east of the cinema. B.Sorry,I dont know.( )3.Wheres Toms home?A.I can go there on foot. B.On the No.39 Zhongshan street.( )4.What are

10、 you going to do?A.Im going to buy a book. B.Im going this afternoon.( )5.Excuse me, is there a cinema near here?A.Yes,there is. B.Thank you.( )6.How do you go to school every day?A.I go to school by bike. B.I go to school by air.( )7.Where is Mike going?A. He went to Beijing. B. Hes going to Beijing( ) 8. How does Amy feel?A. Shes excited. B. She wants to eat.( ) 9. How long are your legs?A. 72kg. B. 76cm.( ) 10.A boy is 150_tall.A. m B. cm.


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