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1、 五年级英语教学目标测试卷听力部分 Unit One I. Listen and number听一听, 排顺序。 1. party 2. happy 3. many 4.windy 5. sunny 6. sorry 7. cloudy 8. baby 9. family 10. candy ( Keys: 3,2,4,5,8,9,1,6,10,7 )II. Listen and circle. 听一听, 圈出你所听到的单词。 1. He is very nice. 2. Our maths teacher is very strict. 3. Mr Lee is so funny. 4. H

2、e is very hard-working. 5. Is he tall? Yes, he is. ( Keys: ABAAB )III. Listen and write. 听一听,写一写. 1. He is an old man. 2. The boy is quiet and hard-working. 3. This teacher is very strict. 4. He is so clever. IV. Listen and tick. 选出你所听到的图片. 1. That boy is shy. 2. Our maths teacher is clever and stri

3、ct. 3. Our art teacher is very kind. 4. Look, hes so funny! 5. Those students are hard-working. ( Keys: 1. 右图 2. 左图 3. 左图 4. 右图 5. 右图 )V. DEABCVI. 1. What is he like? 2. Is she strict? 3. Ms Wang will be our Chinese teacher. 4. I like funny teachers. 5. We have a new P.E. teacher.VII. BBAACVIII. 1.

4、clever and hard-working 2. friendly, helpful and hard-working 3. Sarah 4. Mike/He is vey nice and helpful. 5. Chen Jie/She is hard-working and quiet.Unit TwoI. Listen and number. 听一听, 排顺序. 1. I often listen to music. 2. I often play ping-pong on Thursdays. 3. A: Do you often play football on the wee

5、kend? B:Yes, I do. 4. A: What do you often do on Mondays? B:I often read books. 5. I often do my homework on the weekend. ( Keys: 51234 )II. Listen and circle. 听一听, 圈出你所听到的单词。 1. I often wash clothes on the weekend. 2. Do you often read books at home? 3. I do my homework at home. 4. We have PE on Th

6、ursdays. 5. We have Chinese on Mondays. ( Keys: ABCAC ) III. Listen and write. 听一听, 写一写。 1. We have Chinese on Mondays. 2. I often play football on Sundays. 3. I often do my homework on the weekend. 4. A: Do you often read books? B:No, I dont. 5. Do you often watch TV? IV. Listen and tick. 听一听, 选出你所

7、听到的图片。 1. We have maths every day. 2. I have science on Tuesdays. 3. A: Do you often wash clothes? B:Yes, I do. 4. I often play football on the weekend. 5. Look, this is my class schedule. ( Keys: 1. 右图 2. 左图 3. 右图 4. 左图 5. 右图 )V. DABEC VI. 1. What do you have on Mondays? 2. Do we have Chinese on Fr

8、idays? 3. I often listen to music at home. 4. What do you often do at school? 5. Do you often read books in this park? VII. BCBABVIII. 1. two art classes, Chinese and maths 2. have Chinese, maths, English and science. 3. We have Chinese, maths and PE on Wednesdays. 4. We have Chinese, maths and musi

9、c on Thursdays. 5. We have Chinese, math and computer class on Fridays. Unit Three I. Listen and circle. 听一听, 圈出每组单词中字母组合发音不同的一个. 1. now brown know 2. yellow tomorrow flower 3. arm bird girl 4. house nurse her 5. head bread tea ( Keys: 1. know 2. flower 3. arm 4. house 5. tea ) II. Listen and circle

10、. 听一听, 圈出你所听到的单词. 1. A: Hows the weather? B:Its sunny. 2. I have maths on Wednesdays. 3. My favourite food is sandwich. 4. A: Do you like tomatoes? B:Yes, I do. 5. A: Id like some beef. B:Me too! ( Keys: BACAA ) III. Listen and choose. 根据听到的问旬, 选择合适的答语。 1. Whos that young lady? 2. Whats your new mat

11、hs teacher like? 3. What day is it today? 4. Whats your favourite food? 5. What would you like to drink? ( Keys: ABBBA ) IV. Listen and write. 根据听到的内容, 填入所缺单词, 补全对话。 A: Im hungry. B: What would you like? A: Id like a salad. B: No problem. We have tomatoes, carrots and onions. A: The vegetables are s

12、o fresh! B: Yes, theyre very healthy. V. CABDC VI. CDABE VII. 1. What would you like to drink? 2. Id like to drink some milk. 3. Whats your favourite food? 4. I like sandwiches. 5. A salad, please.VIII. BABAC IX. Recycle OneI. Listen and choose. 根据录音,选择听到的单词,把标号填在左边括号内。 1. finish 2. lunch 3. potatoe

13、s 4. sweet 5. Sunday 6. schedule 7. drink 8. polite ( Keys: ACACC CCA )II. Listen and number. 听录音,根据所听内容,为下列图片标上序号。 1. watch TV 2. onion 3. play football 4. wash clothes 5. do homework 6. hamburger 7. chicken 8. read books ( Keys: 23614857 )III. Listen and choose. 听问句, 选择合适的答语。 1. Whats your English

14、 teacher like? 2. What do you have on Wednesdays? 3. Is she strict? 4. Whats your favourite food? , 5. What would you like to eat? ( Keys: CCCBC )IV. Listen and write. 根据录音内容,补全对话。 1. A: Whats Toms favourite class? B: Its maths. 2. A: What day is it today? B: Its Monday. 3. A: Is your father strict?

15、 B: Yes, he is. 4. A: What would you like for dinner? B: Id like to have some salad. 5. A: Whats he like? B: Hes very hard-working. V. by: my, fly sunny: happy, windy, party beef: meat, read, see cow: brown, now know: yellow, snow, tomorrowVI. 1. helpful: kind, polite, strict, shy Sunday: Monday, Fr

16、iday, Wednesday Rice: sandwich, hamburger, bread, noodles windy: sunny, snowy, cloudy 2. MondayFridayChineseEnglishmathssciencemusicartcomputer classPEVII. 1. Do you often play football on the weekend? 2. What would you like?3. We often eat lunch at school. 4. My favourite food is vegetables. 5. He

17、isnt strict.VIII. 1. AACBC 2. CBA 3. 4. BABAAUnit FourI. Listen and write. 听一听, 完成句子。1. Lets go to the zoo. 2. Zoom has a book about football. 3. My favourite food is fish. 4. A: Can you cook, Zip? Zip: Sorry, I cant. II. Listen and match. 小动物们正在讨论他们的新年晚会, 听一听, 将他们各自能做的事情连线, 再完成下列句子。 Miss Goat: Be q

18、uiet, children. We are going to have a New Years Party next Saturday. What can you do for the party? Can you dance, Monkey? Monkey: Sorry, Miss Goat. I cant dance. But I can do some kung fu. Miss Goat: Cool! What can you do, Rabbit? Rabbit: I can dance. Miss Goat: Great! What can you do, Dog? Dog: I

19、 can play the erhu. And Cat can play the erhu, too. Cat: Yes. We can play the erhu together. Miss Goat: Wonderful! And I can play the pipa for all of you. Children: Thanks, Miss Goat. II.2. Monday can do some kung fu. Rabbit can dance. Cat can play the erhu. Dog can play the erhu, too. Miss Goat can

20、 play the pipa. III. Listen and tick or cross. 听一听, 判断下列句子的正误. (10分) Miss White: Halloween is coming. Well have a party next Friday. Children: Hooray! Miss White: What can you do for the party, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: I can draw some pictures. Miss White: Great! Who can sing? Can you sing, May? May:

21、 Sorry, I cant. But Chen Jie can sing. Miss White: Can you sing, Chen Jie? Chen Jie: Yes, I can. And Mike can do some kung fu. Miss White: Super! What can you do, Zoom? Zoom: Sorry, I cant sing. I cant do any kung fu. But I can clean the classroom. Miss White: Thats great, Zoom! ( Keys: )IV. Monday:

22、 Wednesday, Sunday, Tuesday, Friday Young: strict, polite, clever, shy Sing: play the erhu, cook, swim, dance, draw cartoonsV. 1. What can you do for the party? 2. I cant sing English songs. 3. Can you do any kung fu? 4. We will have an English party next Tuesday. 5. I can draw cartoons. VI. BBBA VI

23、I. 1. He can clean the classroom and swim 2. No, he cant. 3. What can Mike do 4. Zhang Peng 5. Can John sing English songsVIII. Yes, it is. It can speak English and Chinese. It can even play music! It can play the piano and the pipa. It can play sports. Unit FiveI. Listen and write. 听一听, 补全句子。1. Its

24、 rainy today. 2. I always go to the park on Sundays. 3. The rainbow is beautiful. II. Listen and tick or cross. 听一听, 判断下列各图与听到的内容是否相符. 1. A: Where is the water bottle? B: Its beside the computer. 2. There is a bike in front of the desk,3. A: Where are the flowers? B: They are beside the house. 4. Th

25、ere are so many trees behind the house. 5. There is a map between two pictures. 6. There are some photos above the bed. ( Keys: )III. Listen, match and judge. 美术课上同学们都在画自己的房间, 仔细听录音, 看看这些房间是谁的。先连线, 然后再判断句子的正误.1. Hi, Im Amy. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a chair. My photo is above the bed. There

26、 is a water bottle on my desk. Near the water bottle there is a toy rabbit. I love my room. 2. Im Zhang Peng. My room is nice. There is a bed, a desk, and a chair. There is a clock above the desk. My bike is behind the door.3. Hello, everyone. Im Sarah. I have a beautiful room. There is a bed, a des

27、k, and a chair. There is a teddy bear on my bed. There are many flowers in my room, too. Keys: 1至3略,4. There are many flowers in Sarahs room. 5. There is a bike behind the door in Zhang Pengs room. 6. There is a toy rabbit beside the water bottle in Amys room. 7. There is a clock over the desk in Zh

28、ang Pengs room. IV. V. down: cow snow: slow read: tea see feet Book: cook Paint: way today rain room: zooVI. 1. There is a plant on the desk. 2. There are many pictures in that book. 3. There are lots of flowers in the living room. 4. There is a bed in my room. 5. There is a tree in front of the hou

29、se.VII. ABBAB VIII. a chair, under the chair/on the desk, some books, There are, on the floor, on the bedUnit SixI. Listen and choose. 听一听, 选出发音相同的单词. 1. mouse 2. snow 3. cow 4. sound 5. go ( Keys: BAABB )II. Listen and tick. 听一听, 判断你听到的内容与图片是否相符, 并在相符的图片下面打钩。1. A: Is there a lake beside the mountai

30、n? B:Yes, there is. 2. A: Are there any houses? B: No, there arent. There are some tall buildings.3. A: Is there a bridge over the river? B:No, there isnt.4. A: Are there any ducks on the lake? B:Yes, there are.5. A: Are there any people in the house? B:No, there arent.6. A: Are there any trees in f

31、ront of the house? B:Yes, there are. ( Keys: 第4小题左图,其余右图)IIIListen and choose. Miss Lee带孩子们去公园。听录音, 根据对话内容选出正确答案。 Miss Lee: Lets go to the nature park. Children: Yeah! Girl: Are there any mountains in the park? Miss Lee: Yes, there are. Boy: Is there a forest? Miss Lee: Yes, there is. Girl: Is there

32、 a river? Miss Lee: No, there isnt. There is a lake. Boy: Are there any boats on the lake? Miss Lee: No, there arent. There are some ducks. ( Keys: ABBB )IV. 1B 2D 3A 4C V. I went to the nature park today. There are many trees in the park. In the trees there are many squirrels. There is a lake in th

33、e park, too. In the lake there are some fish. I love the nature park.VI. 1. Its beside the mountain. 2. Where is the forest? 3. Yes, there are. 4. No, there isnt.Recycle Two一、Listen and write听一听, 补全单词。 1. book 2. food 3. paint 4. day 5. mouse 6. snow 7. cow 8. nose二、Listen and tick or cross听一听, 判断图片

34、内容是否与录音相符。 1. Girl: Can you dance? Boy: Sorry, I cant. But I can sing. 2. Girl: What can you do, Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan: I can draw cartoons. 3. There is a picture on the wall. There are so many flowers in lt. 4. Boy: Mum, I cant find my football? Woman: Is it under your desk? Boy: No, it isnt. But ther

35、e is a balloon under the desk. 5. Man: Is there a mountain near your village? Woman: No, there isnt. 6. Girl l: Are there any rivers in the forest? Girl 2: Yes, there are. ( Keys: )三、Listen and write. 小动物要在山羊大叔的房子里举行元旦晚会,听听他们的对话,完成 下面的练习。 Monkey: Lets go to Uncle Goats house and have the New Years P

36、arty. Rabbit: Great. Goat: Happy New Year, children. Monkey: Happy New Year! Uncle Goat. You have a big house. Rabbit: Look, there is a big picture over the sofa. There are so many flowers in the picture. I love it. Goat: Can you draw pictures, Rabbit? Rabbit: No, I cant. But my mother can draw very

37、 well. I can play football well. Monkey: Near the sofa there is a table. There are some peaches on it. Mm, I like peaches. Dog: There is a piano near the window, too. Cat: Can you play the piano, Dog? Dog: Yes, I can. What can you do, Cat? Cat: I can sing. Hey, Monkey, can you sing? Monkey: Sorry, I

38、 cant. But I can eat peaches very well. Animals: Ha, ha, ha. ( Keys: BBBA )四、In front of(方位): beside between behind above in River(自然景物): hill park forest lake mountain village Cook(动作): sing play the pipa swim draw pictures dance speak English Tea(食物): ice cream juice hamburger fish salad五、1. Wu Yi

39、fan can play football. Mike can do some kung fu. 2. There is a ri.ver in the park. There is a lake in the park. 3. There are some plants near the house. There are some flowers in front of the house. There are two dogs under the tree.六. Era lives in a small village. There are many houses in the villa

40、ge. There arent any mountains near the village, but there is a forest near the village. In the forest there is a river and a lake. There arent any fish in the water, because the water is polluted. 七. 1. 1) No, it isnt. 2) No, there isnt. 3) Yes, there are. 4) Five. 5) Its above the desk. 6) There is

41、 a cat under the bed.2To: Amy From: Lily July13thDear Amy,Im glad to hear from you. My house is near a nature park. There is a mountain, a forest and a river in the nature park. I have a nice bedroom. There is a bed and a desk. There are some flowers and plants in my room, too. I like my room very much. Lily


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