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1、教案2课题Unit 8 English Week课型Reading 1备课时间教材分析教学目标1. Students get a general idea of the reading text English :fun for life.2. Students learn about the English Week at Rosie Bridge school.3. Students improve their reading skills .教学重点Students get a general idea of the reading text教学难点How to improve thei

2、r reading ability教学关键learn about the English Week at Rosie Bridge school.教法与学法指导任务教学法.小组合作.直观教学. 教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题Step1.Lead in .1.Students look at the pictures on PPT about English activities at English week and guess what kind of activities they are .2.The student

3、s speak out which activity the like best and why.1.Show a group of activities at English week and ask students to guess.2.Ask students to work in group and discuss which activity they like best。.直观的图片激发学生兴趣,同时导入本课主题-English Week.5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法Step 2 Before reading 1.Look at the titles and artic

4、les and answer the given questions .1.Hand out a learning sheet and ask students to answer some questions about memory.Get the students to understand the main idea of the text.5第三环节课堂练习Step 3 While- reading 2.Skim and scan the articles and fill in the blank about some information of the text.3.Scan

5、the articles again finish the Ex.4.Read the text and try to find some sentences from the passage with the same meaning as the sentence given.2.Ask students to skim and fill in the blank about some information of the text.3.Ask students to scan the articles and try to find out some needed information

6、 to finish the Ex.4.Ask students to read through the articles and try to find some sentencesMore details of the text1010第四环节课时小结Step4 Post - reading1.Work in group and make a dialogue about the English Week activities .2.The leaders report the dialogue3.Judge which group is the winner 1.Ask students

7、 to work in group and give them the rules ,then ask them make a dialogue about the English Week. 2.Ask them to show it.2.Give the scores.Consolidate the text and practice their speaking ability.10第五环节课后作业Step 5 Homework. Write down the homework.Ask students to write more activities about English week.巩固所学课堂教学流程lead in - before reading while reading after reading homework.效果评价与反思


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