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1、三年级英语期末试卷一、把对应的大小写字母或数字连起来。(5分)Q B F D G six seven nine eleven threeb q d g f 7 9 6 3 11二、找出拼写正确的单词。(10分)( )1. A. epn B. npe C. pen( )2. A. braed B. bread C. breed( )3. A. eleven B. elenve C. enleve( )4. A. ereser B. erasar C. eraser( )5. A. yellow B. yollew C. yellew( )6. A. inpk B. kipn C. pink( )

2、7. A. vest B. esvt C. tsve( )8. A. weter B. water C. waert( )9. A. marker B. kermar C. merker ( )10.A. ruler B. lerur C. rular三、给下列单词归类。(14分)brother sweater uniform rooster father ruler erasercrayon sister lion pencil skirt owl dog家庭成员:_ 衣服:_学习用品:_ 动物:_四、单项选择。(30分)( )1. This is _ apple. A. a B. an C

3、. the ( )2. Nice to meet you! _ A. How are you? B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too! ( )3. This is _ brother. A. I B. my C. you( )4. Whos that girl? _ is my sister. A. She B. Her C. He( )5. How many bikes? _ A. Five bike. B. Fives bike C. Five bikes( )6. Happy birthday _ you! A. for B. to C. too( )7.

4、 How old _ you? A. is B. to C. are( )8. Im _ Class 2, Grade 3. A. to B. in C. on( )9. I _ like mangoes. A. am B. dont C. not( )10. Look _ your face. A. / B. of C. at ( )11. Show me _ storybook. A. your B. you C. I( )12. I _ a new marker. A. can B. have C.is( )13. _ is it? Its a box. A. Who B. what C

5、.What( )14. _ that your book? A. Are B. Is C. Do( ) 15. I have six _. A. a ball B. balls C. ball五.、情景交际。(20分)( )1. 当别人向你致谢时,你应该说: A. Fine, thank you. B. Youre welcome.( )2. Jim 是你的新朋友,你向妈妈介绍时,应该说: A. This is Jim. B. Its Jim.( )3. 你想知道现在几点了,你应该问: A. What time is it? B. How time is it? ( )4. 你想知道爸爸喜欢不

6、喜欢苹果,你会问: A. I like apples. B. Do you like apples, Dad?( )5. 你想告诉你的好朋友现在该回家了,你应该说: A. Its time to go home. B. Whats the time?( )6.当别人给你汉堡,而你不喜欢吃时,你会说: A.Do you like hamburgers? B. No, thanks. I dont like hamburgers.( )7. 上课时你迟到了,你应该对老师说: A. Thank you! B. Im sorry( )8. 你想知道书桌里放的是什么,你会问: A. Whats in t

7、he desk? B. Whats on the desk?( )9. 你想告诉别人,你的毛衣是红色的,会说: A. This is my sweater. B. My sweater is red.( )10. 你想看看别人的书,你会说: A. Look at my book. B. Show me your book.六、根据汉语意思提示,连词成句。请注意标点符号和大小写!(5分)1. is brother This my (这是我的哥哥。)_2. new have I storybook a (我有一本新故事书。)_3. like ice-cream I (我喜欢吃冰激凌。)_4. ti

8、me go school to Its to (该去上学了。)_5. cake please a Have (请吃个蛋糕。)七、在B栏中找出A栏中每个句子的答语。(10分) A B( ) How old are you? a. Fine, thank you. ( ) How are you? b. Im nine.( ) Whats your name? c. Its four oclock.( ) What time is it? d. Hes my uncle.( ) Whos that man? e. My name is Lily.八、选词填空。(6分)my you she am is are 1. Glad to see _ again.2. _ is my sister.3. He is _ teacher.4. How old _ you?5. I _ eight.6. That _ my grandfather.


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