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1、Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(第一课时)导学案学习目标1.掌握1a-2d的词语2.学习提供帮助的表达方式;3.谈论志愿者活动; 学习重点学习表建议和一些提供帮助的动词短语的用法。学习难点动词不定式作宾语、状语和宾语补足语,情态动词could表建议。学习过程学习札记【一】自 主学习 明确目标1 试读单词,解决语音问题,联系有关旧单词 2 查阅下面的短语动词1.清洁日_ 2.养老院_3.帮助解决困难_ _4.曾经 ;过去_5.关心;照顾_ 6.快乐的表情_7. (使)变得更高兴;振奋_8.分发;散发_9.想出;提出_ 10.制订计划_11.做

2、些公告牌_ 12.建造;举起;张贴_ 13.分发;散发;发给_3观察以上词组的构成方式: 【语言点】这些短语均为动词与副词构成,他们是紧密相连的,并产生一个新意相当于一个简单的动词,这样的叫短语动词。若有代词作宾语,必须将代词放于动词与副词之间,如:Dont give it up .不要放弃它。注意: 它们的宾语若是名词,这名词放在副词的前后均可如:give out food=give food out若是代词宾格,则一定放在副词的前面cheer them up,切记!切记!【拓展】常与give搭配的短语 give in 投降;让步 give up(doing sth.)放弃(做某事) giv

3、e off 发出(气味、光、烟等) give away 赠送,免费送出4.你知道提供帮助和表建议的句型吗? A:Id like to B: You could.(1)Id like to help homeless people.(2)You could help to clean up the city parks.5.通过预习你还有什么不懂的地方吗? 【2】借助媒介 正音操练1.热身活动:listen to a song “Dedication o f Love2.借助图片熟读动词短语并完成1a.。2.听1b并跟读。 【3】合作探究 展示提升1小组讨论。How to offer help

4、to others in English?小组讨论怎样用动词短语回答。2小组活动编对话3.听力:2a, 2b。4.小组合作做2c。5.分角色表演2d, 小组讨论解决疑难问题。【4】达标检测 盘点收获一、从方框里选择合适的短语完成句子。1.My bedroom is dirty and mess. Id like to_ it _ this Sunday.2.If we see the thief in the street, we should_ the police.3.We could_some traffic signs on the wall.4.I dont know how to_

5、my friend when she is sad.5.Jimmy has to_playing soccer because of his injured leg.二、把下列句子补充完整。1.他数学考试不及格,看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。 He f ailed in the math test and looks sad. Lets_ him _.2.我们需要想出一些办法解决这个问题。 We need_ _ _ _some ideas to solve this problems.3.哪个女孩可以自愿在一所村小教孩子们英语。 The girl could_in a village sc

6、hool_ _kids English4.我们正在计划去老人之家帮他们打扫房子。 Were_ _ _ to help_ _ _their house in the peoples ho me. 5.我爷爷给我们讲有关过去的故事和过去的情形是怎么样的。 My grandfather told me stories about the past and how things _ _ _.三选择填空。 ( )1.Jack met lots of difficulties, but he never _ hope.A.cheered up B.gave up C.put up D.cleaned up

7、 ( ) 2.Now many college students_ advertisement to make money for t heir study.A.help out B.give out C.give up D.work out ( ) 3.His bedroom is so dirty, he needs_.来源:学科网ZXXKA.clean it up B.to clean it up C.clean up it D.to clean up it ( ) 4.You should visit the si ck kids to _.来源:学*科*网来源:学科网ZXXKA.ch

8、eer him up B.put them up C.cheer them up D.call up the m ( ) 5.We could make a plan_the kids in poor area.A.help B.helped C.helping D.to help学习反思Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. (第二课时) 导学案 Unit 2 SectionA3a-4c学习目标1. 阅读短文找出Mario和Mary志愿去做什么;2.能够会做动词不定式的填空练习; 3.学会对动词不定式的用法做总结。学习重点1.阅读短文找出Mar

9、io和Mary志愿去做什么 2.能够学会对动词不定式的用法做总结。学习难点熟练表 达动词不定式的用法。学习程序学习过程学习札记【一】自主学习 明确目标一、预习3a-4c.完成下列翻译练习 1.在.岁时_ 2.应聘做_ 3.忙于_ 4.担心_ 5.建立,张贴_ 6.筹钱_ 7.推迟_ 8.赠送_ _ 9.强烈的满足感_ 10.开心的表情_2 .认真观察Grammer Focus总结动词不定式的用法。3.知识点提示:1)We cant_ _ _making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. 我们不能制定计划,清洁日距今只有两周了。fr

10、om now 从今以后 【拓展】有关f rom的短语far from 距远 from then on 从那时起from now on 从今以后 fromto 从到from today on从今天起 different from 与不同2)Huiping loves to read,and she puts this love to food use by w orking in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. put处理。put.to use意为“加以利用”。如:Put your time to good

11、 use.好好利用你的时间【拓展】有关put的短语 put up , put down , put on , put out , put . away , p ut.back put .right把.修好。如:Uncle Wang put my TV set right.王叔叔修好了我的电视机。2.Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time do ing what I love to do. not only .but(also)意为“不但而且”。also经常省略,如: Not only

12、you but (also) I like English.不但是你而且我也喜欢英语。 He learns not on ly English but Japanese.他不但学英语,而且学日语。4.通过预习你还有什么不懂的地方吗? 【2】借助媒介 正音操练1.复习旧知,呈现新知。2.认真读题,完成4a. 3.阅读前:学习生词,谈论3a中的图片。 【3】合作探究 展示提升1. Do 3a,3b,回答问题。2.完成3c,小组合作谈论动词不定式的用法。3.观察Grammer Focus总结动词不定式作宾语、状语和宾语补助语的用法。4.小组合作完成4b的填空练习,4c的写作练习。【4】达标检测 盘点

13、收获一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Mr.Green gives up his free time_(visit)the old in the old peoples home.2.When he saw the children singing happily, he got such a strong_(feel)of satisfaction.3.Bob decided_(try)out for a job in a foreign company last week.4.Mr.Chen stopped_(do)his job for a year to teach kids in a

14、village school in Gansu province.5.These volunteers are making plans to help those_(home)people.二、根据句意、汉语和首字母提示完成下列句子1.The children all jumped with j_(高兴)when they heard the good news.2.You shouldnt make your child stay home a _(单独).3.Dont you see the traffic s_(标志)on the right?4.We need you to help

15、 r_(筹集)money for those homeless childr en.5.When they saw these old women get on the bus, s_ _(几个)students offe red their seats to them.三、根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。1.玛丽是个读书爱好者,四岁时就能独自读书了。 Mary is a book lover and she could read by herself_ four.2.我想把去动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。 I want to_ _my plan to work in an animal

16、 hospital until next summer.3.他们决定在学校周围张贴布告来告诉学生们售书的事情。 They decided to _around the school to tell students about the book sale.4.去年,这个女孩决定去应聘做一名课外阅读活动的志愿者。 Last year, the girl decided to_a volunteer after-school reading program.5.我们班同学正在尽力想办法使这些生病的孩子振奋起来。 Our class is trying to_some ideas to cheer

17、up these sick kids.学习反思Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(第三课时)导学案课题Unit 2 SectionB1a-1e, Self Check学习目标1.进一步掌握谈论提供帮助的句型。2.听力训练,能听懂所说的动词短语。学习重点掌握动词短语和动词不定式。学习难点听力训练,能听懂所说的动词短语。学习程序学习过程学习札记【一】自主学习 明确目标 1 .熟练掌握本课的词组。(1).个人自读,翻译本课词组。(2).小组互相检查(3).1.根据汉语写出下列英语单词或短语并展示 1)与.相像;像_ 2)用完,用光_ 3)修理;修补;

18、解决_ _ 4)与相似_ 5)赠送_ 2、句意搭配Match the sentences with similar meanings 1)Ive run out of it. a. I repaired it. 2)I take after my mother. b.I dont have any of it. 3)I fixed it up. c.I am similar to her. 4)I gave it away. d. I didnt sell it. 【语言点】1.repair vt.“修理,修缮”。如:They are repairing their house.他们正在修缮房

19、屋。 fix up, repair与mend都有“修理,修补”之意,有时可以通用,但也有区别。(1)repair和fix都表示使受到一定损坏或 失灵的东西恢复其性能或机能,其对象范围很广,从道路、机器到日常用品,如:repair/fix a machine/road (2)mend表示修补破损的东西,使其恢复原样,一般指较小的物品。如: mend the window/sock2.take after“与(父母)相似”,指由于血缘关系而(在外貌、性格等方面)相似。 如:Tom takes after his father.汤姆像他父亲 同义词look like,多指外貌方面相似。如: Tom

20、looks like his father.汤姆长得像 他父亲 similar adj.相似的,be similar to与相似。如: Cats and tigers have similar features.猫和虎有类似的特征。 A cat is similar to a tiger in many ways.猫和虎有好多方面的相似。 提示“与 相同”应用be the same as。如: The ringt one is the same as the lefe one.右边的那个与左边的完全一样。3.give away的用法(1)“赠送,分发”.如: She gave away all

21、 her toys to them.她把她所有的玩具都送给他们了。 (2)“泄露”.如 Dont give away my secret.不要泄露我的秘密。 (3)“失去,牺牲”。如:You have given away a good chance.你已经失去了一个好机会。 (4).小组合作完成1a,并核对答案2.通过预习你还有什么不懂的地方吗? 【2】借助媒介 正音操练1.完成1a.呈现本节课目标语言 2. pairwork:练习目标语言3.听力:do 1b并朗读。4.观察1c中的四副图片,并按顺序编成一个故事,然后听1c,检查答案5.朗读1d方框中的句子,并才出答案。然后听1d,核对答案

22、。【3】合作探究 展示提升1结对练习:Self Check 1 2Do Self Check2选择适当的动词短语和动词不定式填空。【4】达标检测 盘点收获一、选择填空。( )1 .-Is the girl really Mrs.Greens daughter? She doesnt_her at all. -But sure she is. She looks like her father.A.run after B.take after C.look after D.look the same( )2.-Do you_a time to have a talk with me? -How

23、about tomorrow? Im too busy today.A.use up B.look up C.fix up D.give up( )3.The company_five computers to the village school.A.came up w ith B. handed out C.gave away D.gave out( )4.Toms bike is broken. It needs_.A.repair B.to repair C.repaired D.repairing( )5.Some people waste too much water.They d

24、ont believe that we can_it some day.A.look o ut B.run out C.took out D.run out of二、从方框里选 择合适的短语完成句子。1.Though the clothes are new, she h as decided to_them_to the people in disaster areas.2.Fred, could you help me_these exercise books to the students?3.Sandy is upset now. Why dont we_her_?4.Could you

25、 please help me_my computer? It doesnt work.5.We cant buy any more books because we have_money.三、同义句转换。1.He has run out of his lucky money. He has_ _his lucky money.2.He was repairing a TV set when I came back. He was_ _a TV set whe n I came back.3.Lucy takes after her mother. Lucy_ _her mother.4.Th

26、e volunteers often give out ads calling for less pollution. The volunteers often_ _ads calling for less pollution. Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(第四课时)导学案 课题Unit 2SectionB2a-3b学习目标1、掌握本课的单词及短语; 能读懂感谢信。3、会写当有关志愿者活动的书面表达。学习重点1.能读懂感谢信 。2.会写当有关志愿者活动的书面表达。学习难点写作学习程序来源:学_科_网学习过程学习札记【一】自主学习 明确目

27、标预习2a-3b,翻译下列词组和句子1.残疾人_ 2.影响;有作用_3.寄一张Lucky的照片_4.Id like to _ you_ _ money to Animal Helpers.我要感谢您给“动物助手”寄钱。 来源:Z*xx*k.Com5.You helped to make _possible for_to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。6.I cant _ my arms or legs _.我不能很好地利用我的手臂和腿。7.Because I feel very _to have_.因为我感到拥有“Lucky”非常幸运。8.He can _me

28、when I _ him _.当我给他指令时,他能懂得。通过预习你还有 什么不懂的地方吗? 【2】借助媒介 正音操练1.借组多媒体,呈现2a的重点词组和句子。 讨论别人向自己提供帮助时,应怎样表示感谢?2.完成2b的阅读:阅读前:小组讨论并列举感谢信的写作方法。 找出文中的“Lucky”是什么? 阅读中:独立阅读并找出不懂得词汇和句子。 阅读后:完成文后的问题。【3】合作探究 展示提升1.处理阅读后练习2c,2d,2e.2.小组合作完成3a,讨论志愿者工作。3.写作: Sandy, Simon, 和 Daniel是第一中学的三名学生。他们根据自己的兴趣和爱好, 每周花几个小时的时间参加不同的志

29、愿者工作。根据一下要点,以“Being a volunteer is great”为题,写一篇关于他们的志愿者的工作情况及他们的感受的短文。词数80词左右。要点:1.Sandy到公园打扫街道、公园。 2.Simon到动物医院照料动物。 3.Daniel到医院给病人演唱歌曲。 4.参加志愿者的感受。_ _ _【4】达标检测 盘点收获 一根据句意、首字母和汉语提示完成句子1.Can you i_(想象)yourself becoming famous as a writer ?2.Its necessary to set up an organization to help d_(有残疾的)peo

30、ple.3.In India, people often train elephants to help c_(搬运)heavy wood.4.-I have great d_(困难)in finishing the work by myself. Could you h elp me? -No problem.5.The boy is so c_(聪明的)that he ca work out the problems easily.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Miss Lis kindness made it possible f or Ben_(have)Lucky.2.The spe

31、cial_(train)dog can help the blind a lot.3.Thank you for_ _(take)caring of my pet dog.4.The dog-helper makes a big_(different)to Ben Smith.5.They_(set)up an English Club next term.三、根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。1.去年他们建立一个组织去帮助那些残疾儿童。They_ _ a group to help the _children la st year.2.全国人民的帮助使我们重建一个新城市成为可能。The pe

32、ople all over China helped to_ _ _for us to rebuild a new city.3.像接电话、开门关门、或者搬运东西这样一些普通的事情对残疾人来说都很困难。Some normal things like answering the telephone, opening and_ _, or_are difficult for disabled people.4.露西喜爱动物,对有一条宠物狗的想法她感到很兴奋。Lucy loves animals and she_ _ _the idea of having a pet dog.5.再次感谢你帮助我改变了我的生活。Thank you again for helping_ _ _.学习反思


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