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1、翻译句子 (二)1. A determined person always tries to finish the job, .(how) 一个意志坚定的人总是尽力完成工作,不管这个工作有多难。2. , he comes from a rich family. (judge) 从他的衣着判断,他来自富有的家庭。3. , he didnot notice the teacher came in. (bury) 埋头读书,他没有注意到老师进来。4. This is rhe woman scientist is known all over the country. (name) 这就是那位闻名全国

2、的女科学家。 5. Is it that bananas grow very well in Hainan? (because)正是由于温暖的天气,香蕉在海南生长的很好吗? 6. It is no use because you should comprehend it first.(set) 记下老师说的话没有用,因为你首先应该理解。7. The young man spoke as if for many times, but he had never been there.(be) 那位年轻人高兴地说着,好像他去过中国好多次了,可他一次也没有去过。8. Ever since to ove

3、rcome her shortcomings, she .(make)自从她下定决心战胜自己的缺点以来,她上学从未迟到过。9. After graduating from high school, we will reach a point which university to attend. (decide)高中毕业后我们就不得不决定要上哪所大学。10. It is obvious that his lecture .(worth) 很显然他的讲座很值得一听。11. It whether there is life on the Mars.(remain) 火星上是否有生命有待证实。 12

4、. We are accepted and trusted by our customers, .(think) 我们得到了顾客的认同和信任,所有的顾客对我们的产品评价很高。13. No one likes the way .(talk)没有人喜欢他说话的方式。14. In my senior school, I was extremely depressed.(time) 在高中阶段,曾经有段时间我及其压抑。 15. There are some special seats on the bus, pregnant mothers and the old.(design) 在公汽上有一些专供

5、孕妇和老人的座位。16. many times in his report, global warming is an important problem worth attention worldwide. (stress)正如他的报告反复强调的那样,全球变暖是一个值得广泛关注的重要问题。17. There are about seven million people taking part in the election, .(educate)参加选举的大概有七百万人,其中大部分受过良好教育。18. He will never forget the park .(meet)他永远不会忘记他

6、第一次见他妻子的公园。19. My house is in the suburb, .(front) 我的房子在郊区,房子前面有个湖。20. On the third floor there are two rooms, is used as a meeting room.(big)三楼有两间房子,其中较大的一个被用作了会议室。1.no matter how hard it is 2.Judging from his clothes 3.Buried in reading 4.whose name5.because of the warm weather 6.setting down what

7、/whatever the teacher says7.he had been to China 8.she made up her mind/ has never been late for school9.Where we have to decide 10.is well worth listening to 11.remains to be proved12.all of whom think highly of our products 13.that/ in which / he talks14.There was a time when 15.which are designed for 16.as has been stressed 17.Most of whom are well educeted 18.Where he met his wifr for the first time19.In front of which is a lake 20.The bigger of which


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