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《doyoulikepears (2).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《doyoulikepears (2).ppt(35页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Do you like pears ?,通化市东昌区东风小学 郭磊,Part A Lets learn .,apple juice,d,bear,pear,watermelon,Lets learn,watermelon,water,melon,(水),(瓜),green ape grape,草地来了一群羊猜一水果:,Lets learn,strawberry,straw,berry,稻草、吸管,浆果(葡萄,番茄等),Its yellow. It likes moon.,猜一水果,Whats mi,Whats mi,Whats mi,Whats mi,Whats mi,Whats mi,Wh

2、ats mi,t a b r y w s r e r,strawberry,m o t w n e a r l e,watermelon,a e s r g p,grapes,a e o g n r,orange,I like apples. I like milk.,apple_ pear_ banana _ watermelon _,apples,pears,bananas,watermelons,orange_ grape_ strawberry _,oranges,grapes,strawberries,mother: Do you like pears? Amy: No,I dont

3、. mother: Do you like oranges? Amy: Yes,I do. mother: Here you are. Amy: Oh,I like it very much. Thank you. mother:You are welcome.,A.Lets talk,A : Do you like _? B : No,I dont. A : Do you like _? B : Yes,I do. A : Here you are. B : Oh,I like it very much. Thank you. A :You are welcome.,小组合作: 请以小组为单位,选择你喜欢的一类词进行替换,仿照课文做对话. 温馨提示: 可采用采访,表演等多种形式表演对话.,homework,1、Listen and read the dialogue twice.(听,读课文两次) 2、Tell your parents which fruits do you like in English.(用英语告诉父母你喜欢哪些水果),Thanks for your listening.,Bye-bye!,


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