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1、Section Learning about Language核 心 要 点 探 究 set out 出 , 身;开始做 (教材 P15)Setting out on a long journey by sea with unskilled sailors would be dangerous especially if there were no modern navigational instruments没.有熟 的船 就开始海上旅行是非常危 的,尤其是如果没有 代的航海 器。They set outon the last stage of their journey.他 开始了旅行的最

2、后一程。set off出 , 身;引起set about开始;着手 (后面跟 名 )set out 身;开始,着手 (后面跟不定式 )set up建立;确立set down写下;放下He set aboutlearning Chinese at ten.他在十 开始学中文。The burning gas was easy toset off an explosion.燃 的煤气容易引起爆炸。【温馨提示】表示 “开始做 ” ,set out 后面跟不定式 ,set about后面跟 名 。完成句子我一到家,就开始做家庭作 。The moment I got home,Ito do my home

3、work.那天晚上,他着手写一篇关于 染的 告。That evening hewriting a report on pollution. 恤死 工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。A fund will befor the dead mens families.你最好把你的想法写下来,以免忘 。You had betteryour idea before you forget it.第 1页【答案】set outset aboutset upset downbe determined to.决心做 (教材 P16) One day he was determined to set out on a

4、 voyage across anunknown sea to an unknown continent.一天,他决心开始一次穿 一个未知海域到达一个未知大 的航行。Im determined to attain my purpose at any cost.我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。determine sth.决定determine on/upon决定determine sb.against sth.使某人决定不做某事determine sb.to do sth.使某人决定做某事determine to do.决定做determined adj.有决心的,意志 定的determinatio

5、n n.决心, 定,毅力The exam results coulddetermine your career.考 成 可能会决定你的前途。He hasdetermined on a course of action.他已决定了行 划。完成句子我 得确定会 日期。Well have toa date for the meeting.他决定去前 。Hego to the front.我已决定要去,什么也阻止不了我。Igo and nothing will stop me.我决定早点出 。Ian early start.【答案】determinedetermined toam determined

6、 to determinedon(教材 P16) Below him was his boat lying alongside the shore!在他下面是他的小船停靠在海岸 !第 2页【句式分析】这是一个完全倒装句, 表示方位的介词短语置于句首,应把谓语动词提到主语前。On the top of the hill standsa temple.山顶上有座寺庙。In the middle of the forest liesa deep lake.在森林的中间有一个很深的湖。完成句子教室外面站着一个男孩。Outside the classroom山脚下有一个美丽的湖泊。At the foot

7、 of the hill那棵树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。Under that tree.【答案】 stood/stands a boy lies a beautiful lakesits a beautiful girl语 法 专 项 突 破 精要点拨 动词分类一、连系动词:连系动词本身有一定的词义 ,但不能独立作谓语 ,必须与表语一起构成谓语 ,说明主语的状态、性质、特征、身份、结果等。常见的连系动词:1状态系动词用来表示主语的状态,如:be(am;is;are;was; were)。例如: He is a teacher他.是一名教师。 (is 与表语一起说明主语的身份。)2持续系动词用来表示

8、主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep,remain,stay,lie ,stand。例如: He always keeps silent at the meeting.他开会时总保持沉默。3表象系动词用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem,appear, look。第 3页例如: He looks tired.他看起来很累。He seems very sad他.看起来很伤心。4感官系动词感官系动词主要有feel,smell,sound, taste。例如: This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。This flower smells

9、very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。5变化系动词这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn,fall ,get,go,come,run。例如: He became mad after that自.那之后,他疯了。She grew rich within a short time.她没多长时间就富了。二、实义动词:实义动词与系动词是相对的,实义动词意思是完整的 ,能独立作谓语。1就用法来说实义动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词。及物动词:要求接宾语,否则意思不完整,及物动词有被动结构。例如: I found the film very interestin

10、g.(主动 )我觉得这部电影很有趣。The film was found very interesting.(被动 )不及物动词:自身意思完整,不需接宾语,不及物动词没有被动结构。例如: You should plan carefully in advance.你应该事先仔细计划。2就实义动词的词汇意义来说,实义动词可分为动态动词和状态动词。动态动词:强调主语做的动作。动态动词是表示运动状态的动词,根据词汇意义又可分为三类:第一类是表示持续动作的动词,如eat, listen, read, run,walk ,work ,write等。第二类是表示转变和移动的动词,如 arrive,chang

11、e,come,die,go,land, leave 等。第 4页第三类是表示短暂动作的动词 (终止性动词 ) ,如 come,hit, jump, knock,start,die 等。注意:终止性动词不与一段时间状语连用。由于终止性动词发生或存在的时间很短, 有时甚至只是一个概念, 因此它不能与一段时间连用。如:他回来 10 天了。误: He has come back for ten days.误: He came back for ten days.正: He has been back for ten days.正: He came back ten days ago.正: It has

12、 been ten days since he came back.状态动词:强调主语所处的状态。状态动词指表示相对静止状态的动词。这一类动词通常只能用于非进行体,不能用于进行体。根据词汇意义,静态动词又可分为四类:第一类是动词 be(是)和动词 have(有)。第二类是含有静态动词be 和 have的意义的动词,如:belong to 含义是be the property of(属于 )contain 含义是have(包含有 )differ from 含义是be different from(不同于 )这一类动词通常都不可以用于进行体。例如:The house belongs to me.这

13、房子是我的。不能说: The house is belonging to me.第三类是表示五官感觉的动词,如hear, see, feel, taste, smell 等。这一类动词通常用于非进行体。例如:She doesnt hear very well她.听觉不太好。不能说: She isnt hearing very well.第 5页当 feel,smell,taste用于表示被动意义时是静态动词, 通常都不可用于进行体。例如可以说:The soup tastes good这.汤味道不错。The pot feels hot这.壶摸着是热的。Roses smell sweet玫.瑰花闻

14、起来是香的。而不可以说:* The soup is tasting good.* The pot is feeling hot.* Roses are smelling sweet.如果这些动词用于主动意义便是动态动词,从而可用于进行体。例如:He is tasting the soup他.在品尝这汤。He is feeling the pot.他在用手摸壶。He is smelling the roses他.在闻玫瑰花。第四类是表示心理或情感状态的动词,如believe,consider ( believe),expect(suppose),feel(think) ,forget,hate,

15、hope,imagine,know,like ,love,mean,notice,prefer, regret, remember,suggest, suppose,think , understand,want,wish 等。这类动词通常也都不用于进行体。例如:I dont believe it.这我不信。不能说: Im not believing it.I know hes clever.我知道他聪明。不能说: Im knowing hes clever.三、助动词:本身没有独立的词义 ,不能单独作谓语 ,必须和谓语动词连用 ,表示时态、语态、语气或构成陈述句、否定句和疑问句。最常用的助动

16、词有: be,have,do, shall,will , should, would。助动词 am,is,are 的用法 (略)助动词 have 的用法 (略 )助动词 do 的用法1构成一般疑问句。例如: Do you want to pass the CET?你想通过大学英语测试吗?第 6页2do not 构成否定句。例如:He doesnt like to study他.不想学习。3构成否定祈使句。例如: Dont go there.不要去那里。说明:构成否定祈使句只用do,不用 did 和 does。4放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气。例如: Do come to my birthda

17、y party.一定来参加我的生日宴会。I did go there.我确实去那儿了。5用于倒装句。例如: Never did I hear of such a thing.我从未听说过这样的事情。6用作代动词,例如:Do you like Beijing ? 你喜欢北京吗?Yes,I do.是的,喜欢。 (do 用作代动词,代替like Beijing.)助动词 shall 和 will 的用法说明:在过去的语法中,语法学家说 shall 用于第一人称, will 只用于第二、第三人称。现在,尤其是在口语中, will 常用于第一人称,但 shall 只用于第一人称,如用于第二、 第三人称,

18、就失去助动词的意义, 已变为情态动词, 试比较:He shall come.他必须来。 (shall 有命令的意味。 )He will come.他要来。 (will 与动词原形构成一般将来时。)四、情态动词情态动词具有一定的词义, 没有人称和数的变化, 不能单独作谓语, 必须和谓语动词连用才能构成谓语, 给谓语动词增添情感色彩, 表示说话人的态度、 看法、语气、愿望或推测等。情态动词有四类:(1)只做情态动词: must, can(could),may(might) ,ought to(2)可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need, dare(3)可做情态动词又可做助动词:shall(shoul

19、d), will(would)第 7页(4)具有情态动词特征: have(had) to,used to情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有:can(could), may(might) ,must,need,ought to, dare(dared),shall(should),will(would) , have(to),had better。1must 和 have to 的用法表示必须、必要。(must表示主观多一些而have to则表示客观多一些 )如: Youmust come in time.回答 must 引出的问句时,如果是否定的回答, 不能用 mustnt,而要用 need

20、nt或 dont have to。 Must we hand in our exercise books today?我们必须今天交上练习本吗?Yes,you must.(No,you neednt.或 No, you dont have to.)是的,你们必须交上 (不,你们不必今天交上)。2will 和 would 的用法表示请求、建议等, would 比 will 委婉客气。如:Would you pass me the book?请递给我那本书好吗?表示意志、愿望和决心。如:I will never do that again.我以后再也不会那样做了。They asked if we

21、would do that again.他们问我们是否还会做那样的事。The door wont open.门打不开。3ought to 的用法ought to 表示应该。如:You ought to take good care of him.你应该好好照顾他。4can (could)和 may (might)的用法 can (could) 表示说话人能, 可以,同意,准许,以及客观条件许可, could为 can 的过去式,但表示请求时,语气更委婉。第 8页Can you pass me the books?你能把书递给我吗?Could you help me,please?请问,你能帮助

22、我吗?may (might) 可以,表示说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。You may take the book home.你可以把书带回家去。May I come in?我可以进来吗?应用落实 .完成句子1据那位艺术品经营商讲,这幅画有望增值至少100 万美元。According to the art dealer,the paintingone million dollars.2我和他谈了很久,最终他还是相信了我的话。I talked with him for a long time ,and eventually I.3窗户很不干净,我已好几周没擦了。The window is dir

23、ty ,itfor weeks.4如果人们能被说服多吃水果和蔬菜的话,那么死于心脏病的人数将大大降低。Thenumber ofdeaths fromheart disease willbereduced greatlyifpeople5在黑暗的森林深处有许多湖泊,一些都有几个英国城镇大。In the dark forest,some large enough to hold several English towns.【答案】 1.is expected to go for at least 2.was able to make him believe me 3.hasnt been clea

24、ned4.are persuaded to eat more fruits and vegetables5.lie many lakes.单句改错1I want to know how long the book can be keep.2Dont worry.Your child is well looking after here.3All the invitations must sent out today.第 9页4You are an expert on this.You might invited to speak at the meeting.5The public have

25、a right to know what in the report.6What the English for this? Can anyone tell me?7He says that he likes singing and that he wants to a singer.8She is a nice girl.Youre certain to happy with her.9I use to play tennis a lot but I dont play very often now.10 He has changed a lot.He is not what he was used to be.【答案】1.keepkept2.lookinglooked3.sent 前加be4.invited 前加 be5.what 后加 is 或将 what whats6.What 后加 is 或将 What Whats7.to 后加 be 或 become8.to 后加 be9.use used10.去掉 was第 10 页


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