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1、Module 10 The weather 模块综合测试题及答案解析(测试时刻 45 分钟总分 100 分)第卷 (共 50 分 ) . 听力 (10 分)()录音中有五个句子 , 听一遍后 ,选择最佳答案。 (5 分)1.A. It s sunny.B. It s Sunday.C. It s September 1st.2.A. No, I m not.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I wasnt.3.A. Yes, it does.B. Yes, itis.C. No, it doesnt.4.A. You may.B. No, you may not.C. Certainly

2、. Here you are!5.A. She may be at home.B. She is studying.C. She goes to school.()录音中有一篇短文 , 听两遍后 ,完成下列表格。 (5 分)Beijing6Hong Kong Chengdu Dalian7cloudysunnyfoggy8-5 5-89 10 -36._ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. . 单项选择 (10 分)1. It is _now and there are some _in the sky.A. clouds; clouds B. cloudy; clouds C. cloud

3、s; cloudy D. cloudy; cloudy2. My mother prefers to take a bus to her office _ she has a car of her own.A. ifB. becauseC. althoughD. until3. I have two sisters, but _ of them is a teacher.A. allB. neitherC. bothD. none4. Bruce wished me _ swimming with him.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go5. In summer Wuh

4、an is usually very hot _many other cities inChina.A. looked likeB. named afterC. because ofD. compared to6. Where is John?He _be reading books in the library, but I m not sure. 【来源: 】A. mustB. mayC. should7. _is the weather there in summer?Theres _rain.A. How; a lot ofB. What; a lot ofC. How; too ma

5、nyD. What; too many8. How tall he is!Yes, he is taller than _ in his class.A. any other studentB. any other studentsC. the other studentD. others9. It will_be hot and sunny in Beijing in August. 【 】A. possibleB. probableC. probablyD. impossible10. I am too tired to walk any farther, Jack. _ , Daniel

6、. You can do it.A. No hurry B. No problem C. Thats all D. Come on . 完形填空 (20 分) Dear Jenny,Here are three of my photos. In the first photo. I am1a library. I am reading a magazine. The story is kind ofboring. I want to go out to play,2I cant, because theweather is3. It is raining. In the second phot

7、o, it s4.I m playing with my sister in the snow. We are5scarves. It is very6, but we are having a good7. Look, here is our snowman(雪人 ). How cool it is! In the last photo, Im 8 my uncle at the bus station. He is coming to my house. I m surprised to9a young man across fromthe station. He isstanding o

8、n his head(倒立 )and10 with his guitar. Some people are giving money tohim. He israising money(募捐 )for children who need help!1.A. withB. inC. onD. of2.A. soB.orC.becauseD. but3.A. snowyB.niceC. terribleD. sunny4.A. springB.summerC. autumnD. winter5.A. buyingB. cleaningC. wearingD. selling6.A. greatB.

9、 coldC. warmD. hot7.A. placeB. timeC. classD. party8.A. shoppingB. writingtoC.waiting forD. watching9.A. teachB. enjoyC. hopeD. see10. A. eatingB. visitingC. singingD. lying. 任务型阅读 (10 分)Last summer vacation I went to Taiwan withmyparents. Taiwanis really beautiful!The weather is good. Itis always w

10、arm and humid(潮湿的 )because the sea isaround Taiwan. Inthe north, there is winter, butin the south, theres no winterand you can enjoy sunshine(阳光 )everyday. The typhoon(台风 )season isfromJune to October.There are many mountains in Taiwan. (A)A-liMountain is one of the fivebiggest mountain there. We we

11、nt to climb A-liMountain one afternoon. There are many trees in the forest there. They are very tall andmany of them are reallyold.Sun Moon Lake is the largest nature lake in Taiwan. In the lake there are many kinds of fishes.(B)We also went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. There aremanykinds

12、of foods in the small towns near the sea. A kind of dumpling with shrimp(虾 )in it is my favourite.Taiwan, a beautiful island, I love it! I took many photos there. Would you love to see them? 【 】按照短文内容 , 完成下列任务。1. 任务一、按照短文内容 , 完成下面的句子。The writer went to spend the summer vacation with _.2. 任务二、按照短文内容

13、, 选择正确答案。The trees in the forest inA-liMountain are _.A. tall and oldB.shortC. newD.short and old3. 任务三、将画线 (B)处的句子译成汉语。_4. 任务四、画线 (A) 处句子中有一处并只有一处错误 , 请改正并写出正确的句子。_5. 任务五、回答下列咨询题。(A)What s the weather like in Taiwan? _ _ (B)Where did the writer spend the vacation?_第卷 (共 50 分 ) . 词汇运用 (10 分)()按照句意及首

14、字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5 分)1. Whats the t_ today?It s minus five degrees.2. It is three thousand m_ from New England to California.3. The ice isnt t_ enough to skate on. It s dangerous.4. What t_ weather!Yes, it s rainy and cold.5. There may be a slight _ (阵雨 )in Jurong tomorrow afternoon, I think.()用所给词的适当形式

15、填空。(5 分)6. It s nice_ (see)a film with my mother.7. The best time_ (come)to Jinan is in spring.8. It s said that the wet and_ (snow)weather will last for ano ther two days.9. There is no place_ (park)cars in this area.10.Its raining heavily. Youd better_ (not leave)the umbrellaat home again. . 完成句子

16、(10 分)1. 在那个都市有时会有几天好天气。_ _ _ _ there are several days of good weather inthis city.2. 要保证大伙儿都明白那个决定。_ _ that everybody knows about this decision.3. (2013荆门中考 )他和我都不喜爱唱歌跳舞。_ he_ I_ interested in singing and dancing.4. 我不得不待在家里照看我妹妹。I_ _ stay at home to look after my younger sister.5. 我妹妹喜爱唱歌也喜爱跳舞。My

17、younger sister likes singing and she likes dancing_ _. . 补全对话 (10 分)按照对话情形在横线上填入一个适当的句子, 使对话完整、通顺。Scott: Hello! Scott speaking.Nancy: Hi, Scott. It s Nancy.1Scott: Not bad. What about you?Nancy:2Its my birthday today.Scott: Really?3Nancy: Thanks! Well,4Scott: It s snowing. I want to make a snowman n

18、ear the house. 【 】Nancy: It sounds interesting. But its raining here.Scott:5Nancy: I m preparing(预备 )for my birthday party.Scott: Is Mary there?Nancy: No, she cant come today.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ . 书面表达 (20 分)你 (Li Ming) 的美国朋友 Jane打算来你居住的都市旅行。她想了解一下你市东方海滩的情形 , 按照以下信息给她写一封信加以介绍。(1)名称 : 东方海滩 ;(2)位置 :

19、城东 10 千米 ;(3)天气 : 秋天 , 既不冷也不热 ;(4)最适合的运动 : 游泳、打排球 ;(5)公用设施 : 洗手间、更衣室、商店;(6)交通条件 : 有多辆去海滩的公共汽车, 可随时乘坐出租车。Dear Jane,_Yours,Li Ming听力原文及答案解析 . 听力 (10 分)()录音中有五个句子 , 听一遍后 , 选择最佳答案。 (5 分)【听力材料】1. What s the weather like?2. Do you like the beautiful weather?3. Is it raining?4. May I borrow your dictionary

20、?5. Wheres Betty?答案 : 15. ABBCA()录音中有一篇短文 , 听两遍后 , 完成下列表格。 (5 分)【听力材料】Here is the weather report for the next 24 hours in China. Beijing will be rainy and snowy. The temperature willfall to five degrees centigrade below zero. Shanghai willbe cloudy and the temperature willstayfive to eight degrees c

21、entigrade. Hong Kong willbe sunny. The temperature willbe seven to nine degrees centigrade. It willbe foggy in Chengduand the temperature willbe three to six degrees centigrade. In Dalian itwillbe cloudy and cold, and the temperature willfall to three degrees centigrade below zero.版权所有答案 : 6. Shangh

22、ai7. rainy and snowy8. cloudy and cold9. 7-910. 3-6 . 单项选择 (10 分)1. 【解析】选 B。考查形容词辨析。句意 : 现在多云同时天空中有一些云。cloudy 是形容词 , 在句中作表语 ; cloud 的复数形式为 clouds。故选 B。2.【解析】 C。考 用法。句意 : 我的 更喜 坐公共汽 去 公室 , 尽管她有自己的汽 。 if 如果 ; because因 ; although 尽管 , 尽管 ; until 直到。故 C。3. 【解析】 B。考 不定代 辨析。按照句意“我有两个姐姐 , 然而没有一个是老 。 ”neith

23、er“两者都不” , 故 B。4.【解析】 D。wish sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事。5. 【解析】 D。考 短 辨析。 look like 意 “看起来像” ; name after 意 “以命名”; because of 意 “因 ”; compared to 意 “和相比”。按照句意“和中国 多其他都市相比 , 夏天武 通常 。 ”可知选 D。6. 【解析】 B。考 情 辨析。由“ I m not sure”可知 , 约翰在 看 的可能性不大。故 B。7. 【解析】 A。考 固定句式。 How is the weather? 是用来 咨 天气的句型 , rain 是不可

24、数名 , 不能用 too many 来修 。故 A。8. 【解析】 选 A。考 固定搭配。 any other + 数可数名 , 意 “任何一个” ; 按照答 句意“是的 , 在他班里他比任何一个同学都高。 ” 可知 A。9. 【解析】 C。考 辨析。 possible 常用于以下 构中 , 即“It is possible+that从句和 It is possible+ 不定式”; probably 常用于“主语+will probably/possibly + ”中 , 故 C。10. 【解析】 D。考 交 用 。 No hurry“不着急” ; No problem“没咨 ” ; Tha

25、ts all“就如此” ; Come on“赶快 , 加油”。句意 : 杰克 , 我累得再也走不 了 , 丹尼 。你会成功的。故 D。 . 完形填空 (20 分)1.【解析】 B。考 介 辨析。表示在 里用in a library 。2. 【解析】 D。考 境明白得。由后面的 I cant 可知 , 用表示 折意 的 but。3. 【解析】 C。考 境明白得。由后面的 It is raining 可知 , 在此指天气 糟糕 , 故用 terrible。4. 【解析】选 D。考查词义辨析。按照后面句子所陈述的 snow 可知 ,是在冬天所拍的照片。5. 【解析】选 C。考查动词辨析。由情形分析可

26、知 , 下雪时戴上围巾就可挡住雪花了。 wear scarves。6. 【解析】选 B。考查语境明白得。下雪时确信感受到专门冷 , 故用 cold。7. 【解析】选 B。考查固定搭配。 have a good time 指“玩得专门快乐”。8. 【解析】选 C。考查短语辨析。由后面 bus station 可知 , 指我在车站等我叔叔 , wait for 等待。9. 【解析】选 D。考查语境明白得。由句子结构可知 , 在此用动词 see来完成句子 , 意为“专门惊奇地看到” 。10. 【解析】选 C。考查语境明白得。 由我们经常看到的特长表演可知 ,在此指倒立唱歌同时还弹吉他。 . 任务型阅

27、读 (10 分)答案 : 1. his(her)parents 2. A3. 我们也去了海滩 , 享受了阳光。4. A-li Mountain is one of the five biggest mountains there.5. (A)It s warm and humid. (B)Taiwan. . 词汇运用 (10 分)答案: 1. temperature2. miles3. thick4. terrible5. shower6. to see7. to come8. snowy9. to park10. not leave . 完成句子 (10 分)答案: 1. From time

28、 to time2. Make sure3.Neither;nor;am4.have to5. as well . 补全对话 (10 分)答案 : 1. How is it going?2. Great! /Pretty good. /Not bad.3. Happy birthday(to you)!4. hows the weather/whats the weather like?5. What are you doing?. 书面表达 (20 分) 【参考范文】Dear Jane,You can get to the beach easily. Many buses can take you ther e. You can take a taxi, too. There are toilets, dressing rooms and shops. I think you will have a wonderful time there. Welcome to the East Beac h!Yours,Li Ming


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