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1、英美概况一、填空:1、The most important rivers in Scotland are Clyde and Forth.2.In 1965,big oil fields were discovered under the North Sea.3. The English people are the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, while the Scots, welsh and Irish are the descendants of the Celts. 4.The major languages spoken in Britain are

2、English, Gaelic and Welsh.5.The Church of England is the established church of the English nation.6.Protestant churches not belonging to the Church of England are called Free Churches, including such sects as Baptists, the United Reformed Church, Methodists and Quakers.7. The Roman Catholic Church w

3、as much persecuted in England for a long time after the Reformation.8.Most of the British social customs are based on the Christian tradition.9.During World War,Britain was forced to borrow large amounts of money from the United States and Canada.10.Under Margaret Thatcher, public Expenditure was re

4、duced, foreign exchange controls lifted ,rules governing banks Loosened and worker strikes restricted.11.The Conservative Party carried out an extensive programme of Privatization throughout the 1980s12.The negative aspect of Thatchers reform was a rapid increase in taxation.13.Britains traditional

5、customers in trade were the commonwealth countries and its former colonies. Now Britain trades mainly with the common Market, the US and Canada.14.the British government is established on the basis of constitutional monarchy.15.Britain has no written constitution and many of the rules that govern th

6、e system are customs or conventions and ordinary laws.16.Theoretically, the Queen has all the power, but in reality, she must act on the advice of the ministers.17.Parliament consists of the monarch/sovereign, the House of commons and the House of Lords.18.The President of the House of Lords is the

7、Lord chancellor and the presiding officer of the House of Commons is “Mr. speaker” .19.Parliaments main functions are debate, making laws and supervising the government and financing.20.The Prime Minister controls not only the cabinet but also the Parliament。21The two main political in Britain are b

8、oth bourgeois in nature .The Conservative Party openly helps the monopolists to get super-profits ,while the Labour Party practices social democracy or bourgeois reformism.22.the Conservative Party Tory party, while the liberal Party developed out of the whig Party.23.For the election purpose, Brita

9、in is divided into 651 constituencies, each of which elects one member of the House of Commons.24.In Britain the law as a whole consists partly of Customs or conventions and partly of Common laws.25. The three divisions of the High Court of Justice are the Chancery Division, the Family Division and

10、the Quees Bench Division.26. In Britain the highest civil court of appeal is the House of Lords.27.The Romans under Claudius conquered Britain in A.D.43.28.In early Saxon England the main classes of people were nobles, freemen and slaves ,By the 10th century q,a new aristocracy ,the thegn , had appe

11、ared.29.Feudalism was established in England after Norman Conquest.30.The Great Charter aimed at restricting the power of the King.31.Simon called the “All Estates Parliament” in 1265.32.King Edward I summoned the “All Estates Parliament” in the year of 1295,which is known in history as “the model P

12、arliament”.33.The Hundred Years War was a war against France for the French crown and for the industrial city of Flanders.34. Wars of the Roses were wars fought between Lancastrians and Yorkists .The old feudal nobility was greatly weakened as a result of the Wars.35.The Commoners drew up the Grand

13、Remonstrance in 1641.36.In the First Givil War, the kings men were called Cavaliers and the supporters of Parliament were called Roundheads.37.The restoration of Charlestook place in the year of 1660.38. The Industrial Revolution was a revolution in both the method of production and the relations of

14、 production. It began in the textile industry in the 1760s and lasted until 1840s.39.The enclosures in the 18th century resulted in the appearance of capitalist farms, labor reserve and an expansion of national market.40.After the seven Year Charles Dickens.41.The state of Alaska is the largest in a

15、rea of all the 50states.42. The two great plateaus west of the Rockies are: the Columbia and the Colorado Plateau.43.Most Americans are of European origin.44.In America individuals encounter not only class oppression but also discrimination based on ethnicity and race.45. Most of the Black people in

16、 the US speak English but the Hispanics speak Spanish.46. The three stages that the American economy has experienced in its development are commercial capitalism, industrial capitalism and corporate capitalism.47.Now the United States economy is dominated by enormous diversified, multinational monop

17、olistic corporations.48.The newly-developed industrial region of the US is the South.三翻译:1The Strait of Dover多佛尔海峡2. the English Channel 英吉利海峡3。The Pennines 奔宁山脉4. the Thames River 泰晤士河5.Edinburgh 爱丁堡6.Glasgow 格拉斯哥7.Cardiff 加的夫8。The House of Lords 上院9.the House of Commons 下院10.the Lord Chancellor大法官

18、11。The Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣12.the Lord Privy Seal 掌玺大臣13.the Minister without Portfolio 不管大臣14。High Court of Justice高等法院15. Returning Officer 负责选举的官员16。Crown Court 巡回法院17.the Lord Chancellor大法官/上院议长18.magistrate courts 地方治安法院mon law 巡回法庭19.the Chancery Division 大法官庭20.the Family Division

19、家事庭21.the Queens Bench division 王座庭22.Lord Chief Justice 高等法院院长23.the Court of Session 民事庭24.Justices of the Peace 治安推事25.CID刑事侦缉厅。26。Dupont Chwmical 杜邦公司27.General electric 通用电器公司28.General Motors 通用汽车公司四名词解释1.Middle English-(449-1150) took shape in 1150 after the Norman Conquest of 1066 when Engli

20、sh became a language of a subjugated people and underwent tremendous changes through contact with the Danes and Norman French, such as the loss of inflections and borrowing and assimilating thousands of French words. English entered the second stage, a transitional period, in its evolution from Old

21、English to Modern English. It was in the late of this period that the Great Vowel Shift took place and English triumphed in England and displaced both French and Latin as the written literary language of the people.2. Reformation-The English Reformation began as a political movement as much as a rel

22、igious one: when the Pope would not let Henry divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Henry declared himself head of the English Church(1534)and dissolved the monasteries. Protestantism, of a Calvinist type was introduced under Edward,Mary I brought a Catholic reaction, but with Elizabeth I the

23、 Church of England was established on a moderate Protestant basis.3. NATO is the abbreviation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military block in Europe.4.Question Time lasts just under one hour on four days in the week, during which questions involving issues of national importance or co

24、ncerned with purely local or individual matters may be put to the responsible minister by any member of parliament, provided due notice has been given.5. The Conservative Party is one of the two principal parties in Britain. It developed out of the Tory party. the conservative Party is in favor of p

25、rivatization and openly helps the monopolists to make profits.6. Norman Conquest is an important historical event that took place in 1066.In that year , after Henry died childless, Harold and William, Duke of Normandy, both claimed the throne. On September28, William crossed the channel with a formi

26、dable army, killed Harold and defeated the English army at the battle of Hastings on October 14 and finally conquered England. This event was referred to as Norman Conquest.7.Doomsday Book was really a record of each manproperty made by William the Firsts officials in 1086.With this record at his el

27、bow, he could how much each man should and could pay. People viewed it with so much superstitious fear that they called it “Doomsday Book”.8. The Enclosure refers to a movement that started in England in the 14th and 15th centuries and continued till the 18th,in which the feudal aristocracy enclosed

28、 large pieces of land with fences and turned arable land into pastures for raising sheep, which was much profitable. As a result of the Enclosure, thousands of peasants lost their land and became landless men. In order to make a living , they had to poured into cities and became the “reserved army o

29、f wage earners,” who constituted a major source of free labor for the later Industrial Revolution.9.The Hundred Years War was a war launched by Edward in his effort to claim the French throne and fought against French contending for the important industrial city Flanders. The War was a feudal war an

30、d a trade war in nature. It stared in 1337 and lasted intermittently for more than one hundred years until 1453, hence the name Hundred Years war .In the first phase of the War, he English won a serried of victories, but by the War was concluded, the English has lost all the territories they had gai

31、ned during the war, except the French port Calais. The Hundred YearsWar accelerated the breakdown of feudal society as the heavy cost of the long war inevitably increased the burden on the feudal lords and merchants. The vast expenditure of treasure for war consequently put the money class, the new

32、bourgeoisie, in a more important position in Britain.10.Black Death was a deadly bubonic plague that struck Europe in the middle of the 14th century and reached England in the summer of 1348.About 40%of the population died of the Black Death. As a result, there was a severe shortage of labor. The ag

33、ricultural labors in villages and under-masters and journeymen in citied struck for higher wages while the villains struggled for freedom. However, the government of Edward issued an order that required all grown-up men and women below sixty, having no land or other means of living to work for landl

34、ords and proprietors at the rate before the plague in 1349.The Parliamentary statutes of 1351 and 1361 (the Statutes of laborers) introduced cruel punishments for those who refused to work. The Statutes of laborers aroused a general hatred among the masses against the ministers, lawyers and landlord

35、s.11. the Peoples Charter(including the Six Points).In1837,workers in London, who were organized in the London Workingmens Association, drew up a petition to Parliament, in which were embodied the Six Points that afterwards became known as the Peoples Charter. The Six Points were equal electoral dis

36、tricts, abolition of the property qualifications for MPs, universal manhood suffrage, annual Parliament, vote by ballot, and the payment of MPs.12. The Mississippi River is one of the worlds great rivers; it was known to American Indians as the “father of waters” .Water from the source of its main b

37、ranch, the Missouri River, flows about 6,262 kilometers from the northern Rocky Mountains, to the mouth of the Mississippi in the Gulf of Mexico. Its two main tributaries are the Ohio River and the Missouri River. The Mississippi River and its tributaries form an important and vast system of waterwa

38、ys that are connected to the Great lakes in the north by a canal.13. Melting pot is metaphorically used to refer to the United States because it is a country of many ethnic groups from different parts of the word, who came to the New World to seek for freedom in politics or religion. They have been

39、dissipating their different ethnic cultures toward some “standard” by living and working together in the “melting pot” of the United States and gradually forming a new nation.14.The word “WASPs” is the abbreviation of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They were early settlers on North America from England, Northern and Western Europe. At present, they constitute the largest and dominant ethnic group in the United States.


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