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1、2019 中考英语 goforit版(三月)阅读理解练习(05)及解析注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解! AThe worldis not comingto an end on December21, 2018, theUS space agencyinsisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors (谣言 ) fueledby the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.The latestbig screen offeringfro

2、m Sony Picture,2018, arrivesin theatreson Friday, with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the worldsupposedly based on myths (虚构的故事 ) backed by the Mayan calendar (日历 ). Itis claimed thatthe end of time willcome as a Planet X-orNibiru-headstowardor collides (相撞 ) with the earth.Some we

3、bsites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet s existence,but the USspace agency denounced such storiesas an “Internethoax ( 恶作剧 ) ” .“There is no factualbasis forthese claims,”NASA said in a question-and-answerpostingon itswebsite.“Ifsuch a collisionwere real,astronomerswould havebeen tracki

4、ng it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by nowto the naked eye. Obviously it does not exist. Credible scientists worldwideknow of no threat associatedwith 2018,” it insisted.“ Afterall,our planethas been gettingalong justwellformore than fourbillionyears, ” added NASA.There is an

5、other planet, Eris, floating in space. But the small planetsimilar to Pluto will remain safely fixed in the outer solar system and it cancome no closer than four billion miles to the Earth, according to NASA.Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happenedthe date was moved

6、forward to the winter in 2018 to coincide with the end ofa cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar.NASAinsistedthe Mayan calendarin factdoes not end on December 21, 2018,as another period begins immediately afterward.And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast, the effecton our planet

7、would be“ negligible” , NASA said.“ And while comets and asteroids (小行星 ) have always hit the Earth, bighits are very rare,” NASA noted. The last major impact was believed to be 65million years ago, resulting in the end of dinosaurs.“ Wehave alreadydetermined thatthereare no threateningasteroidsas l

8、argeas the one that killed the dinosaurs,” the space agency said.41. _ played a key role in the spread of the rumors.A. A new bookB. The Internet and a new Hollywood movieC. NASAD. An Indian calendar42. We can infer that _.A. people didn t take the rumor seriouslyB. Planet X-or Nibiru does existC. a

9、stronomers have been tracking Planet X for over ten yearsD. the rumor caused a panic among some people43. NASA thinks that Eris _.A. might pose a threat to the Earth44. Which of the following is the best title? A. New Hollywood movie 2018B. December 21, 2018, Not the end of the worldC. End of the an

10、cient Mayan calendarD. How rumors came into being参考答案BDBB*结束BHi, everybody!Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!Now let me introduce to you some of the new film books in our store.Are you Chinese film stars? OK, here comes the latest 25 New Takes aboutChinese films.Itis a collection

11、of 25 freshreadingsof differentChinese filmsfrom the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popularin the States, such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, Hero, and Flowers ofShanghai.Do you like French films? Well, here is the French Cinema Book. It coversstfor all lovers o

12、f French Cinema: students and teachers, specialists and fans,and so on.Maybe you are Indian film fans and star-chasers. Then here is Encyclopedia( 百科全书 ) of IndianCinema. The book is a complete introductionto allthe bestIndian films. It also offers a full list of names of the famous and successfulfi

13、lm stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian films industry is thelargest in the world after our Hollywood.Ifyou likeBritishfilms,we have The BritishCinema Book. Itis a good reviewof British cinema. This book contains a good many nice pictures.Inour bookstore,you can also findbooks about Mex

14、ican, Japanese, Australian,German and Italian films.Well,please help yourselvesto some coffeeor tea,and have a good time here!45. The speaker of the passage is most probably _.A. the author of 25 New TakesB.a tourist in the cinema bookstoreC.the manager of the cinema bookstoreD.a reader of Encyclope

15、diaof Indian46. How many Asian countries does the speaker mention when he talks about the film books?47. Which of the following statements in Not mentioned in the passage? A. Indian cinema is second only to Hollywood.B. The British Cinema Book includes a complete list of names of stars.C. Crouching

16、Tiger and Hidden Dragon is well received in the States.D. The French Cinema Book covers over a century s French films.48. The purpose of the speaker is _.A. to satisfy the customers different kinds of tastesB. to keep the authors in the cinema bookstoreC. to offer the tourists chances to meet the fi

17、lm starsD. to develop the readers into film producers参考答案CBBA*结束CTeleNav GPS Navigator (导航仪 )TeleNav Talks. You Drive. Voice and onscreen directionsTeleNav is easy to use. As you drive, TeleNav GPS Navigator will give you all the information you need, such as:Along the way, the directionswillbe anno

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24、52.2D.$42050.Whyarecustomers commentsquotedinthead?A.Toemphasizeitsgoodpost-saleservicesB.Todescribetheusesoftheproduce.C.Tomakepeoplebelieveitstopquality.D.Topersuadepeoplenottousepapermaps.51.HowdoesTeleNavGPSNavigatortelltheusersthedirections? A.Byspeaking.B.Bydisplayingonthescreen. C.Byshaking.D

25、.Bothbyspeakinganddisplayingonthescreen.52.WiththeTeleNavGPSNavigator,youcandothefollowingEXCEPT_.A.bookingahotelB.findingouthowmuchgasthecarhasleftC.figuringoutthecorrectwaytothedestinationD.discoveringwhereyouarenow参考答案BCDB* 束DWomeninNaziGermanyweretohaveaveryspecialjob.Hitlerwasveryclearaboutthis

26、.Thisjobwasthattheyshouldbegoodmothersbringingupchildrenathomewhiletheirhusbandsworked.Exceptforsomespecialfields,Hitlersawnoreasonwhyawomanshouldwork.WithinmonthsofHitlercomingtopower,manyfemaledoctors,teachersandlaw yersweresacked.BythestartoftheSecondWorldWar,veryfewGermanwomenwereinful ltimework

27、.Fromtheirearliestyears,girlsweretaughtthatallgoodGermanwomenmarriedatayoungagetoaproperGermanandthatthewifesjobwastokeepagoodhomeforherworkinghusbandandtohavechildren. OneoftheearliestlawspassedbyHitleroncehecametopowerin1933,wastheLawforth eEncouragementofMarriage.Thislawstatedthatallnewlymarriedc

28、oupleswouldgetagovernmentloan(贷款 )of1000marks.Thisloanwasnottobesimplypaidback.Thebirthofonechildmeantthat25%oftheloandidnothavetobepaidback.Twochildrenmeantthat50%oftheloandi dntneedtobepaidback.Fourchildrenmeantthattheentireloanwascleared.Whatsmore,ashousewivesandmothers,theirliveswerecontrolled.W

29、omenwerenotexpectedtowearmake uportrousers.Onlyflatshoeswereexpectedtobeworn.Womenwerediscouragedfromslimmingasthiswasconsideredbadforchildbirth.53.TheaimoftheLawfortheEncouragementofMarriagewasto_.A.attractmoreyoungpeopletojointhearmywillinglyB.makethosemarriedcouplesbecomerichquicklyC.encouragepeo

30、pletoloanmorefromthegovernmentD.encouragecouplestohaveasmanychildrenastheycould54.Theunderlinedword“ sacked ”inParagraphoneprobablymeans_.A.punishedB.firedC.killedD.raised55.Accordingtothepassage,womeninNaziGermany_.A.couldmakeuporwearbeautifulclothesB.weretohavechildrenanddohouseworkC.couldreceiveagoodeducationatschoolD.wereofferedtheequalrightsasmen参考答案 DBB*结束


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