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1、选出划线部分与其余发音不同的单词() 1. A. streetB. travelC. dress() 2.A. trousersB. drawC. driver() 3.A. fitB.rideC. bike() 4.A. byB.cityC. taxi() 5.A. youngB. skyC. fly按要求写词1. young(反义词) _2. go(第三人称单数) _3. taxi(复数形式) _4. cannot(缩写形式) _5. buy(同音词) _6. city(复数形式)_7. does not(缩写) _8. drive(名词)_英汉互译1、步行回家2、through the

2、trees3、参观许多城市4、sit in a basket5、乘火车去6、too young7、住在月亮街8、do not think so9、在学校附近10、show his clothes to me11、一位的士司机12、in Sunshine Town用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There( be)some fruit and bread in the basketball.2. These jeans fit me well(.改成否定句) These jeans _ _ me well.3.Christmas comes! Susan(want)(make) a card f

3、or her mother.4.Su Hai(like sing), but her sister, Su Yang doesnt.She usually(ride) a bike after school.5.She(have ) a good time at the party.6.I like(sing), but my sister doesnlike. t7.We want( have) a picnic.8.Can you(draw) a picture for me .9.Mike( not do)his homework on Saturday.10.He( come)to s

4、chool on foot .11.I donthave_(some) new skirts.12.Lets_(ride) bikes in the park.13.The old woman_(go) to work by bus every day.翻译句子,一空一词1、你的祖父母住在哪里?他们住在公园街。your grandparents?Park.2、你和苏阳住在学校附近吗?不,我们住得离学校。you and Su Yangschool?No,. Weschool.3、你们怎样上学?我们乘的士上学。do you go to school? We go to school.4、迈克怎样上

5、学?他搭地铁上学。Mike come to school? Heto school.第 1页5、你们为什么不坐巴士上班?因为步行对我们有好处。you go to?walking.6、为什么你如此伤心?因为我没有漂亮的衣服和鞋。are you?Ihavenice.7、我的网友住在美国,他每个星期都写电子邮件给我。My,Hetoevery week.句型转换1. I want a cup of tea. ( 改为同义句 ) I _ _ a cup of tea.2. Can you show me your bike? 改(为同义句 ) Can you _ your bike _ me?3. He

6、 lives on Nanjing Street. (对划线部分提问 )_?4. The boy lives near school. 改(为否定句 ) The boy _ _ near school.5. Her mother goes to work by bus.对(划线部分提问 )_ her mother _ to work?阅读理解It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen(厨房) . She s making apple pies. The pies are very delicious(好

7、吃的). Do you want to have a taste(品尝)?Mr Brown isn t in the living room. He is outside(外边) . He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other(其他的) boys. Where is his sister,Sue?She s in her bedroom w

8、ith her friend,Ann . Theyare watching the Animal World(动物世界) .() 1. There are _ people(人) in Mr Br own s family(家庭中) .A. sixB. fourC. twoD. three() 2.Mrs Brown is _.A. tasting the apple piesB. watching TVC. cookingD. eating a cake() 3.Mr Brown looks after _very well.A. Mrs BrownB. his daughterC. his familyD. his car() 4.Who are playing outside? _A. Mrs Brown and SueB. Some boysC. Sue and AnnD. Some girls() 5.Sue and Ann are _.A. watching TV in the living roomB. playing football in the open airC. watching TV in Sues roomD. playing in Anns room第 2页


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