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1、Unit10 单元测评卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。A. travel B. delicious C. dish D. fried E. try F. famous G. square 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5._二、听录音,连线。(1)A. a famous mountain(2)B. a famous temple(3)C. place(4)D. dance(5)E. a famous dish三、听录音,标序号。() You can try some fried tofu.() You can visit the Temple of Heaven and th

2、e Great Wall.() Beijing duck is a famous dish.第 1页() You must go to Dongting Lake.() There is a famous mountain in Hunan.笔试部分一、补全单词。1. famous m_ (名山 )3. d_ dish (美食 )5. the G_ W_ 长(城 )二、连线题。2. f_ tofu (臭豆腐 )4. the City S_ (城市广场 )(1)A. Beijing Duck(2)B. the Shaolin Temple(3)C. Henan noodles(4)D. the

3、Creat Wall(5)E. a famous square三、将下列句子进行分组。第 2页A. The Temple of KongziB. The Shaolin TempleC. The Temple of HeavenD. Dezhou ChickenE. The Great Wall(1) Beijing: _(2) Henan: _(3) Shandoing: _四、选择题。() 1. I often watch people _ in the park.A. danceB. to dance() 2.Do you like to try some fried _?A. tofu

4、B. tofus() 3.I want to try some delicious _A. foodB. foods() 4.I would also like to _ to Zhangjiajie.A. tryB. travel() 5.That mountain is _ in China.A. famousB. delicious五、根据图片内容补全句子。1. There are many famous p_ in Beijing.2. Beijing duck is a famous d_.3. I want to watch people d_ in the park.4. You

5、 can visit the Shaolin T_.5. There is a famous s_ in Beijing.参考答案听力材料一、1. try2. travel3. delicious4. famous5. square二、(1) place(2) dance(3) a famous dish(4) a famous mountain(5) a famous temple第 3页三、1. There is a famous mountain in Hunan.2. You must go to Dongting Lake.3. You can try some friedtofu.4. You can visit the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall.5. Beijing duck is a famous dish.听力答案一、1-5 EABFG二、(1)-(5) CDEAB三、3 4 5 2 1笔试答案一、1. mountain2. fried3. delicious4. Square5. Great; Wall二、(1)-(5) EDABC三、(1) CE(2) B(3) AD四、1-5 AAABA五、1. places2. dish3. dance4. Temple5. square第 4页


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