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1、,佳作选登 话题你在英国学校学习期间遇到困难,向学校辅导中心求助。 体裁求助信,英语:高三一轮复习超级课件 Unit1Friendship(新人教版必修1),Dear Sir/Madam, I m Li Hua,a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I m writing to ask for help.I came here last month and found my courses interesting.But I have some difficulties with notetaking and I

2、 have no idea of how to use the library.I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I m anxious to get help from you.,I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with you.You may email or phone me.Here are my email address and phone

3、 number:;12345678. Look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua,经典例句 亮词1.ask for help请求帮助 2provide help for.为提供帮助 3be anxious to do sth.急于干某事 4email sb给某人写电子邮件,典句1.But I have some difficulties with notetaking and I have no idea of how to use the library. 但是我在记笔记方面有困难,我也不知道如何用图书馆。 (变式)I have some troubl

4、e in taking notes and I don t know the way of using the library. 2Please let me know which day is OK with you. 请让我知道哪天与你预约合适。 (变式)Would you be so kind as to tell me which day is all right?,1We d better discuss everything _ before we work out the plan. Ain detailBin general Con purpose Don time,解题指导句

5、意:在我们制订计划之前我们最好先详细讨论事情的各个方面。本题考查介词短语。in detail详细地,符合句意。in general总的来说,一般而言;on purpose故意地;on time按时。 正确答案A,2That year his total income,with his reward _,_ 12,000 yuan. Aadded;added up to Badded;added to Cadded up to;added Dadds to;adds up to 解题指导句意:那年他的全部收入,包括奖金,共计一万两千元。add.to.把加进去;add up to共计。 正确答案A

6、,3What has made Lily so _? Her best friend s missing in the mudslide yesterday. Aworrying Btroublesome Cupset Dhurried 解题指导考查形容词词义。句意:“什么让玛丽如此难过?”“昨天,她最好的朋友在泥石流中失踪了。”由句意可知C项正确。upset心烦意乱的,难过的。 正确答案C,4You can t have lost the keys._ all your pockets again. AGo down BGo against CGo through DGo across 解题

7、指导考查动词短语意义。go through在此表示“仔细检查”。句意:你不可能把钥匙弄丢的。把你所有的口袋再仔细检查一下吧。 正确答案C,5It is reported that 70% of people in China are _ about the food security situation after so many accidents. Acurious Bconcerned Ccautious Dcertain 解题指导句意:据报道,在发生了这么多食品安全事故之后有70%的中国人关心食品安全问题。本题考查concern用法,be concerned about/for.关心;

8、担心,为固定结构。 正确答案B,.重点单词 1 vt.不理睬;忽视ignorance n无知;愚昧ignorant adj.无知的 2 adj.松(开)的 3German adj. , , ;n.德语;德国人(复数 ),ignore,loose,德国的,德国人的,德语的,Germans,4 adv.在户外,在野外indoors adv. 5 n黄昏;傍晚 n黎明;破晓 6 adj.整个的;完全的 adv.完全地;整个地 7 adj.积满灰尘的 n灰尘,outdoors,在室内,往室内,dusk,dawn,entire,entirely,dusty,dust,8 n伙伴,合作者,合伙人 9 n公

9、路 高速公路 10pack vt. n.包裹 11 n十几岁的青少年 12exactly adv. 13.不同意 vi.同意 14 adj.感激的;表示谢意的,partner,highway,expressway,捆扎,包装,打行李,teenager,确实如此,正是,确切地,disagree vi,agree,grateful,15 adj.心烦意乱的;不安的vt.使不安,使心烦;(过去式、过去分词) 16 v(使)平静;镇定下来adj. 17 vt.(使)担忧;涉及,关系到n.担心;关注 18 vi.安家,定居,停留 vt. 19 vt./vi.遭受,忍受;经历 20 vi.痊愈,恢复vt.

10、,upset,upset,upset,calm,calm,concern,settle,使定居,安排,解决,suffer,recover,恢复,找回,,重新获得,.重点短语 1add 把加起来 2calm sb. 让平静下来 3be about关心;挂念 4 the dog遛狗 5get 变松 6get 经历,经受 7set 记下,放下,up,down,concerned,walk,loose,through,down,8be about对着迷 9on 故意地 10in to为了 11 dusk在黄昏时分 12face face面对面地 13pack 打包 14get with.与相处;进展

11、15fall love.相爱;爱上,crazy,purpose,order,at,to,up,along/on,in,.重点句型 1While ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 在遛狗的时候,你不小心松了手,狗被汽车撞了。 2You will tell him/her that he/she .你会告诉他/她本应该学习。,walking the dog,should have studied,3I wonder if because I haven t been able to be outdoors for s

12、o long I ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长期无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。,it s,that,4. . it was in a year and a half that the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 5Mother asked her if/whether she was very hot so many clothes . 妈妈问她穿这么多衣服是不是很热。,the first time,I d seen,w

13、ith,on,1add up合起来,合计 add up to总共,总计 add to增加,增添(多用于抽象意义) add sth.to sth.把加到上,There must be some mistakes in this bill,please add up the figures again. 这张账单一定有些错误,请把数字重加一遍。 The number of the students in our class adds up to 54. 我们班总计有54名学生。 Please add some sugar to the soup. 请在汤里加些糖。 The piece of mus

14、ic adds to our enjoyment. 这首音乐给我们增添了欢乐。,2calm vi/vt.(使)平静;镇静;adj.平静;镇静的;沉着的 calm (sb.)down(使某人)平静下来;镇静下来 stay/keep/be calm保持镇静,The high wind passed and the sea was calm again. 大风过后,大海又风平浪静。 She calmed the baby down by giving him some milk. 她给婴儿喂牛奶喝,使他安静下来。 It took several minutes before the excited

15、football fans calmed down. 过了几分钟兴奋的足球迷才平静下来。,Please keep quiet when listening to a lecture. 听演讲时请保持安静。 LiLy is a shy girl and she always keeps silent in class. 莉莉是个害羞的女孩,她上课总是保持沉默。 Please keep still when you are being taken photoes of. 照相时,请保持静止不动。,3.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 (1)concerne

16、d adj.关心的;担忧的;焦虑的;相关的 be concerned about/for sth.担心;关心 be concerned in/with与有关 as/so far as.be concerned就而言;依之见 (2)concerning prep.有关;关于,His mother is always concerned about his future and happiness. 妈妈常为他的前途和幸福担心。 It is reported that the pop singer is concerned with selling drugs. 据报道,那个流行歌手涉嫌贩毒。,A

17、s far as we are concerned,you can go where you want. 就我认为,你可以去你想去的任何地方。 He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. 他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。,4go through经历;经受;仔细检查;用完;做完;浏览;查阅;被通过;经过 My grandfather has gone through many wars. 我爷爷经历过许多战争。 Will you go through my papers? 你将审阅我的卷子吗? Let s go

18、through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。,I tried to phone him but I can t get through. 我尽力给他打电话但就是接不通。 Have you got through your driving test? 你通过驾驶测试了吗?,5.settle vi.安家;定居;停留vt.使定居;安排;解决 (1)settle down定居;安静/平静下来;舒适地坐下(或躺下) settle on决定;选定 (2)settled adj.稳定的;舒适自在的 settlement n.协议,定居点,The mother took

19、 a long time to settle down the children. 妈妈花了好长时间才让孩子们平静下来。 Can you settle the problem on your own? 你一个人能解决这个问题吗? We must settle on the date to meet. 我们得把见面的日期定下来。 After a long talk about pay,the managers and workers reached a settlement. 就工资进行长期谈判后,劳资双方达成一项解决协议。,6suffer vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历 (1)suffer

20、 vt.遭受,蒙受,其后常接pain,loss,defeat,poverty,hunger,punishment,hardship,damage等名词作宾语。 (2)suffer vi.后常接from,表示“受折磨,受之苦,患某种疾病”。 (3)suffering n.苦难、痛苦。,He suffered many pains before he became a football star. 他在成为足球名将前受过许多苦。 She is suffering from loss of memory. 她正遭受着失忆之苦。 I cannot suffer such rudeness/insult

21、. 我不能容忍这种粗鲁的举止/侮辱。,1I _ the French written papers but failed in the English oral examination. Agot throughBlooked through Cwent through Dlived through 解析:get through通过,接通。 答案:A,2Don t respond to any emails _ personal information,no matter how official they look. Asearching Basking Crequesting Dquest

22、ioning 解析:request要求,请求;ask后加for意为:请求;要求。 答案:C,3Some research workers completely _ all those facts as though they never existed. Arefuse Bignore Cmiss Dleave 解析:ignore忽视,不理睬。 答案:B,4Scoring would depend on skill and accuracy rather than on _ only. Aforce Bpower Cstrength Denergy 解析:strength体力。 答案:C,5H

23、e made a careless decision and now he is _ from it. Asuffering Bpaining Caching Dhurting 解析:suffer from因而痛苦。 答案:A,6The meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests. Awith;for Bwith;with Cfor;about Dabout;with 解析:be concerned with与有关,be concerned for/about.

24、为担心。 答案:A,1While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 你在街上遛狗的时候,你不小心,把狗松开了,它被车撞死了。,while walking the dog相当于while you were walking the dog。当when,while,before,after等引导时间状语从句,以及条件、让步和方式状语从句中,若从句主语与主句主语相同时,则省略从句的主语(连词可省或不省)(若有be动词,直接省略),把从句谓语改为非谓语动词。表示主动用现在分词;表示被动用过去分

25、词构成:“when/while/before/afterving或ved”形式。,While crossing the street,you will never be careful too much. 当过马路时,你再小心都不为过。 When heated,water can be changed into steam. 当被加热时,水能变成蒸汽。,2.it was the first time in a year and a half that I d seen the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 It is/was the first tim

26、e that.意为“第一次做某事”,是固定句型。此句型中的It可以换成This或That;first 可根据实际情况换用其他序数词。其后从句的谓语动词通常用完成时态。,如果主句用一般现在时和现在完成时,从句用现在完成时态;若主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时态。 It is the first time that it has issued a stamp featuring a living person. 这是它第一次发行以在世的人为主题的邮票。 This is the first time that I ve been scolded. 这是我第一次被责备。 This was the s

27、econd time that he had made such mistakes. 这是他第二次犯这样的错误。,1When _ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. Acompared Bbeing compared Ccomparing Dhaving compared 解析:此处用现在分词形式,与其逻辑主语we构成主动意义。 答案:C,2Is it the first time you _ Beijing?What s your impression of the city? Avisit Bhave visited Cvisited Dis visiting 解析:此处考查句型It is the first/second.time主语have/has done.。 答案:B,


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