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1、2019中考英语四月精品单项选择考点解析+练习题 (09)注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解!1. I don t know _ the computer .A. what to useB. how useC. how to useD. how can use考点分析 :how to do如何做某事2. He often _ from the Internet for us.A. get informationB. gets informationC. get informationsD. gets informations考点分析 : a:主

2、 +vs( 一般 在 )b: information (不可数 )( 参考 39) 充 : a piece of四个意思 : 张 paper 首music 条news/information块3. You can _ the umbrella_ .A. take; homeB. take; to homeC. bring; homeD. bring; to home考点分析 : take sth home把 回家home (adv)所以 home前不加 to就如: go home4. The boy is _ the ballA. tall enough catchingB. enough t

3、all catchingC. enough tall to catchD. tall enough to catch考点分析 : a: be to dob: a + enough (参考 59; 13) 句的前提下 , 不管两个 离多 , 一定要用 to 接例: I am nice to meet. v to v 原5. Jack is good at_.A. playing the pianoB. to play the pianoC. playing pianoD. to play piano考点分析 :a: at (prep) + vingb:杰克善于 琴; 如 the piano杰克善

4、于 架 琴6. May I put my bike here?-No, you _A. may notB. can tC. might notD. mayn t考点分析 :回答 may 开 的疑 句 , 用 can not(7. He _ a lot of time_ me with my math .A. spends; helpB. spend; helpingC. spend; to helpD. spends; helping考点分析 : a: sb spend sometime (in) doing sthb: sb spend some money (on) sth基 )( 参考

5、4)花 做某事花 c: help sb with sth= help sb (to) do sth8. I have _ to tell you.A. anything interestingB. something interestingC. interesting anythingD. interesting something考点分析 : a:不定代 +a( 即 : 形容 修 不定代 要后置)b: something; anything (参考 26;56)9. Thank you for _ us the news.A. to tellB. tellsC. tellingD. told

6、考点分析 :a: thank sb for doing sth(因某事而感 某人)10. He is very _. He often_ his school things at home.A. careful; leavesB. careless; forgetsC. careful; forgetsD. careless; leaves考点分析 : a: careful 心的 ; careless粗心的他非常粗心 ,他 常把学校的 西留在家里b: forget在英 里 是“忘 ”的意思c: leave有 “ 忘某物”的意思d: leave behind 把拉在某地;*第* 组:()46.M

7、y e-mail_to you last night.A.sent;yetB.is sent;alreadyHave you received it_?C.was sent;yet D.sent;ever()47. _can we board our plane? In twenty minutes.A.How soonB.How longC.How oftenD.How much()148 Would you mind my taking this seat? _.A.Sorry, I can tB.No,not at allC.It s a pleasureD.Yes,it can.()4

8、9.We had to _our discussion because one of us suddenly got ill.A.take offB.turn offC. look upD. break off()50. Could you tell me _? Yes. He _to Australia.A.where is he;has goneB.where he is;has goneC.where he is;has beenD.what was he doing; wentA.yourself;meatB.yourselves;chickenC.yourselves;beefsD.

9、themselves;meat()52.Whatapity!LiuXiangdidn twinthe_hurdles跨栏 .A.110-meterB.110-metersC.110meterD.110meter s()53. Whatisthe_ofthe2017WorldExpo世博会 ?Itis“ BetterCity,BetterLife” .A.songB.signC.customD.theme()54.Theboyfound_hardtogetalongwiththeotherclassmates.A.thisB.thatC.itD.one()55.LetssearchtheInte

10、rnetforsomeinformationaboutfamouspeople,_?A.willyouB.won tyouC.shallweD.areyou()56._theafternoonofApril30th,manyforeignvisitorsarrived_Shanghai.A.In;atB.On;inC.On;toD.On,for()57.You_betiredafterplayingsportsforalongtimewithoutarest.A.mustB.needC.can tD.needn t()58.Theypreferred_ratherthan_abike.A.towalk;toride B.walking;ridingC.towalk;rideD.walking;toride()59.Inourschoollibray,there_anumberofbooksonscienceandthenumberofthem_growinglargerandlarger.A.is;areB.has;areC.have;isD.are;is()60.Severaldayshaspassed_theaircrash空难 happened.A.sinceB.afterC.asD.if参考答案第* 组: 46 50CABDB51 55BADCC56 60BACDA


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