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1、Unit2 My favourite seasonPart A Let s learn教学目标与要求1.能掌握四会单词: season, spring, summer,autumn, winter。2.能掌握四会句子Which season do you like best?并能运用于生活中。3.会唱歌曲 Whats your favourite season? .重点能正确掌握四个季节的单词及拼写。难点能够听说认读句子Which season do you like best? 并能在具体的语境中运用该句型 .教具卡片 ppt教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1. Lets ch

2、ant四年级下册 Unit Three Lets chant录音,要求学生一边做动作,一边演唱。2.问答练习。T:Whats the weather like today?S:Its hot.T:Whats the weather like in Beijing?S:Its warm.教学环节师生活动Presentation新知呈现1.Look and guess.T: Look ! There are some flowers and the trees are green now .What season isit ?Ss: Spring.T: It s a warm season! Wh

3、at s the weather like in spring?第 1页2. PPT 呈现重点词汇。 T: Spring. Yes, it s a warm season!(板书 spring,领读,分析其读音: spring,ring) What s the weather like in spring?Ss:It s sunny and warm . Sometimes it s windy. T: Now look at this picture. Which season is it?Ss:Summer.T: summer 板书,领读并分析其发音 ,突出 u 的发音总结: but, c

4、ut, jump PPT 出示 It is _and the days are_.Ss: hot and long T: Now we have learned two new words about season. Let s have a chantabout them【.设计意图:巩固加深spring 和 summer,调节课堂氛围。】 T:There are many fruits and farmers are busy. Which season is it?Ss: Autumn.T:autumn 板书,领读,扩展fall T: Look,it verys cold, it s s

5、nowy and it s white. Which season is it?Ss:Winter.T:winter 板书,领读,引导学生总结er 发音 summer, father,mother【设计意图:呈现核心词汇, 逐步引导学生在情境中对新词进行问答,在讲解过程中渗透自然拼读教学。】1.Games: What s missing? Read and guess【设计意图:利用游戏的方式巩固核心词汇,活跃课堂气氛。】2.Listen and answerT:We are talking about seasons. Mr. Jones and the children are talki

6、ng about seasons too. Let s listen and answerthefollowing questions: What does Mr Jones ask? Which season does Oliver like ? Why?【设计意图:导入课本对话,引出重点句型。】教学环节师生活动第 2页Practice巩固练习1.Listen and repeat听音正音。【设计意图:训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。】1.Let s practice.T: Which season do you like best? Now you can ask and answ

7、er in pairs. 3.活动:说一说你家乡四季的不同气候Its warm in spring. Its hot in summer.It s cool in autumn. Its cold in winter.3猜谜游戏: Which season is it in?活动方式:教师说某种节日或事物,让学生猜一猜它所属的季节。茹: Womens Day. Children -s Day. We can eat mooncakes. We can swim inthe water.教学环节师生活动Production 输出运用1.Read and match接上个环节,教师小结: Diff

8、erent seasons have different colours不.同的季节有不同的色彩。 教师请学生阅读 Read and match部分的内容, 然后解释它们的意思,最后让学生完成连线任务。翻译如下:Sprjng is green with flowers and songs春.天是绿色的,鸟语花香。 Summer is hot and the days are long夏.天很热,白昼很长。 Autumn is golden and farmers are busy秋.天是金黄的,农民很忙。 Winter is white and the year is gone冬.天是白色的,一年就要过去。 2.Sing the sang What-s your favourite season?板书设计Unite 2 My favorite season A let s learnspringsummerautumnwinterWhat-s your favourite season?Which season do you like best?第 3页Whats the weather like in?教学反思第 4页


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