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1、九年级英语组复习学案( Unit 4)重点短 :1. the light on the plane 机上的光2.travel from Earth to the moon从地球到月球旅行3. sleep with eyes open眼睛 着睡4. sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time同 打 嚏,眼睛 着5. There is no plant life without lightning .没有光就没有生命。6.as usual 跟往常一 7. under the big tree在大 下8. in the tree在 上 (区分 on

2、 the tree)9. turn around 来10. all of a sudden =suddenly突然11. listen carefully仔 听12. run away quickly迅速跑开13. on the way to. 在去的路上14. beside the tree在 旁15. say to oneself自言自 16. make a sound like a whisper 出像低 声的声音17. be frightened of害怕18. be surprised at . 感到吃惊19.the animal centre 物中心20. take care of

3、照 21. have a good time(in) doing sth很开心做某事22. something strange奇怪的事情23. sound like a ghost听起来像鬼24. take him to the hospital把他 到医院25. the top of the big tree 梢26. put into 把 . 放到 . 里27. be fond of doing 喜 做某事28. live up to +age活到 29. as as .与 . 一 30. thank you for doing sth感 做某事31. find sth +adj 某物 /

4、find +it +adj + to do 做某事32. remember things for three seconds 事三秒33. sth happen to sb某人 生某事 / happen to do sth碰巧做某事34. during our lives在我 的生活中35. the weight of的重量36. eat as dinner吃 . 做晚 37. keep doing sth不断做某事38. learn to do sth学 做某事39. thousands of years ago几千年 40. the visit to 到的参 41. be full of

5、= be filled with充 42. such a little bird = so little a bird如此小的 43. on Earth = on the earth在地球上用心爱心专心44. walk on tiptoe用脚尖走路45. be crazy about doing sth对做某事很着迷46. walk the dog = take the dog for a walk遛狗47. pracitise doing sth练习做某事48. wake sb up = wake up sb叫醒某人语言点讲解:1. 一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态, 也可表示过去

6、经常发生的动作。 一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式表示。动词 be 的过去式 :was . were . 动词的一般过去时在构成否定句和疑问句时必须借助于助动词 did .2.重用的时间状语:yeserday , yesterday morning /afternoon /evening等a moment ago , two days ago just now等last Sunday , last year等in1991 ,in the past等有时句中没有明确的时间状语,则必须根据上下文的提示来确定:1)根据问句或答句的时态:How did you spend your weekend ? I

7、 _(go) swimming2) 并列连词前后的时态通常一致:He put on his coat and _(go) out .3) 短文中起始句对下文有提示作用:Long, long ago , therewas a lion and a mouse .One day , the lion woke up and found the mouse in front of him . He caught him and wanted to eat him up .过去式的变化 :规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed ”构成,具体变化有:1.直接在词尾加 -ed 。如 : want wante

8、d, work worked, need needed, cleancleaned2. 以不发音的 e 结尾的在词尾加 -d 。如:like liked, live lived, useused, move moved3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加 -ed 。如: stop stopped, trip tripped4.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,先把 y 变成 i ,再加 -ed 。如:study studied,carrycarried, hurry hurried, marry married不规则动词的过去式见课本后的不规则动词表。

9、大体上归纳有以下六条记忆法:1.以 t 结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。如:put put,let let,cut cut,beatbeat2.以 d 结尾的词,把 d 变成 t 。如:build built,lend lent,sendsent,spendspent3.以 n 结尾的词,在词后加t 。如: meanmeant, burn burnt, learnlearnt4. 以 ow / aw 结尾的词,把 ow / aw变成 ew。如: blow blew, drawdrew, knowknew, grow grew5.含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t 。如: keepkept

10、,sleep slept, feelfelt, smell smelt6.含有元音字母 o / i 的词,将 o / i 变成 a。如: sing sang, give gave, sitsat, drinkdrank用心爱心专心规则动词词尾加 -ed 有三种读音:1. 在清辅音后读作 t 。如: asked, helped, watched, stopped2. 在浊辅音和元音后读作 d 。如: enjoyed, studied, moved, called3.在 t / d 后读作 id 。如: wanted, needed巩固练习:一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词 .1.There

11、 are a lot of _(惊人的 )things in the world .2.Edison _ (发明 ) a lot of tings in his life .3.Do you know what () to him yesterday ?4.They listened carefully and heard the _(奇怪的 )sound in their roomlast night .5.Is the river deep _(足够 )for swimming in ?6. My brother went to school w_ breakfast this morni

12、ng .7. Our teacher told us that light t_ faster than sound .8. Do you know the w_ of the pig ? Its about 100 kg.9. It is a p_(please) for me to stay with you .10. Do you enjoy the C_ English taught by Li Yang ?二、同义句转换。1. There is no plant life without lightning .If _ _ _ _, there is no plant life .2

13、. It took us two days to finish this work .We _ two days _ this work .3. It rained heavily last night , so I didnt go out .I didnt go out last night _ _ the heavy rain .4. Cross the bridge at the strret corner ._ _ the bridge at the corner .三、单项选择。()1. What did you buy for your daughter at the super

14、market ?I bought _, because I couldnt find _ she likes .A. something , anything B. anything , somethingC. nothing , anythingD. something , nothing()2. This morning I went to school in such a hurry that I _ mybook at home .A . leftB. forgotC. lostD. leave()3. It was already two oclock when I _ London

15、A. arrivedB. got C. reachedD. came()4. How clean the window is !- Yes , it _ just now .A. has been cleanedB. was cleaned C. is cleanedD. will be cleaned()5. The boy never talks in clas , _?- _ . He listens to the teacher carefully .A. does he , No, he doesntB. does he , Yes , he doesC. doesn t he ,

16、No , he doesn tD. doesnt he , Yes , he does()6.What do you thinkof her spoken English ? Oh , no one speaks _.用心爱心专心A. betterB. wellC. bestD. good .()7. I found _ important _us to learn English well .A. it , forB. it , ofC. this , forD. that , of()8. Do you know _ yesterday ?A. what he happenedB. wha

17、t did he happenC. what happened to himD. what was happened to him()9. The little girl was too frightened _ a word .A. not to tellB. not to sayC. to tellD. to say()10. _ you fond _cartoon films ? Yes , I _.A. Do , of , doB. Are , of , areC. Do , of , am D. Are , of , am四 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Something iswro

18、ng withyour car . Dont worry , you can use _(we)2.The _(high) you climb , the more beautiful view you will see.3.Nancy is patient and she doesn t give up _(easy)4.From June 1 st, supermarkets in China will not provide plastic bags forfree , if _ (shop) need one , they have to pay .5.He seemed _(frie

19、nd) at first , but now I have got to know himand realize he is warm and kind .6.Dead _(leaf) can be seen here and there in late autumn .7.What about _(have) a birds eye view of Shanghai ?Great ! I cant wait to.8.We are told _(not laugh) at those in trouble .9.Hed liketobuy a presentforhis sister s _

20、(twelve) birthday .10. I was doing some shopping when the building _(star) to shake hard .五补全对话。A.When can I have it back ?B. Who can buy a bikeC. Good morning .D. Thanks a lot .E. You are welcomeF. It needs mending .G. My bike is broken .A: _ can I help you ?B: Good morning . _.A: Let me have a loo

21、k . _ Leave it here .B: _.A: Tomorrow morning .B. Thank you very much .A: _.六翻译句子。1. 他们转过身来,但是没看见什么异常的东西。They _ _, but they saw_ _.2. 他们再也不害怕了。They _ afraid _ _.用心爱心专心3. 他会对任何 11 点前吵醒他的人汪汪叫。He _ at _ who _ him _ before 11 oclock.4. 曾经有过几百种不同种类的恐龙。There weren t _ _dinosaurs.5. 西蒙痴迷于足球。Simon _ _ _ football .用心爱心专心


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