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1、Unit 5 The Secret to Success一、选择填空:(20 分)() 1、They_ to speak English at the meeting last week.A 、askedB、 askC、 are askedD、 were asked() 2、The _I give ,the _I will get.A 、 much, muchB、 more, moreC、many, manyD、 most, most() 3、The river near my house is _.A 、10 metres longerB、 10 metres longC、long 10 m

2、etresD、 10 metre long() 4、_ your help, we finished our work on time.A 、 Thanks forB、 ThankC、Thanks toD、 Because() 5、Speak clearly _ we may understand you.A 、in order toB、 forC、 so thatD 、 but() 6、He can mend a lot of things. If he cant mend this ,I think _ can!A 、 everybodyB、 somebodyC、anybodyD 、no

3、body() 7、The train arrived at _ 8 oclock, neither earlier nor later.A 、 nearlyB 、almostC、 exactlyD 、 hardly() 8、Teng Lan _ the best student in our class.A 、 is regard asB 、 regard asC、is regarded asD、 regarded as() 9、The woman is famous _ her kindness.A 、toB、 aboutC、 withD 、 for() 10、 He told me tha

4、t he _ the place before.A 、 has visitedB、 would visitedC、had visitedD、 have visited() 11、 The camera cost _ that she didnt buy it.A 、 so littleB、 so muchC、 so manyD、 such little() 12、 We had our pictures _ in the middle of the square.A 、 to takeB 、 takenC、 takeD、 takes() 13、 Now at the beginning of

5、_ century the worlds population has passed six billion.A 、 21B、 21stC、 the 21D、 the 21 st() 14、 Liu Bin told me that he _ me with English the next week.A 、 helpedB、 will helpC、had helpedD、 would help() 15、 She stopped the boys _ noise in class.A 、 from makeB、 from makingC、 to makeD、 making() 16、 _ o

6、f the students are girls in our grade.A 、 Two threeB 、Two threesC、Two thirdsD 、Second three() 17、 The number of the students in our school _ 1200.A 、 isB 、hasC、 areD 、 have() 18、 How many pets have you _?用心爱心专心A 、 keepB 、 keptC、 look forD 、 keeps() 19、 “It was cold yesterday”“ _”A 、 So was itB、 So i

7、t wasC、It was soD、 It is so() 20、 The population of Beijing is _ than that of Harbin.A 、 smallerB、 fewerC、 muchD 、 large二、词汇测试(25 分)I. 单词释义:( 1) f_ _ _ _ _a large place where many trees grow.( 2) u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ get the meaning of( 3) d_ _ _going a long way down( 4) p_ _ _ _ _like one thing bette

8、r than another( 5) c_ _ _ _ _ _ _machine used for doing problems.II. 用所给词的正确形式填空:1. To be a doctor for animals is very _. ( reward )2. She said she could mend the bike _. (her )3. The news is very _. (excite)4. He asked the doctor how to eat _. (health)5. It s a little _ to get anjectionin. ( pain)6

9、. Two _ visited the Summer Palace yesterday. ( German )7. The _ is used for printing documents. ( print )8. Our teacher gave me a _ smile. ( friend )9. Many _ of trees must be planted every year. ( thousand)10、 He believed he had made a good _.( decide)III 根据句意填词 ,首字母已给出 :1. The animals were never t

10、_ when they were sick in olddays.2. They made up their m_ to move the mountains away.3. Do you have any black shoes in s_ 36?4. Beijing has many places of i_.5. No m_ how hot it is, he still plays on the playground.6. We will remember Lei Feng f_.7. There will be s_ room only on the earth.8. The doc

11、tor c_ the baby and found nothing serious.9. Some old people feel so lonely that they have to keepa cat or dog as a p_.10、 Cody carefully g_ the baby in his mouth.三、句型转换(15 分)1. As he loved animals, he continued his education. (同义)As he loved animals he _ _ _ his education.2. To keep a dog as a pet

12、is interesting.(同义)_ is interesting _ keep a dog as a pet.用心爱心专心3. Both of us have much time.( 否定句 )_ of us _ much time.4. Will he come? He asked me.( 改复合句 )He asked me _ he _ come.5.It s for humans and not for animals(同.义)It s for_ , and not for animals.6.Bell invented the telephone. (同义)Bell is _

13、_ of the telephone.7. Uncle Wang mended the TV 2 hours ago. (被动) The TV _ _ by Uncle Wang 2 hours ago.四、完形填空:( 10 分)Someone says,“ Time is money” .But I think time is _1_important than money, Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. But when time is gone, it will never _2_.That is _3_we

14、 mustn t waste time.It goes without saying that _4_is usually limited( 有限的 )_5_a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do _6_.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. Theyspent their limited time speaking, drinking and _7 _.Th

15、ey don t know that wasting time means wasting part of their own _8_.In a word. we should save time. Weshouldn t 9_ today s work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to _10_.() 1、A 、 muchB、 lessC、 much lessD、 much more() 2、A 、 returnB、 carryC 、getD、 bring() 3、A 、 whatB、 becauseC、 whyD、 so() 4、A 、 mo

16、neyB、 timeC 、 dayD 、 food() 5、A 、 EveryB、 EvenC 、 InD、 Since() 6、A 、 nothing usefulB、 useful anythingC、 something usefulD、 useful everything() 7、A 、 readingB、 writingC、 playingD、 working() 8、A 、 timeB、 livesC、 foodD、 money() 9、A 、 stopB、 giveC 、 letD 、 leave() 10、 A 、 loseB、 saveC 、 spendD 、 take五、根

17、据对话内容在每个横线上填上一个适当的词。(10 分)A : Which is _ interesting, English or Maths?B:I think English is more interesting _ Maths.A : I don t agree _ you. Maths is more interesting. What more,_ very simportant.B:I know maths is very _ ,but I found _ very difficult and I would _ to drop it.A : Don t dropmaths.You

18、mustworkhard_it.Ithinkmathsis_interestingas English.B:Listen to the bell. It stime _ class.六、阅读短文,判断正误:(10 分)用心爱心专心Long, long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. These people moved from place to place. They moved over the land to hunt( 捕 )animals.No one knows how or where these people lea

19、rned about growing food. But when they did,their lives changed. They didn t have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place andgrew it.People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came towork in the villages. These villages grew very big.When machine

20、s came along, life in the village changed again. Factories were built. Moreand more people lived near the factory, and cities began. The cities grew very big.Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?() 1、People moved from place a place long ago because they had to look for

21、food.() 2、 From this passage we know that villages began after cities.() 3、When factories were built, more and more people lived around them.() 4、People are moving back to small towns because cities are growing bigger and bigger.() 5、This passage is about how people live.七、 面表达:( 10 分)根据中文提示及英文提示 ,写

22、一篇短文(60 80 )李大 年 身 力壮,活 好 ,干起活来很 力,工作 是干得很出色。他 能悉心照料妻子和孩子 。 如今他六十六 了,再也不必 力气干活了。 他喜 散散步、 看看 ,和老朋友聊聊天,看着 子 在花园里玩。他 着幸福的生活。strong, active(活 好 ), used to, take good care of, no longer, have to, live a happy life.【试题答案】一、 DBBCCDCCDCBBDDBCABBA二、I.1、 forest2、 understand3、 deep4、 prefer5、 computerII.1、 rew

23、arding2、herself3、exciting4、healthily5、 painful6、 Germans7、printer8、 friendly9、 thousands 10、decisionIII.1、 treated2、 minds3、 size4、 interest5、 matter6、 forever7、 standing8、 checked9、 pet10、 grabbed三、 went on with2、 It to3、 Neither has4、 if would5、 human beings6、 the inventor7、 was mended四、 DACBBCCBDA五、 morethanwithit simportantitlikeonasfor用心爱心专心六、 七 . 略用心爱心专心


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